As of 1-22-08, with the permission of DR, this thread is now the "AvMap Discussion"

I have moved the previous AvMap threads here, for those interested in the product.


I would also like to know about such a forum, should one exist.

As it is, at least we can use this thread to start a discussion---------

So, just to kick it off, I have a question-----how do you make the unit shut off with the plane master power switch, and not go onto internal power?????

Thanks in advance,
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I second that question!

Provided the unit can sense external power being removed, I would prefer the behavior to be a power down when external power is removed and batteries are installed. I would also like the unit to automatically power up when external power is applied, would be best if it could remember if it was powered up when the external power was last removed.

I assume AvMaps thinking is an automatic failover to battery power if external power goes away when the unit is on but I think a more preferable behavior would be the unit shuts off, BUT can be manually turned back on using battery power if desired. If nothing else, make this a configuration option.

I don't have the most current firmware loaded so if behavior under the new firmware has changed..... Never Mind.
Don't think we have the option but I too would like auto power up and down. IIRC, way back when they did have that as part of the OS. I have an early EKP IV.

Love the IV, but mine won't keep the batteries charged. Perhaps I need new ones as these are about four years old. Not much backup there!

Forum is a good idea.

Bob Kelly
any news on weather ?

I also would like to see a forum on the AvMap... anyone have an update on when weather will be available for the EKP ?
Two or three years ago I found an active forum for AvMap,it was very informative and their tech guys chimed in all the time with good input. I thought you could get to it from thier web site but have not accessed it for awhile and I cant locate. I emailed them today and wil update the group if I hear back from them.
AvMap EKP IV question

I have a question for anyone out there familiar with the AvMap EKP IV. I"m pretty well sold on the EKP IV but since I'm a year away from flying (yeah, I know it'll be more than that but let me fool myself for a while) I haven't bought a GPS yet.

I would like to mount the GPS in the right side of the panel on my -7A. Is the screen viewing angle such that the information would be readable from the left seat if the unit is mounted flush to the panel?

Alternatively I could put a wedge-type spacer behind the AvMap to angle it towards the left seat but would rather not. And I do have room in the center of the panel for it if I mount it horizontally but I really like how the info is displayed in the vertical mount. Putting it in the right side would also balance the layout of the panel aesthetically (a secondary consideration to be certain).

Any insight or suggestions are appreciated.
What you are talking about, is exactly what I have done.

Even though the posted photo is shot from the right rear, the view of the AvMap from the pilot seat is just dandy. It seems to me that the off axis view is much better to the left than the right, almost as if the engineers planned on having it mounted this way.

Good Luck.
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18 minutes from question to answer!!

This is great! Somebody around this place always has the answer somebody else needs. Thanks Mike.
You will look at it a lot!

Do not put it on the right, you will be looking at it all the time and get a "neck-ake". It's just great with the big display and gives you tons of infromation. (still very well visible though, on the right).

Regards, Tonny.
My IV is to the right of the radio stack. I originally mounted it canted toward the pilot but later mounted it flat against the panel. It actually looks better, just like Mike said. I don't find myself looking at it enough to be a bother being on the right side. Besides, it give the copilot something to look at! Hold off on buying avionics until you really have to. Who knows when something better will come along!

Bob Kelly
My IV is to the right of the radio stack. I originally mounted it canted toward the pilot but later mounted it flat against the panel. It actually looks better, just like Mike said. I don't find myself looking at it enough to be a bother being on the right side. Besides, it give the copilot something to look at! Hold off on buying avionics until you really have to. Who knows when something better will come along!

Bob Kelly

Waiting until the last minute on avionics is part of my strategy and hopefully that will be relatively soon. My co-pilot/cheerleader/rivetting partner will want/need something to look at so if I can accommodate that I will. She deserves a lot of consideration where there are multiple workable options.

Thanks again for the input.
A rep from AvMap contacted me today and told me that this forum at VAF was probably the most active approach for info on the AvMap. She said that at one time AvMap did moderate a forum but that it has been given up. Too bad, its an awesome machine that deserves more support from its manufacturer..
Ha, I thought it was just me with that power-off situation. On the plus side, it gives you an ops check of your batteries every time you turn the external power off. :D

Chuck Olsen
Lowrance User To AVMAP?

