Over the Colorado Rockies

Picture taken coming back from Moab, Utah flying over the Colorado Rockies at 16,000 + ft. heading home to Oklahoma / Kansas. A good friend of mine invited me along for the ride in his -6 on this trip. I suggested to take my -6 but he refused so we burned his gas and oil. Yes we had Oxygen and head sets. Took the dang things off for a picture. Flying over the Rocky mountains is a must do!!!!!!
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bkilby said:
Is your's actually a -9 or 9A? Just curious b/c I've kind of been keeping track of the relatively few -9s. Do you have an exterior pic? Looks like that was a pretty flight flying over all the little lakes.
re: RV-9a

Yes, it is a 9a. Here are a few more pics. The one with the lakes is an early morning flight over Lake Wedowee, AL. The one in the mountains is this fall over Brasstown Bald, GA (highest mountain..I mean hill in GA)


Nice to see you're getting by until you have something exciting to fly...

Must be rough, oh, wait a minute, you're not even buying your own fuel!

In my mind, I look just like that when I'm flying my RV-4!

Thanks for your service!

Screw loose?

Approaching the top of a 12 G loop looking for the horizon, My oldest daughter Amy as copilot.

Me and my daughter Erin on a vertical downline. No wings. Doh!

Which version of canoe are you flyin' there where you can sling your arm over
the side like that while pullin' GEES !! :eek:

(I'm pulling the trigger on my QB fuse and wing purchase any day now!)
Emp all but done!
KiloWhiskey1 said:
Approaching the top of a 12 G loop looking for the horizon, My oldest daughter Amy as copilot.
Me and my daughter Erin on a vertical downline. No wings. Doh!
Awsome pics!!!! Very funny!

I had a student with that expression once when I first introduced him to stalls... but his arms were flailing around. Kinda funny after I got him settled down.
QB coming soon.


QB kit in December, I can't think of a better Christmas present. I got my kit for my wife's birthday. :D That was August 2005. After logging many hours of flying with a sawed off broom handle as a stick and making strange motor noises, I have pressed on and made some good progress. A few more months and my 7 should be in the air for real.

Good luck with the rest of your build. I found that the emp kit really prepared me well for the rest of the project. It has been a great experience that I will miss when I am finished.

petehowell said:
That picture is worth another 100 hours (make that 1000) hours of inspiration in the shop. As soon as I get back from Mayo, I am going back to bending fuel tubing.
Gargage Flying

Great pics from KiloWhiskey1 !!!! My 9A QB fuse was delivered by the "stork" (i.e. Partain Transport) on 11/25/06. I've been doing the same shenanigans in my garage too . Congrats to Pete from the Great White North .. as someone else said, that grin is a ton of inspiration. :D

Terry R.
Mahomet, IL
N319TE; RV-9A QB fuse
Hello Fellow Builders and Pilots,

My name is Simon, I am building an RV-7A. It's a slow-built-project but enjoying each and every minute of it. I am an air traffic controller and pilot in the Netherlands.

This is a recent picture, flying a Diesel powered C172R from Ostend, Belgium to Maastricht, the Netherlands (my home base):


Another one, ferrying a Piper Warrior from Maastricht to Kish Island, Iran. A wild trip across Europe, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and the UAE:

What kind of crops were you dusting? Watch your application, you applied so thick you can't even see the crop. Also looks like you pulled up a little too high at the end of the row. Must of been trying to miss a telephone pole huh? Keep practicing, you'll get it. :p

Oh and thank you and Michael above for your service.
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Rob 'Smokey' Ray Self Portraits

(Rob flies the RV-4 'Bandit' and a Rocket.....and a Mig and a F-16 and a 737. I know....tough life.)

Rob is 'smokyray' in the forums.

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Nice 16

Smokey Ray,

Must not of hit that 16. No scratch marks.
Thanks for all you support.
It's cold in Michigan

I took this one last weekend flying north up the Lake Michiagn shoreline, of course it's overcast, that's the norm for Michiagn winters. The second shot is of my brother and I, he likes to go flying but is terrified of hieghts. I give him credit, he still goes up whenever he gets a chance.



Gary N715AB

I'm trying to figure out what you did to the tilt overhead latching mechanism,what is that sticking up there ?? -- Can I persuade you to elaborate ??
My interior paint looks like the same color , how do you like it?.
Great picture nice job.

Hi Bob,
The thing sticking out on top of the canopy is a handle. I like opening the canopy from the center, not the side per the plans, The canopy is heavy and tends to twist while lifting, especialy if lifting from only one side. The canopy handle also takes care of the issue some have had with the inner handle rotating afer it gets worn in. I was at a fly-in a couple of summers ago watching a pilot trying to get his RV6 canopy open after the handle rotated closed.

The handle is from a slider.


Take care,
This is a inflight picture of my 5 year old grandson & I burning up the Arizona skys in my 6a...I had to take out the passenger stick, tie his booster seat in along with him... He LOVED IT!... But when asked if he wanted to be a pilot when he grew up.. Answer.."No.. a fireman".. Go figure? Sheldon Barrett
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Sheldon said:
This is a inflight picture of my 5 year old grandson & I burning up the Arizona skys in my 6a...I had to take out the passenger stick, tie his booster seat in along with him... He LOVED IT!... But when asked if he wanted to be a pilot when he grew up.. Answer.."No.. a fireman".. Go figure? Sheldon Barrett
Bubby & Me (Small).jpg
And the problem is? ;)

Actually... how about the best of both worlds?! :D


While I am not currently assigned to one of our airbases - The OV-10's are definitely a hoot for our pilots and Air Tactical Officers.

Personally, I have spent WAAAY more time in our SuperHuey's than I prefer - something about that whole "auto-rotate" theory just doesn't instill much trust. Lets see. We're going to fall like a rock... get the blades going real fast... then pull up just before impact? :eek:
Worth all the hours in the garage....

With my younger daughter Kate high over a finally clear Minnesota.....

A2A of me, my neighbor & the -7A


Took my neighbor flying who hasn't been current for 22 years. He did a great job when he got the stick.

We're a loose #2 on a Piper Warrior for this shot. The PIC of the Piper is also building a -7A and soon this pic will be of his plane sans paint during the test hop. There are three kiddos riding in the Piper getting a view not normally experienced during flight. A great time had by all.

Can you say, "firewall that Piper throttle!?"


Tiffin, OH 212hrs and smiling...
Easter first flight

I hope the real first flight goes a little better.

Lost control

Spin recovery

Saved it!

It's true what they say!

Just like they taught in public school, those people on the "other side" are all upside down! Obviously, someone is comfortable enough to take that shot!
Return from Airventure 2006

This was somewhere over Iowa and Kansas last summer while returning to NM from OSH. It was solid overcast for about 140 miles and then we entered NM where it was CAVU

Big RV Grin

My son enjoying the freedom of being able to have his dad fly him to Phoenix in December for a special trip
