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Fairings Etc. Empennage Fit Issues


Well Known Member
Purchased the emp fairing and lower fiberglass close-out strips from Fairings, Etc. Had to perform lots of work to get the main piece to fit well. Now, looking at the fiberglass strips that go under the horizontal stab. Fit is not even close. Especially toward the leading edge. Piece does to follow the curve very well.

Questions, please:
Anyone else have these issues?
Do you make attach points into the horizontal stab somehow, in addition to the points in the longerons?
Should this strip dead end at the edge of the inspection cover?

Thinking I should just fabricate my own at this point.

Thank you!!!


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I had good luck with their intersection fairings on the gear legs, but I made my own empennage fairing. No real reason other than I just wanted to. My homemade fairing looks very similar to what you have, with the strip under the HS forming a butt joint where it intersects the main piece an inch or so back from the leading edge. Two screws with Tinnerman washers hold that small strip underneath in place. You could form a lip to catch the upper piece, but mine are stiff enough that it wasn't necessary.

If you need the piece to conform better to the curve, a heat gun in conjunction with pressure from an oven mitt will likely get it into place.
I’ve tried heating and forming other fiberglass parts in the past with little success. Well, I took another shot at it with your suggestion just now. Got a good amount of correction on initial try! Your reminder just saved me a bunch of work! Thank you!!!

On mine that fairing fits under the top fairing. It requires some manipulation to get it under the top fairing during installation. I don’t remove those anymore during inspections. Just removing the top fairing for inspection and tucking the bottom one back in during installation.


I also put the lower fairings under the upper fairing. My upper fairing fit so well it took minimal work to get a finished job. I had to work the area around the leading edge of the vertical and I tighten up the fit around the aft fuselage in front of the horizontal. It’s held on by only six screws

Here is my installation http://www.mykitlog.com/users/display_log.php?user=sdahrens&project=248&category=2326&log=204053&row=3

And the complete process http://www.mykitlog.com/users/category.php?user=sdahrens&project=248&category=2326

I started with the Vans fairing but gave up and used the Fairings-etc product instead

I posted a video about vinyl wrap on another forum as part of a vinyl discussion. But it does show the finished empennage fairing.

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Thanks for the replies, suggestions, and links everyone! Had a good session yesterday with the heat gun and other adjustments. Much better than how it started. There is hope!:)


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Remember every RV is different

How they work they get an RV on their airfield who volunteers to used as a mold for their fairings molds/plugs. It fits THAT RV perfect.

You hope the RV they use to make the mold was NOMINAL in all respects. If the RV has fit tolerance at one extreme, than all the fairings will be off on more RV's than on.

In my case RV-7:
  • Wing Rubber molding, per drawing (looks good light and drag reduction of any root fairing is questionable)
  • Tail intersection fairing, per drawing (van's close enough)
  • Wing and Empennage tips, per drawing (most people use van's but there are aftermarket wing tips that are XYZ)
  • Gear leg to cowl/fuselage intersection, fabricate in place wet-layup glass over clay/foam **
  • Gear leg to wheel pant, fabricate in place wet-layup glass over clay/foam **

** I would buy and use premade gear leg fairings if I could but I have TEAM ROCKET gear leg fairing which are wider.
I have always considered the fiberglass fairings (from whatever source) to be 'starting points' and never expect an acceptable fit. (for reasons that jetpilot wrote)

Starting with the stock part, i put slits in the fairing to loosen the fit then tape down to fit. Then resin with fillers to set the shape. Then add glass cloth inside or outside as needed. Then fill and finish.

Yup, more fiberglass fun but insures a perfect fit every time.