Any of you AvMap users come over from Lowrance? I have a 2000C and have been pretty satisfied with it, except I want XM weather. I called tech support at Lowrance and was told it ain't gonna happen in 2008 and probably not in 2009.
I've heard a lot of comments about how easy the menus are to navigate on the EK IV, compared to what? A Garmin owner didn't find them so easy but then I don't find the Garmin menus that easy. Lowrance has always been a "user friendly" GPS and am just wondering how the AvMap units compare.
OK, fire away! :rolleyes:

The AvMap people have been saying they will have XM Weather capability for the pass 2 years and I still don't see it. Can't be that great of a GPS. I purchased one a year and a half ago and it stays at home. Garmin 496 with XM Weather replaces it.

N819VK RV-6A Flying
RV-7A Building 70% Complete
The AVMap comes with a cigarette lighter plug/cable for power. The fitting on the end is a bit different, so I just cut it off, left enough pigtail to splice wiring for the run to breaker, and ground.

For data, the unit uses a what appears to be a standard four lead mini pin, like in a walkman, etc. I ordered this when I ordered the AvMap, so I didnt realize it was a standard plug until I received it, now knowing that, I would purchase a plug locally, and wire it myself.

Only one wire for data stream, easy to do yourself. It appears that the same plug is designed to carry power also, but the instruction book that comes with the unit is not very good, so this connection is suspect. I called the US rep, and they werent supportive of using this as a power input.

Only other hookup is the antenna.
Only other hookup is the antenna.

IIRC, there is another connector, something like a small USB. This will be used for weather, traffic info and such. Don't have my EKP IV here, but think I'm right on that. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm not!

Bob Kelly
Bob, sorry for the confussion, I was describing how I hooked things up.

I seem to remember seeing that port, but IIRC, it is for "at home" type use, not when mounted in the plane---it just isnt addressed well in the instruction book.
I'm pretty sure that was the port they were using at OSH when they were demoing weather on the IV. I suspect it will be the input for WX and traffic (unless they use the other wires in the 4 pin plug.)

This kinda looks like an AvMap forum, doesn't it!

AvMap Weather

The AvMap people have been saying they will have XM Weather capability for the pass 2 years and I still don't see it. Can't be that great of a GPS. I purchased one a year and a half ago and it stays at home. Garmin 496 with XM Weather replaces it.

N819VK RV-6A Flying
RV-7A Building 70% Complete


Some things may be worth waiting for. Personally, I'd rather have the bigger screen than the tiny Garmin display.

I just talked with a local pilot shop and was told the NEW AvMap units would arrive in February and they will be XM Weather capable. I'm on the "call immediately" list to see one as soon as it arrives.
Avmap with weather and autopilot output

When I last spoke to Av map about the weather upgrade they told me that they were not sure if the unit would be able to have weather AND drive an autopilot.

It seems that there is only one port available and they may be able to do one but not both features. The rep wasn't sure so about it but it will be a show stopper for me if true.
New AvMap GPS

I didn't get any details of the "new" AvMap model that our local pilot shop claims she should be receiving in February. She said the EKP IV will probably evolve into the V, but this is all speculation by her, not me.
She had no details other than the new units will be XM weather capable. I didn't ask about whether it would drive an autopilot as my Garmin panel mount does that nicely for me.
New AvMap GPS? Update


The local pilot shop called me yesterday and said they have a new EKP IV in stock. The lady knows I want XM weather and she didn't see it mentioned anywhere on the packaging so she called AvMap to see what was up. They had told her she wouldn't be getting any more units until the XM weather was included.

Well, she's getting the same story from them that I got from Lowrance after I was told the 2000C would have weather by Airventure 2007. They are still trying to get the bugs out of it and make it compatible. :confused:

All I have to do is buy the IV and when it's available I can upgrade by buying a chip and a weather antenna.

