Image of EKPV

If I have done this right you will see the flyer that I received at Oshkosh on the EKPV.

The unites I saw went through a program to show you the different options, also the represintive showed me several options that the unit will do. The panel dock has contacts built in that will have leads on the back side for the various inputs like autopilot and weather, the EKPV has contacts on the back that mate up with the contacts on the panel dock when snapped into place. They told me it would be around October before it would be released as thay have some fine tuning on the joy stick and the control knob.
Thanks for the great info Ken. I hope they do better on meeting delivery date than they did with the XMWX upgrade. I guess I'll have to just start saving my $.


A Couple of other things I like with the new unit is what looks like a panel page in case you would loose you efis, and it has a battery back up that is made for the unit that is supposed to last about four hours.
I got to spend about 15 minutes one on one at the Avmap booth. It's a very nice looking unit. Uses same screen size as EKP IV. About half the thickness of the IV with a slightly smaller footprint. The outside edge of the dock match the size of the unit for a clean install. The connector in the dock is a bus for WX, Traffic, serial etc. It has a lithium ion battery that will actually charge. The Avmap traffic system comes in two styles. Panel mount or a remote mount box and has a really nice display on the unit. The toggle is still on the unit and has an additional tactile wheel built around it that is used with or instead of the toggle. When selecting airports, intersections a qwerty keyboard comes on screen that you can use the wheel to select letters and the toggle is used as an enter key. They are negotiating with vendors for data updates estimated to be $200 for a full year subscription. Plates would be some additional amount of money. Street price about $2000 and they believe they will give discounts to EKP IV owners to be determined. All and All very nice! Since the actual interface system was designed from the ground up they should be close to their estimated delivery by the end of the year.

EKP-V Delivery update

For those out there waiting for the new AvMap EKP-V and INCAS, you will have to wait a little longer. Just got a reply from AvMAp to my request for info on delivery and price. All I got back was:

Dear customer,

We are hoping to release both unit late Feb early March.

Best regards
AvMap Technical Support

So it would seem that they are living up to their reputation of NOT meeting their own deadlines. I can only hope that it is worth the wait.

One if my favorite sayings is, "If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to do it over?"

Far better to have it late and right than on schedule and full of bugs.
Good things come to those who have patience.
My 2cents...

what will be different between the IV and V model.
I am looking for a new gps for learning ifr
do they have approach plates and what about subscribtion to updates and XM................ how much do you know.
According to the released info the differences are as follows:

Faster processor
New operating system (Windows CE?)
More capable and faster GPS receiver
Approach plates
Airport diagram
AOPA airport directory
Vertical profile
Better user interface
Ability to communicate to several other devices (EFIS, WX, autopilot, traffic) at the same time
New(better) joystick

This is a quick list from memory so there may be more or I may not be correct on some. Bottom line is that if it does everything they say it will it should (IMO) correct most of the complaints I have had with the IV and make it more in line with the Garmin X96 capabilities.
more info....where?

I have the Geopilot II plus, (have no idea how to use it...yet)

I like that it will interface with traffic systems ( PCAS XRX) if I get one someday.
Now the EKP V has this INCAS option, perhaps the entire package will make more sense, as the XRX is $1500 all by itself!
..but what is INCAS? there is nothing I coudl find online, except it seems to be based on some marine navigation CAS equipment.
weird that AvMap would publish flyers etc., and not have more info available.
( maybe I need to learn Italian? :)
Just a bit of info

I have now gotten close to 10 hours behind my AvMap, and I find it to be everything I was hoping for.

Even though it is on the other side of the panel, it is bright and easy to see, and the size of the screen is great.

All I have used it for is a moving map, just to see where I am, where I am going, and to identify airspace.

I have the unit mounted vertical, and I set it for course up, so I always have the most info available in my direction of flight.

I also have the top box showing heading, airspeed and a few other things I cant remember at this time.

Am I happy with the unit----YES.
AvMap 5

BillC Is that release date 2011 or 2012. Also, does the 5 have a moveable curser. What is the resolution & brighness value. (nits)
*The release date is stated as 2011.
*Same resolution and brightness as IV. I don't know the NIT# but have not had any problem seeing the IV in most conditions.
*Not sure what you mean by moveable curser but, the joy stick does move the pointer over the screen so you can pick points and get info for that point or use for GOTO navigation. Not sure how the on screen keyboard interfaces with the joystick.
Remote control - anyone use this thing?

I have a newish Geopilot II plus.

I think the remote would be better for entering waypoints and airport identifiers....mine will not work at all, checked the battery etc.

anyone able to help?

also, how to reset fuel amount in the similator?

Trying to upgrade

Been trying to buy the new nav data download for my IV. Went on the website and verified that I have all the newest loaders, right version, and the 512MB card. Select the stuff, fill in the billing stuff, put my card in my computer and it asks me for the card serial number. Pull the card, load the EXACT serial number, hit enter, and it's not a valid serial number??

Anybody have any ideas. Is there some other number on the unit that they may be looking for?

