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Propeller Speed Reduction Drives

Hi Wlodzimierz and welcome to the world of RVs!
We have a sizeable fleet of RVs equipped with Subaru engines we even have an advertiser on this site offering Subaru packages for RVs. Competition is always a good thing for us homebuilders it keeps prices fair and not twisting our arms:) I browsed your website you have lots of units for different purposes. But I couldn't find RPSU for larger (3.0+ liter) engines.Do you manufacture them as well? Also - is there an RV airplane already fitted with your Drive? You may be interested to contact the owner of this site for advertising space (no I don't work for him, I am a lifetime reader of VAF) it's very affordable I heard and thousand of RV owners and dreamers are browsing it every day...
looks good and i agree with the competition statement, but my Gen 3 is working just perfectly with almost 200 hours on it........no complaints here...

anyone have any problems with Gen 3's other than the standard harmonic issue?