Think I'll wait and see how long it's going to take.
avmap communication

Hi all..Great to see this forum start. Hope Avmap will monitor and chime in with some helpful info. Having some difficulty getting my Avmap to talk to my autopilot, anybody out there updated to the new operating software that is supposed to address this issue??

Here is a copy/paste from an e-mail I just sent to AvMap/US.

Hopefully they will respond, and participate.

"Hi, I am sending you this to let you folks know there is an on line forum about the EKP 4, that you may want to participate in.

It is always nice to have a manufactures rep involved to answer questions, and to avoid the passing on of bad information.

The web site is

Thank you, Mike Starkey"
And the reply.

The good folks at AvMap responded with the following, it is good to see they are responsive to e-mail input.


Thank you.. I don't know if I will have to time to Join the forum, I am kept quite busy with e-mails form the website and other daily office procedures. The Forum's are very time consuming, that is why we had to take ours down off the website.

I will try my best just to log on and introduce myself.

Best regards,


So, seems to me now is the time to post your questions.
XM Weather Update

Just got off the phone with DAN at AvMap USA. Latest news for XM Weather is that they are now tweeking the user interface. He was told to expect a Beta version for him to fly as early as this week but probably next week. He is still uncertain about being able to have the XM connected and still have EFIS/auto-pilot functionality. It depends on what info needs to be sent to the XM receiver. If only a power up/down command is sent then it might not be a big deal.
Weather for AVMap


I received another update from my local pilot shop/AVMap dealer.
She said they were told the new units would arrive by the end of February.
After talking with AVMap today, that's NOT going to happen. Now they are being told that it will be at least several more months before they get the bugs out of the software and as of now, they haven't priced the XM antenna for their units, nor the cost to upgrade the older units.
Garmin's antenna goes for something like $549 so expect at lease that much and her original quote from AVMap was around $199 for the new chip to make the older units weather capable.
My time with AVmap IV

I have had the IV unit for a year in my RV6 I have it in my panel ( Laird owens fiberglass) canted to the pilot I really like the unit, it s big and I can see it. I liked the Garmin , but it was too small to see well. Regarding battery back up, useless as even new batterys quickly only last 5-10 min and if the GPS loses power you would not know as it does not do much (Avmap said they would look into it, as well as weather)
Note the Geopilot claims it will have weather soon and I see it can now drive an autopilot (only the IV could before) It might be worth a look too
Overall I really like my AVMAP EKP IV
I also have the IV and must say I like it.

I also have been speaking with AvMap about the Weather/Traffic function and it seems that every time I talk with somebody at their office I get the same response ?always the next air-show??been hearing that now for 2 years.

Does anybody know if the current units will be able to have both weather and traffic? I know they are saying traffic will be next, after weather, but if I have to wait another 2 years I think I will make the switch to another brand now.

I know of 4 people who have now gone with the Garmin and just gave up on the Avmap promises. As with most things, once people go to something else they will usually become customers for life?..what are they thinking!!!:confused:
I agree...

I spoke to AVmap at OSH last year when they demo'd weather and a few times since via email. Always the same answer... soon... I wish they would just be up front as to what the issues are and a realistic date. I am giving them until Sun @ fun if no announcement then I will go to an alternate vendor
Battery back-up is plenty!

My Avmap works for at least an hour on the internal batteries. Can be longer if you choose the "save power" option (screen goes dim or even blank unless you push a button, GPS keeps going).
I use 2.700 mA rechargable batteries. You should not use normal batteries! because the Avmap has a trickle loader and will keep the batteries charged when connected to the aircraft power.

OK, time for me to chime in after reading all the good posts above...

Here's a bit of what little I know, and some experiences shared. I don't have an AvMap but rather have a Lowrance 2000c. My brother has both an EKP-IV and a 396. The AvMap drives the Trio autopilot while the Garmin serves as backup nav and provides rudimentary instruments for the copilot if necessary.

