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Effectiveness of the RV-14 WIKI

Actively using the Wiki

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 84.2%
  • Not Really

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters

HAL Pilot

Well Known Member
Hey All

Trying to get a feel for how many folks are finding the Wiki useful and actually using it?

Is it saving you from making mistakes?

Is it saving you from tech support calls to the mothership?

Recommendations for making it better.
Last edited:
I am in phase one now and not using it much any more. I looked at it often during the build and think it helped me avoid many mistakes and issues. I appreciate that you made this available. Thanks!
Sorry if I didn't mention earlier.

Its a Drop box PDF folder located in my signature Line.

New to the poll options so not exactly how I meant it to be.
The amount of work you put in to this is impressive and appreciated. In the past I would go on Vans and use the drawings revisions. The links you make to VAF posts is very valuable.
The amount of work you put in to this is impressive and appreciated. In the past I would go on Vans and use the drawings revisions. The links you make to VAF posts is very valuable.

Ditto!! While I could probably do the project without it, I have avoided mistakes and frustration because of it!
I do find it useful however often it seems like some of the notes refer to
Things that were already corrected in the plans (might be mistaken).

I do actively use it and thanks for all your efforts!
I was unaware of the Wiki when I first started. If I'd referred to it more often, I would have been saved from a handful of mistakes (and ordering replacement parts). I'm still starting out, and will continue to refer to the Wiki.
I do find it useful however often it seems like some of the notes refer to
Things that were already corrected in the plans (might be mistaken).

I do actively use it and thanks for all your efforts!

JD You are correct. Phase 3 will be to try to send a comprehensive list of bad and old threads (Most do not make it to the wiki) to a moderator to pull from the VAF site.

Any Moderators that are interested please contact me.

I am tracking the dead and bad threads, currently of the ones NOT on the WIKI I am up to 80 or so bad threads or threads that have been negated by plans updates.

I am about halfway through the RV14 threads so 2000 or so to go ( oh Joy!) once those are done I will go through the WIKI and try to clean any dead threads up from there.
Hey All

Trying to get a feel for how many folks are finding the Wiki useful and actually using it?

Is it saving you from making mistakes?

Is it saving you from tech support calls to the mothership?

Recommendations for making it better.


I reference it quite a bit. Really appreciate you putting so much time into it.

I've been reading through it while waiting on my tail to ship. It's a great resource and will definitely be using it again and again through my build.
I do find it useful however often it seems like some of the notes refer to
Things that were already corrected in the plans (might be mistaken).

I do actively use it and thanks for all your efforts!

Some of the Notes or threads have been corrected by plan revisions. Once I have all the threads on, "only" 14 pages to go (= 840 posts) I will try to have a clean up process where old threads that no longer apply are removed (preferably) or I move them to a dead link tracking page so I can keep more organized.

Currently I have around 150 old threads that are clogging up the RV14 tab. If any moderators are interested in helping out please pm me.

Or how does one become a moderator?
Tremendous resource

The Wiki is amazing. I find it extremely useful. It has definitely saved me some trouble. I generally review it along side the paper plans in preparation for a build session, and refer to it at times as I proceed. It puts the right information in the right place at the right time for me.

Thank you for putting together such a great resource.
Great WIKI!

Pete, I have used on every page of my build so far, I print a copy and have both out to refer to. Sorry I haven't been much help so far, I should get my kit next month, so will be more active in using and helping with updating etc.
I voted wrong, without thinking

I downloaded your wiki, and also have it on my shortcuts. What I don't have yet is a plane to work on. But that should change in July.
searching the part number to find what Sub-Kit# the part is in?

I have done my inventory and kept all the parts in the respective Sub-Kit #s. Has anyone developed an easy way (Excel?) to search the parts list to find what Sub-Kit# that part is in?
First, Thanks for taking the time to create the Wiki. I have used it several times but seem to have trouble locating what I need to find in a timely manner. I just tried to find the "gotcha file" which I have found useful in the past, but have not been able to locate it again.

I used the wiki fairly regularly early in the build. I haven't consulted it in a while but it is definitely worthwhile to alert folks to areas that are prone to misinterpretation and mistakes.
I view it as CRUCIAL.

I might have given up without it, and I live in a place with aweseome support. Even so, it keeps me from feeling retarded.

I reference the Wiki almost every day. It has been VERY useful and the effort to keep it updated is much appreciated. And yes, it has cut down on support calls.
Another thumbs up for the WIKI. I thinks it’s an invaluable tool to review particularly when running into a snag, or just not sure how to approach something. Gotten a ton of great tips from the WIKI 👍