Open Day

Good morning RVators,

I had an Open Hour here in South Africa Yesterday and about 12 people came through to inspect my progress, below are some photos I took. They audience was wide, from wanna be builders, to seasoned builders, to airplane manufacturers with an interest in the RV12.

Some of us took the open hour inspection really serious to new highs, or should I say lows :D



I like it John. Good work. Jeeezz...a week's worth of work...yuck. At least I now know who to call when I run into problems. Thanks. I've followed the order...just finishing up the cabling.
30 to 40 hours ...

If it took you thirty to forty hours, it'll take me sixty to eighty hours to do that nice a job on my cowling.

I just took five weeks off my build because my 2 year old grandson was visiting with his parents from OR (well worth falling behind in my build to play with him). I had hoped to finish my RV-12 by Christmas of this year ... now I'm hoping by Sun 'n Fun 2010 ... and that's optimistic ... gotta pick up the pace but it's such a beautiful FL day today ... I'm going to rent a Sport Cruiser and go flying instead of building the -12, oh well ... Guess it'll be done when it's done. As many builders say and now I know what they mean... I'm 60% done with building my kit and have 70% to go!

Here's where I am today ... you determine if I'm even 60% complete. Finishing Kit will be shipped the week of May 11th. I hope I'll be ready for it when it arrives.

Click here for Jerry G's RV-12 Status Report.

Happy building,
Jerry :)
Wings Progress Report

Here is my left wing at 70 hours into the wing kit:


A LOT of this time spent on prepping ribs.

I primed all, then masked and painted PONTIAC RED, the stripe. Then mask it and painted the WHITE. I then put a 1/4" wide Black Vinyl Stripe over the 'joint'. Lots of paper and time, but so far, I like it. I am now trying to find some smaller vinyl decals to put maybe on the turtledeck sides, or whereever.

John Bender
Status photo

I know all you early start guys are looking for progress photos on Finish Kits, but for those not there yet, here is my progress on the Wing Kit at 127 hrs wings and 246 hrs total.

Left wing done, right wing started, flaperons next.
Having finished my wings 10 months ago I have had the most frustrating time of my life. I felt I had to cancel my Emp and fuse order because of the exchange rate and the uncertain times, so when I reordered I went down the list somewhat and when my kits were ready I foolishly used a freight company who shall remain nameless except he has advertised on this forum. This was a nightmare; the shipment took 14 weeks to travel from Oregon to NSW Australia via South Korea, China Twain Melbourne. The worst part of this saga was the lack of information despite repeated emails and phone calls to the man in the US. I should have left it to Barb to arrange Transport.

After all this the two kits arrived on the 1st May and I have been working about 14 hours a day and have made real progress. I have finished the empennage and tail cone and am half way with the fuselage

After the experience with sea transport I had the finishing kit sent out by air which took 7 days and cost about twice the sea freight. This arrived last week.

I include a photo which may give you an idea what my panel is going to look like


All I need now is the engine installation kit and the switch/fuse unit and I will be happy

Glad you are making such good progress.
Whilst I accept your experience with the shipper you found to be not satisfactory, I feel I should give another viewpoint.
I had a large part shipped by the same shipper to Melbourne (Australia) and am very satisfied with the process. It was delivered to my door at a very reasonable rate. I have used other shippers before and costs were prohibitive.

Just another viewpoint.
I have absolutely no commercial nor personal connection with the shipper and no reason to be complimentary other than from my experience of his service.
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Hey guys, I am a newbie builder of the 12, located in Melb Australia. When I had the empenage kit shipped, I left it to Vans. I was quite happy with the service, although very expensive. Since then I have emailed the guy you talk about, and recieved a positive approach, although no mention of costs. I have also read all the posts by him elsewhere in this forum. I also have a quote from a shipper that advertises in the back pages of our SAAA mag. They seem a bit cheaper than Vans's shipper. I am due to order the wing kit on the 1st Aug, so naturally want to shop around due to the increased size and weight of the crates. I will keep you all posted with the outcome. Happy building.... Marcus.
I received my interior kit and had to "install" it and take a pic. It's coming along!



All flight controls are functioning, brakes in, coweling done, canopy "done" (sanding fiberglass now), waiting for next kit, and putting around doing odds & ends.
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Canopy Final Install

Put the struts on for the first and hopefully last time, and installed the canopy. Seems to work ok. Did not realize that once it gets about 1/2 the way down, it gets heavy in a hurry. Sure need to hang onto it ( makes sense ). Still have lots of small things to do. Going to balance the wheels today, and a few more small pieces to paint, and on and on.

Jhn Bender
Hi Pete

The notes were just to remind me to not forget to do a couple things. One was to remind me that I put new electric tape on the paint line. The other was to remind me to trim the nose area some, which I had to do. It was going to rub a little. I tappered the under side lower radius so it would not catch on the ledge. That area ends up very close. You only put 3 thicknesses of duct tape there, and the fiberglass ends up close to the ledge. Seems to work good. This morning was the first time I put the struts in place. Found out one will hold it up, while I connected the other.

John Bender
My Wing Kit status

Status at 175 hours:


Wings both on the wing rack; flaperons still to do. I love this EAA Wing Rack, just a slight push and you can move the wings anywhere you want them, and makes storing them easy which might otherwise be awkward and possibly damaging.