Lessons learned to date:

1) old EKP-IV firmware had a problem with charging NMiH batteries. Newer firmware does a better job of 'topping them off'

2) even if you have newer firmware, buy a good NiMH battery charger/conditioner. These batteries need to be properly conditioned in order to maintain capacity, somewhat like a NiCad. My brother was relying
solely on the AvMap to charge his batteries and got to the point where he had about 2 minutes of backup capacity. After I convinced him to buy a decent battery charger/conditioner even his old, abused batteries were restored to about 30 minutes backup time.

3) beware some versions of firmware - about a year ago AvMap produced a version with simulator mode sensing mixed up and would only drive the autopilot when in simulator mode. Obviously this was a MAJOR disappointment

4) for a user transitioning to the AvMap from a Lowrance the user interface of the AvMap is, well, torturous. I eventually gave up and just used the Garmin when flying my brother's airplane as at least I could figure out how to get from A to B while still spending some time "heads up" scanning for traffic. By comparison, my 14 year old daughter figured out how to do direct-to navigation and to program a multi-waypoint route in the Lowrance during a 30 minute flight in our airplane.

5) hardware failures happen in the AvMap, just as they do in any other GPS, so make sure you've got a backup, including paper charts. My brother's original EKP-IV failed, was returned to the factory, and the factory was unable to determine what was wrong with it so replaced it with a new one. The new one then failed at the solder joint where the power connection is soldered to the main circuit board. This one was returned to the factory and fixed, and was shipped back to my brother with the newest version of firmware that turned into a nightmare (see point 3 above) and took several months to get fixed.

While each has his or her own opinion and is entitled to it, for me the Lowrance represents much better value than either the Garmin or AvMap. Granted, it doesn't do weather, but it does feature a fairly large, bright screen, is easy to use, and is relatively well supported. And you can buy three 2000c's for the price of a 496, which really is a value statement that nobody else can touch. There's even an Air Gizmos panel dock available for it, making it a fairly easy installation in your panel.

While this is an AvMap thread and it seems I'm touting the Lowrance product, I hope some of the info above will provide additional points to ponder for those who are considering the AvMap.
Another AvMap Opinion

Hello - I found this forum on an internet search.
I now have my 2nd EKP-IV and I'm really happy with the unit and the upgrades that have taken place over the past 3 years.

I purchased one about 4 years ago when they first came out after using a Garmin 295. The big bright display is amazing, and can be viewed at a better angle than any other handheld I've seen. It is also very bright and clear in direct sunlight. But the promised Terrain feature was very slow in coming out, and when it did, it would only work in North up mode. Not knowing if this was going to be fixed, I decided to sell and move on. At this time BTW, they did have a forum and I made many posts.

Next was a Garmin 296 - great software, lousy screen. My screen was too dim, and the very small size and reflective surface just made it worse. I quickly ditched it and went back to a 295. The 295 died on me last year (won't receive satellites), so I started looking around. I looked closely at the Lowrance, after seeing one nicely mounted in a Cherokee right-side radio stack (this is how I've mounted all of mine). But upon closer inspection, the Lowrance has too narrow of a viewing angle.

I decided to look at the AvMap again, as I had heard that they fixed the Terrain/North up issue. Not only that, but several other improvements were made:
  • Added TAWS
  • private airfields
  • editable check lists
  • better text menu colors
  • night pallet
  • and the ability to resinc the waypoint, to name a few.
I purchased one and learned how to use it using the simulator. The unit is mounted in the right side radio stack of my Warrior, tilted slightly towards the pilot. It's hardwired via the straight cable that Avmap sells. I don't use batteries in it, but I carry them in the plane is case of a power loss. As others have said, when running on ships power, you do not want to use standard batteries. As far as the operation and menu - you only need to take the time to learn it. I've used the Garmins for years and AvMap is no harder at all, in my opinion.

I am VFR only and do not have the need for WX, however, I would be really happy if they came up with a Traffic interface, perhaps through TIS.

Dislikes - very few but here they are:
Customizing the background detail - doesn't always show what you program it to show. It seems that it won't display small town names at zoom scales above 1 mile. I wish it would go just one zoom further.
The addition of terrain meant that other mapping details had to be removed. I live near a large lake - that is clearly seen on the pictures of my old AvMap, but is now gone.
When flying in "track up" mode, the screen (and coarse line) will sometimes draw just a little off straight up - maybe 2-3 deg. Not a big deal but a little annoying.

