That one was low

That one was low...the use of O2 may have implied that I was high. High on O2, that's for sure. I was keeping sharp despite being at 8000'. I was on an IFR clearance on my way into Livermore (KLVK). Flew the ILS after sunset...ugh. I'm not a fan of night IFR. Fortunately the layer wasn't very thick, but apparently a Bonanza driver crashed on that same ILS right before I shot it. Not a fun thought.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
First Flight in a RV

I had my first flip in a RV this past Saterday, Dolph Kruger gave me a flip in his RV6, Yeah baby. This is my first flip in a small 3 axis aircraft, I'm use to microlight weight shift airplanes. I bought the RV kit based on recommendations and flight reports, no actual experience. Call it blind faith...I was worried (quietely) if I had made the right decision, without experiencing it first had.

Well I am not worried anymore. Dolph did some good barrel rolls steep turns etc etc. He gave me the stick for a while...Boy oh boy. We had puffy clouds at 1500 ft AGL and I did some cloud dancing bobing and weaving between the clouds. Wow what a nice day. Just got my injection to build some more..

If I look worried I am not any more, concentrating hard to make the camera work ;-)

Climb out of of runway with puffy clouds

Kind Regards
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Wife's First Flight

Well after four years and one month I took my first official passenger for a ride. Without her help this plane would never have left the ground. :) We flew from Meadow Lake, CO to Goodland, KS. Had breafast and bought a great homemade apple pie at the Butterfly Cafe on the field there.


Having a blast flying.

Scott Mills
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Over Lake Don Pedro in central California

Just coming back from Pine Mountain Lake. A friend snapped this one for me.

#2 Son Matt and I over CT


Photo taken just before he went off to Iraq. 4th ID, Ft. Hood. My wife and I hear from him a lot and I'm already planning more trips with him after he gets back. Up the Husdon River at 700', Maine for "lobsta", CT with relatives, etc.

Bob G.
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In flight pic

This was taken during our first XC flight in our RV6, somewhere along the coast known as Ninety Mile Beach
Martin in Oz
Me & Kayla


This is me and my 10 year-old daughter Kayla just out having RV-fun somewhere over Northwest Ohio. She loves to do stalls and mild negative G pushovers. Haven't had her upside down - yet!
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Riveting Experience

Sorry my Darling wife doesn't adorn this.
Still flying the test flights.

You should have put in a sub-title: "Luke......I am your fatha....."

Either that or, "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
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Yeah, I've referred to it as my cyborg pilot outfit on do feel like a robot sometimes with all the information presented in the eyepiece.
pbesing said:
Yeah, I've referred to it as my cyborg pilot outfit on do feel like a robot sometimes with all the information presented in the eyepiece.

And his "other" plane is an RV-4. Great choice.'s a 172, but I'm "inflight"

Taken today over lake Clairborne in north central Louisiana.

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Coming home from the Boone, IA RV flyin today

Well here is a photo of me on the way home from the Boone, IA RV flyin. I rode up with Tom O. from Cedar Rapids in his 6A and back with Steve C. from Cedar Rapids in his 7A. My son rode up with Tom C. of CR in his 7A and back with Tom O. Thanks guys! Great incentive to build on! That's Steve C. in the left seat.

My wife Linda and I on our way back from breakfast in Lindsay, Ontario one Sunday morning last winter...

I thought it was time to post another in-flight self portrait...but this time in an RV! Me on the left and Jack Holland (JACKR) in his airplane.

1: Ready for a takeoff in the Challenger ultralight. Note the safety glasses, you never know what's going to blow through one of those things :)

2: Canadian Airforce Snowbirds, circa 1997


RV 8 Fuselage
RV4 Loop

Sold my RV4 a few years ago, but here we are looping over the Great Plains of Oklahoma...

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Rockford, Ill.


Paul R. Searles took the photo. Had I known he was going to take it I would have retracted the shade. But, you can see my red JPL hat, red shirt and green David Clark headset if you look real close.

Bob Axsom
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Excellent View of Florida!

Bob Brown and Pete Eslick in Bob's RV-7A, N112B, somewhere over Leeward Air Ranch, Ocala, FL.

Bob and Kelly G. on a joy ride.
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Dallas to KC flight yesterday

I'm at 13,500 doing 175kts GS (156 TAS). It was a 2 hour, 15 minute flight. Isn't it great?


Keith E. Schult
Flying RV-6A
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Flying the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Patrol over Annapolis, MD for the Civil Air Patrol on a hot summer day with 2 long sorties, happy that it's all free flying and dreaming about my RV.
Me and my CFII, MEI, ATP Sweetheart!


Here are some pics of my Fiance and I on a trip back to our home in Independence, KS (Home of Cessna). We were flying over KMCI.

Actually this is a brand new 172 we were flying. We both work for Cessna. I'm a mechanic on the Citation Mustang and she is a G1000 Flight Instructor for Cessna.

I want an RV 7A she wants a RV10. Someday soon we hope to begin construction on an RV.


These things sure have nice panels, maybe I can squeeze a G900 in my RV someday.


Here is that Gold Seal CFII working hard. Notice that shiny thing on her finger, that could have been my RV7A tail and wings LOL. The things we do for love. She has promised me that someday I will still get an RV though.

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