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RV6 N30AK Fatal


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KCCR: At approx. 10:30 local while doing pattern work a mayday was called upon departure. The owner and pilot was the sole occupant and suffered fatal injuries. He was well known at the field for doing a huge amount of pattern work. His tires never touched down more than 6 inches apart from one landing to the next. He was capable of short field landings like no one else.Gods Speed and our thoughts are with the family.

[Speculative text deleted;S.Buchanan]


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. He was well known at the field for doing a huge amount of pattern work.
Dang, seriously. I just looked at his flight tracks on FA, the dude never went anywhere. Just around and around and around and around the pattern; to me that’d sure get monotonous after awhile... and I actually like to go out for some pattern bounces on occasion.
Dang, seriously. I just looked at his flight tracks on FA, the dude never went anywhere. Just around and around and around and around the pattern; to me that’d sure get monotonous after awhile... and I actually like to go out for some pattern bounces on occasion.
Yep, that's all his wife would let him do. She was afraid of him leaving the pattern.
Super sad. I did all my flight training at KCCR and have been in the pattern with him dozens of times. Always an impressive climb out, then a power off landing. Every lap. On a side note, I rarely do pattern work at Concord anymore because there is just no where to go if something does happen. Too much city around the airport. RIP
From one of the news links:

...said eyewitness Wayne Edwards who claimed that same pilot frequently performed stunts. "Luckily, he didn't hit any cars or buildings ... I've seen him for years, doing stunts. He flies every day, and he didn't make it this time."

And yet, his tracks show him just doing circuits. I didn't know circuits were stunts...
Four years ago I did my IFR training out of Concord, and remember him doing multiple (20 X plus) touch-and-goes, and this was every couple of days. Airport loved it since it logged “landings.” Thought it was odd just to do (only) touch-and-goes, but each to their own. Yes, congested area, and options are limited.
From one of the news links:

...said eyewitness Wayne Edwards who claimed that same pilot frequently performed stunts. "Luckily, he didn't hit any cars or buildings ... I've seen him for years, doing stunts. He flies every day, and he didn't make it this time."

And yet, his tracks show him just doing circuits. I didn't know circuits were stunts.
Hmmmmmmmm... And Wayne Edwards is.......who? I always take 'eyewitness' accounts with sometimes a cowlick block of salt. A non-aviation familiar eyewitness can sometimes make assumptions about something they know very little about. 'Stunts' might have been him pulling the power on downwind to make a 'power-off' landing. Makes one wonder what the cause was if he was doing what he did 'every day'. Lesson we can learn: PAY ATTENTION. Even the familiar can sneak up and bite us.....

As a flying community we mourn the loss of one of our own.......
He was not "flying stunts", that's just gibberish from some troll. He flew 3-5 days per week and was incredibly proficient. He was the master of short field approaches, some non-aviators may see this tight pattern as a "stunt" but it was about as safe as it gets. We will eventually find out what caused his power failure, but I am miffed as to why he go so far off field.
So sad. RIP. How many circuits did he do in the last year? Never seen something like this. Any idea what failure was?
Hey folks - comments on “why didn’t he do this?” Or “why didn;t he take this option?” Are speculation. No one knows anything at this point other than the official report, so let’s respect the fact that the family might be reading these comments, and we don’t need to question their loved-one’s actions…..
Hey folks - comments on “why didn’t he do this?” Or “why didn't he take this option?” Are speculation. No one knows anything at this point other than the official report, so let’s respect the fact that the family might be reading these comments, and we don’t need to question their loved-one’s actions…..
Ok. I am willing to learn from my mistakes. I posted earlier and since my post was deleted and this was posted by the moderator I can only assume that they are related. However that is an assumption that I have no way of verifying. This occurred to me as I was half-way through re-typing my original post (thinking that I had done something stupid like not pressing 'post reply') which would I guess been received as me being bull-headed. Not good.

I understand that the moderator cannot respond to the OP because that would lead to the original post still being visible but there should be some mechanism for the OP to know that they were specifically targeted even if it is with a PM.

Any insights are welcome.
Ok. I am willing to learn from my mistakes. I posted earlier and since my post was deleted and this was posted by the moderator I can only assume that they are related. However that is an assumption that I have no way of verifying. This occurred to me as I was half-way through re-typing my original post (thinking that I had done something stupid like not pressing 'post reply') which would I guess been received as me being bull-headed. Not good.

I understand that the moderator cannot respond to the OP because that would lead to the original post still being visible but there should be some mechanism for the OP to know that they were specifically targeted even if it is with a PM.

Any insights are welcome.

There is a mechanism for informing the OP of deletion, it is up to the moderator to decide whether or not to use it. I think the posters of most deleted posts know why they were deleted. I didn't delete your post but will consider using the inform function more often. :)