Tony, looks like you are making good progress. I just looked at your pictures for the first time. A very nice thorough job, I must say! I was interested to note that you have taken the same route as I as far as priming goes. All the internal parts with grey. I have used the NAPA 7330 rattle cans - wondering what primer you are using - looks the same. John
Back to BigJohn

John, I am using the same priming 'system' that you are. Structural parts, not skins, primed with 7220 rattle cans. Abraid first with SB and solvent, wipe and blow clean, prime. Have been following your kitlog.
Picked up the fuselage kit a week ago, and have started inventory, lots of parts! I pulled out the vent parts and put those together, it is fun to have something small to work on first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee!


Avery Tools sells a great little pair of small "handles" to put on these vents so that they open/close easily. Same as the ones on the 10.
I decided today was the day! The day the RV-12 was gonna see the light of day. Winds were 180 @ 3 mph right down the drive way! So I picked up the tail and rolled her out. I know, no "N" number displayed, but I figured since the wings weren't attached it is an experimental car so no one would care. ;)

After a few pics I rolled her back inside, only to find a pop rivet stem embedded deep in the left tire. :mad: I think I set two world's record tonight, #1 The world's first RV-12 flat tire, #2 The shortest aircraft round trip (under 20 feet) traveled to get a flat tire. Well, even Chuck Yeager had to start somewhere. :cool:


I installed a new tube and now she is ready for an engine and a few gages!


Oh! I almost forgot, I totaled up the hours and as of today I have 758 hours in the RV-12 and all 3 kits are done. Everything is "complete" and ready to go with the exceptions of fitting the wings. I'll wait to have the motor done so she is sitting on the nose gear.
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I decided today was the day! The day the RV-12 was gonna see the light of day. Winds were 180 @ 3 mph right down the drive way! So I picked up the tail and rolled her out. I know, no "N" number displayed, but I figured since the wings weren't attached it is an experimental car so no one would care. ;)

After a few pics I rolled her back inside, only to find a pop rivet stem embedded deep in the left tire. :mad: I think I set two world's record tonight, #1 The world's first RV-12 flat tire, #2 The shortest round trip (under 20 feet) traveled to get a flat tire in an airplane. Well, even Chuck Yeager had to start somewhere. :cool:


I installed a new tube and now she is ready for an engine and a few gages!


Oh! I almost forgot, I totaled up the hours and as of today I have 758 hours in the RV-12 and all 3 kits are done. Everything is "complete" and ready to go with the exceptions of fitting the wings. I'll wait to have the motor done so she is sitting on the nose gear.

I'm kinda at the same point and wondering if the wings will put the nose down without the engine or is it too close to the CG. Also, will the weight of the wings and engine push some of the "lean" out of the tires/wheels. Sure looks good to me....I didn't even notice the flat tire!
You missed your calling, Larry


I loved your missed your calling; you could have been a copywriter for Troybilt Rototillers!

Your fuselage looks great...where did you get your stickgrips?

Jay Sluiter
...I'm gonna paint; think it will be another 60 days before we see a Rotax!
New kit purchase

I finally bit the so called "bullet" and ordered the RV-12 kits that are available. I decided to do so since our money may not buy as much in the future. The kits will ship June the 22nd. I look forward to this new learning experience as I just finished building a new house attached to a aircraft hanger at Ducote Air Park in San Angelo, TX. (TS65)

I have been reading this forum since the 12 was being developed and really appreciate the members that are building the 12. I am new to building an aircraft and will rely heavily on your experience.

I tell you now thanks a lot.

Richard Martin

Matt 16:26-27 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
Wing Kit Status

Flaperons done now which completes my wing kit at 212 hours. Except, I have not completely closed out the wing tips until I see the lighting option.

Fuselage Kit start

Center Section Bulkhead completed...feels good to be working on something new.

Update with a newer picture -- fuselage at 57 hours:

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I thought ya'll would like to see the panel. I'll be darned if it doesn't look like the factory one! Very nice compenents & plug-n-plug stuff. There are a few little snafoos, but nothing I could not figure out. I have not turned it on yet, no battery. I can't imagine it will work the first time, no offense to Stein Air or Vans, but it's me putting it togeather!


No flash picture


The panel is a powder coated flat black with a tad bit of texture.

I know, I know, the keys are in the ignition. It bugs me everytime I walk by it. I rationalize the safety lapse by telling myself there is no engine.
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Close up?


Could you post a close up of the switches? Are the ones for future lights and autopilot part of the standard assembly?

Also, how does the GPS fit without the AirGizmo mount? When I saw the kit prototype at SNF last year, it still had the AirGizmo mount.
You need to fit the GPS in a trial and error session, but it works good after fitting.

The switches & fuses include auto pilot and lights.
Auto Pilot and Lights

It all looks great! Does anyone have information on the costs to install the auto pilot and lights?

Scott Lane
Hillsboro, OR
cost for lights and autopilot


You may have seen that the recent RVator has an article on AeroLEDs. Per the article, Vans plans to use the Pulsar Exp for nav/position lights/strobe for the RV-12. I looked at AeroLED's website and the retail price for the pair is $845. Not sure what landing light they plan to use as this was not mentioned but most of the AeroLED landing lights are around $350 so probably on the order of $1200 for lighting.

The Dynon autopilot servos are $1500 for the pair. Although they will interface directly with the D180 without anything else, I read somewhere that Van's plans to include the AP74 interface module as part of the option (I think the prototype already has it). That runs another $450 so on the order of $2000 retail for the autopilot package.

Again, these are just retail prices from the respective manufacturer's websites and I don't know if anything else will be required for either (should not be much required from Van's given that provisions are already built in for all of this).