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Carbon Fiber on Main gear fairings?


Well Known Member
I'm at the point in my build that I'm about to do the main gear leg fairings.
The plans call for wood/foam with aluminum over, or all foam with fiberglass over.
I am wondering if anyone has used carbon fiber?
It is not for the strength or rigidity which would be a bonus, but instead because I have so much of it "laying" around.

OK, I also think it looks cool.

Is there a reason why I should not do this?

Also, is there a good reason not to use a single outer structure instead of the 2-part as the plans call for?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Gear leg farings

I used carbon fibre. One piece. They are not flexible and difficult to remove and refit.
Carbon works

I wrapped my Rv3b legs with carbon instead of hinged fairings to get the forward /aft stiffness with one component instead of two ( stiffener + fairing).
It worked very well. Mycool has the Rv now so contact him to get his input.
Send me your email for fab pics if desired. [email protected]/ text 7655051160 for discussion. Also, Rocket Bob has a thread on Carbon wrap for stiffness.

There's a thread about stiffeners by Paul Dye. You could use a piece of carbon fiber instead of the .125 aluminum.
No idea how it would perform. Maybe one of the super-duper Engineers can run the numbers.
You might wait until you find out if you need them before going to all that trouble.

I postponed making the stiffeners and found out that, in my case, they aren't needed..