Just hoping someone in the know will read this tonight and get me running or I'll give them a call tomorrow. I've done this before and never had to go through this..

You gotta love change just for the sake of change:(
Remote control for terrestrial nav ONLY

I have a newish Geopilot II plus.

I think the remote would be better for entering waypoints and airport identifiers....mine will not work at all, checked the battery etc.

anyone able to help?

also, how to reset fuel amount in the similator?


AvMap tech support responded to my inquiry...................
go figure; one of the best things in the box, and it doesn't work for Airnav.
ahhhhhh cr@p!
EKP IV "approaches"

I pay for the Jepp updates, yet frequently used approaches are not in the database, and ones that are, aren't necessarily right. Example: KSMX does not include the LOC/DME BC-A (Backcourse to Rwy 30). This approach is always used at SMX for Rwy 30. Another example for SMX, the ILS 12 Approach always starts at WINCH when inbound from the North, yet when this approach is selected, it starts the approach at some unpublished point, between WINCH and HILDY. I've also noticed that many of the published approaches for various airports are not listed in AvMap.

Are these approaches embedded in the Jepp database? If so, is their database incomplete or is the database that AvMap makes available to us just a "Readers Digest" version? I'm confused and frustrated...

Hello Mike
I didn't even know we could fly an ILS or a Loc approach with the Avmap??

Where in the setup do I have to go to use those??


[email protected]
EKP IV approach feature

You can't use it as a primary means of flying the approach, but it's supposedly in the database and match the published approach. With an airport selected as final destination that has a published IFR approach, push GOTO. A drop down menu appears. At the top of the list is SELECT APPROACH. (Other options include CHANGE, DELETE approach). Move cursor to SELECT APPROACH, press ENTER. A list of approaches appears, select one of the approaches, press ENTER. The waypoint routing at the airport changes to capture that approach.

My question is, what is the origin of these approaches in the EKP IV, why aren't they complete and why don't they all START at the IAF. Granted, each approach can have multiply IAF's.

Hi again Mike

Thanks for the info, I will check them out..

I have no intention on flying IFR using my Avmap as the ''only'' means of navigating but it is fun to know the aprroaches are there..

Have you tried to insert the missing fixes and waypoint prior to flying the approach...Is it doable?


[email protected]

Does Airgizmos have a dock for the EKP V? I couldn't see it on their web site. Anyone with recent experience with the V?
Avmap Offering $400 Rebate On EKP V Purchase

"For a short time, AvMap is offering an end-user rebate of $400. Simply send in any old Aviation GPS and your proof of purchase and they?ll send you $400". The best price I've seen is $1449 after rebate.

Anyone flying or have a Pirep on the EKP V? I'm close to maybe replacing my EKP IV, but would like to hear from someone that's seen one in operation.

The rebate program is good till December 31st
EKP V Worth the upgrade?

I'm at the same place... would greatly appreciate PIREP on "is it worth it" differences.
Rocky & Mike

I have been flying with the EKP-IV (which I really liked) for 4 years and recently purchased the EKP-V to replace it. Have not install it yet as I'm still waiting for the docking station availability. If you liked the IV you will really like the V as the user interface is much more intuitive and navigating the many screens is much easier. Same great LARGE hi-def screen. With the added street maps and the Seattle Avionics approach plates/airport diagrams this is a much improved system over the IV. As soon as I get either the docking station or USB-Serial connector-cable I will be able to do some flight testing and post a report here.
I decided to stay with the AvMap rather than the Area 796 because of the ~$1000 price difference, the less expensive data updates and if will fit my panel without any major modifications.
Bill thanks for the pirep.

I just began my phase 1 testing and have an AvMap EXP-IV Air Gizmo panel dock *without* the AvMap GPS. I was planning on filling that void once phase 1 is complete.

Do you know if the AvMap EXP-V will fit the Air Gizmo -IV dock? I am on the fence for either buying a used IV or springing for a new V. Having to tear apart my panel may be a deciding factor.


The EKP-V will not fit into any current Air Gizmo dock. AvMap has developed their own docking station which will make all electrical connections via a special pressure point connector on the rear of the EKP-V. Same sort of connection being used by the new Garmin Area 796. Not sure but I think that the necessary external antenna will also be included with the docking fixture. The EKP-V should be able to be removed from the aircraft without having to disconnect any wires. In addition the docking fixture should allow for multiple connections for autopilot, weather, traffic, etc.
Great Prices but where is the docking station?

There are some great deals out there on the new AvMap V and I am close to pulling the trigger. However, I can not find any information on the availability of their docking station or how to connect the unit to an autopilot.

The user manual doesn't have any information on how to configure the GPS data stream and connect the unit to an autopilot. This is a bit concerning.

Has anyone successfully connected an AvMap V to an autopilot?

Was told yesterday that they (AvMap USA, Boston) just received 2 docking stations from Italy for evaluation prior to production. One is going into their presidents aircraft and the other is going to Trio for interfacing. My guess it that we will not see them available to us until late January or February.
I should be receiving cable and pin out information in a week or so (I was promised). When that happens I should be able to hook it up to my Dynon, Autopilot and XM weather. Will post any info I get.