Sorry to be so long winded, feel free to ask questions and I will check this forum daily.
S&F Avmap EKP IV update

I just returned from S&F and had time to talk with the AVMAP folks. There is good news and not so good news. They do have XM weather running on the EKP IV and will be selling the receiver/ antenna assembly soon. Estimated street price is around $600, but don't hold me to it. The display was unbelievably clear, really nice. The antenna is a very tiny patch antenna, smaller than the supplied AVMAP GPS antenna. The box which handles the receiver end has a 12volt cigar lighter plug for power and a serial plug for connection to the AVMAP. This is the not so good news, since they have been attempting to get the weather to play nicely with the NMEA code from an autopilot and can't get both to work simultaneously. The problem lies in that the EKP is 4 years old and is designed around a single port (ie one source). You could use a source switch to select whether the EKP is talking to the weather receiver or autopilot but unless something changes, you will not have both available simultaneously. I'm sure the next generation will have dual ports, and it may be possible to alter the unit, but our discussion didn't delve into this.
Informative website

Well, I have now joined the ranks of AvMap EKP owners. I am pleased with the unit so far, and dealing with the folks at AvMap has been great.

I made my final decision to buy one after having had the opportunity to borrow a unit from a friend (thanks Andrew). I find I needed more info on the unit than was available in the manual or on the AvMap website.

Well, I just came upon this site that has some information that is complementary to the manual. It's European, however most of it still applies. There's a French and English version of the web page available;

This link may be better, as it opens the EKP-IV page in its own window:
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What happened to the Avmap Weather thread ??

What happened to the Avmap weather thread, it appears to have been removed from the forum ???:confused:
Just talked with them on Tuesday and asked about weather since they are showing a XM picture of Gustav on one of their units. Was told that weather should be released in a week or two. But since their track record isn't that great I'm not going to bet on it.
AvMap now shipping XM Weather!!

Just announced today on AvMap website that XM Weather is ready @ $599.00. Called and ordered unit. No 10% discount on this item to club members. New software update also available for downloading. Unit will ship tomorrow. Hope the wait was worth it.
Me too

Just announced today on AvMap website that XM Weather is ready @ $599.00. Called and ordered unit. No 10% discount on this item to club members. New software update also available for downloading. Unit will ship tomorrow. Hope the wait was worth it.


Pirep will be appreciated. I got an email today stating the above facts. For sure I will get it if it is half decent. Without XM-WX, going to Osh'08, would be much harder...... I was following in my 9-eh my buddy Norm in his RV7 with WX.
Also need to know

If it will drive an auto pilot with weather attached and working...
AvMap Battery Backup

Just curious how many people are putting batteries in their AvMap for backup in case of power failure. My unit on batteries only provides about 6 minutes of use if the main 12 volt aircraft power is removed. I read the documentation and it sort of implies that the built in charger is only a trickle charger meant to keep a charged set of batteries topped off. To actually 'charge' the batteries it says you need to remove the batteries from the unit and charge them with a seperate battery charger (not included of course). Anyway, if you really expect the batteries to be a backup, you would have to remove them from the unit on some regular basis (every few months probably) and charge them back up which seems like a real pain to me. In addition, when batteries are installed, the unit must be manually turned on each time in the aircraft, it cant's be configured to automatically come on when external power is applied. Also, it must be manually turned off when external power is removed otherwise it switches to battery power. I really don't think the folks at AvMap thought this through very well. JMHO....
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I don't disagree that AVMAP have made a number of mistakes. As it relates to the batteries; I have had the AVMAP for a year, I would guess that I have recharged the batteries no more than 6 times (probably less), I have flown right at 100 hours with it on, and I have never had the batteries run completely down.
I really like the way it works because I use the checklist and I can turn the AVMAP on and start my checklist with nothing else on the plane powered up.
I sure that at some point I will forget to turn it off and run the batteries down, but so far so good.
BTW, I use lithium 2000mah batteries.