Just received email from ++ EKP-V $1750.
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Thanks Bill,

I too just got off the phone with AvMaP and was told the same. Price point for the docking station will be in the vicinity of $300. Serial cable will be available shortly.

Sky Geek has EKP-V on sale for $1553! With the $400 trade in for any old GPS you can have a new unit for $1153.

Hard to say no to that one.

Becareful to read the fine print on the rebate

Must be purchased from an AUTHORIZED dealer. Sky Geeks ARE NOT an authorized dealer - I called them today. AC Spruce is $1785. Pilot Mall is $1750
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Was told yesterday that they (AvMap USA, Boston) just received 2 docking stations from Italy for evaluation prior to production. One is going into their presidents aircraft and the other is going to Trio for interfacing. My guess it that we will not see them available to us until late January or February.
I should be receiving cable and pin out information in a week or so (I was promised). When that happens I should be able to hook it up to my Dynon, Autopilot and XM weather. Will post any info I get.

Just received email from ++ EKP-V $1750.

Looking for an update on the docking station and cables for the AvMap EKP V. Has anyone been in contact with AvMap recently?

I purchased an EKP V for christmas, with a complete panel upgrade in the near future. The docking station for the AvMap is the only thing stopping me from beginning the project.
Hi Scott,

Sorry, nothing new on the docking station. When I talked with Dan (Avmap USA) last Thursday he had not yet gotten permission from the factory (Italy) to send me a prototype cable and as of that time they had only received 2 prototype docking stations which had both been sent to AP vendors for evaluation. I sent an email today asking for any updates. I will forward anything I get from them.
Hang in there. They know that they have many of us anxiously waiting.

AvMapV Issue

I have the AvMapV. Been playing with it since last Sept. Waiting for the Docking Station. Have been advised by AvMap Italy it will be available "soon in the new year 2012". The only issue i might have is the Joystick. It is very sensitive. It is a different Joystick than the IV Model. In rough air it might be very difficult to operate. On the ground you don't move it, you "think about" the move and it will open a screen. Might take time to get used to. Has all the bells & whistles that 1 would want. Might not see the screen if its in direct sunlight.
Hi Alibi,
The screen on the V is the same as the IV and I have not had any problems at all seeing/flying with the IV for the past 3+ years. As for the joystick, since I have not been able to fly with the V panel mounted I can only talk about its use on the ground. The V's stick is MUCH better that the IV and I haven't found it to be sensitive at all. If anything I find that it sometimes way too slow to move when I want it to. There was a change to its operation in the latest software update. Have you installed version 1.3.46R?

AvMap V

Hi Bill, Thanks for the info. Will install the latest software. Will that make the Joystick less sensitive?
I went back to see which update covered the joy stick operation.
It was version "1.2.043R - 2011-11-22" that actually was associated with the joy stick movement and not the most recent update. And yes I did notice a much less twitchy/sensitive response after the update.

Just got this email from AvMap customer support...

Dear Customer,

we will have two versions of Docking Station:

1. Low Cost version: 125 euros + VAT (EXCLUDED).

It has only power supply Input and only 1 USB Input to connect external GPS

This Docking Station version will be available on half of March 2012.

2. Full Docking-station version: 360 euros + VAT (EXCLUDED).

This version has all the options for external devices
2 x Serial IN/OUT
1 x Video IH
4 x USB
1 x Power Supply

This version will be available on half of April 2012.

Best regards
AvMap Technical Support

I'm hoping that they'll actually meet these production timelines!

360 Euro's... that's $470+ just for a docking station... good grief!! Looks like I'll be sticking with my IV....
I bought an EKP V and I'm pleased so far. At the moment I feel like I need a copilot to run it but I guess it gets easier.
I was expecting to buy a dock but 370 euros sounds outrageous. The basic dock sounds like it might not have any output. Just a power input and external antenna connection.
I'm not interested in anything fancy. Just an output to a Dynon D120 and a 406 GPS but I guess that will cost 500 canadian dollars.

A buddy of mine was looking at my EKP IV today and accidently put in night mode. I know it goes there automatically but I need to change it to daytime mode before tomorrow. Does any of you EKP IV experts know how to change this function? HELP!

EKP V dock now listed.

OK, they have finally got the dock listed on there ****** web site.
Price is us$300. I know it includes an antenna but that's still pretty steep.
I'm looking for a pirep, has anyone bought and installed it yet?

I'm beginning to think I should have listened to Stein and bought a Garmin.
Hi Jim

I have an EKP IV and a V with a docking station. At the moment, the IV is in an Air Gizmo panel and is connected to my Dynon D100/120 and Trio autopilot.

The installation of the V dock looks straight forward. I am waiting for the next software update, which should be imminent, that is needed to address some connectivity issues with the Trio and Dynon. Once I have the software in hand, I'll test it first without the docking station. If it resolves the issues then I'll remove the IV and Air Gizmo dock and install the V docking station.

I'll post a pirep here when I pass that waypoint.
