Back from Oshkosh AirVenture 2017...

Hello all !

Oshkosh 2017 ended a week ago already. My mind is still full of images and ideas from spending this wonderful time in Wisconsin.

It was my second time at Osh, and the first time officially as a RV-8 builder. Unlike the first time in 2012, this time, I was on a "mission"....Although I am not at a stage where I need engine, avionics, interior or any other gimmicks to complete my RV, I felt this year, it was the perfect time to start shopping around. Basically, start planning for the "Big Parts". No better place than AirVenture to do that right !?

Joining me on this trip for his first time at Oshkosh, my Dad, a true automobile fanatic...Well, after only 2-3 hours at Osh, he told me: "This is many airplanes I can't believe it !" Well, now Dad, you know there is an airplane show somewhere in the World that is much bigger than any car shows you drag me to throughout the years :D

On this second visit, I also discovered the social side of Oshkosh. It was a great experience to meet other RV-8 builders and flyer at this Donut and Coffee meeting on the Tuesday morning, then enjoying a great dinner organized by Van's at the Nature Pavillon. Truly, this is an aspect of Oshkosh I didn't know, and that I will not underestimate for my next presence.

There were a lot a good moments at this year OSH'17. But for me, one moment I will remember for a long time is a very simple one, sort of like a bonding between Father and Son...It goes like this:
While we were walking toward Continental Engine show booth to ask questions...
Dad: "Martin, what's this nice little red aircraft there?"
Martin (with a grin on my face): "Are you serious, you don't know what that is ?"
Dad: "Dead Serious, what is that aircraft model? It looks good !"
Martin (with a big smile on my face): "Euh, there is one just like that in the shop right now..."
Dad: What? That is a RV-8 ! Wow, I had never seen a real completed RV-8, only pictures of it. It is such a nice aircraft. I am so proud we are building this !"
Martin: "We ???"

Then Dad insisted that I take a picture of him beside this RV-8, and many others parked around Osh grounds...

[/url]DSCN3103 by Martin Leroux, on Flickr[/IMG]

This was indeed a great trip to Oshkosh this year. Overall, I believe this will benefit my RV-8 project too, as much as I had a personal good time there. I am looking forward to the day I can park my -8 amongst all other there at Osh, and say "complete mission finally accomplished" !
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It is time for a little project update !

Hello everyone !

Nice to see many people coming to visit my thread once in a while to see progress made on my RV-8 Project. I apologize for pictures that disappeared from my previous posts. I guess I am not the only one on VAF that got ransom by Photobucket....

That said, this is mid-summer (sort of wet & cold this year...) here in Eastern Canada. Typically, it is a time of the year us Canadian, we want to be outside before the long winter comes. Hence, there is less motivation to be in the shop....There has been so much rain and non flying days here this Spring and Summer, that I was nevertheless able to make steady progress on my -8.

Also, life got in the way in the form of being more active as a part-time CFI. My first two flight students solo'ed this past July, which is something I was proud to scratch off my life time bucket list, as much as building my RV-8 is important on that list. Not only I am giving wings to new pilots, I am also convincing them to look into building RV's !!!!

Back to the RV-8 #80414 project...

At this time, I am working as much as possible to reach Canoe 2.0 project status...that is a final riveted slow build fuselage. Once the parts were all primed last March, I started the final assembly process. The picture below shows where I am overall at this time:

[/url]DSCN3091 by Martin Leroux, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]DSCN3092 by Martin Leroux, on Flickr[/IMG]

These pictures were taken prior to leave for Oshkosh. No major change of progress since then.

While building the fuselage, thanks to the many fine build logs from other RV-8 builder, I often take the opportunity to "look fast forward" on what I could do easier (read more accessibilty) at this stage instead of rushing to complete the canoe. Per example, at this time, I am installing the Garmin Autopilot Pitch Brackets on F818 bagage floor rib. It is much easier to do now with no fuselage aft bottom skin. That is apparently delaying my build, but will save me some "pain" later.....I may not even afford an autopilot initially, but I know the brackets will be there as a provision if I ever need them ! I wish I had caught this at an earlier stage. I would have install Garmin brackets when the bagage floor ribs were still on the workbench. That a lesson for my next RV-8...

Prior to getting to that final assembly stage, I never expected that bending and forming all the fuel and brake lines would take so much time. It took me a great deal of time in April and May to achieve satisfactory results with these components. With a Slow Build Fuselage Kit, I had all the access I needed, with only the FWD fuselage on the bench, to mock-up my fuel lines. After doing this, I raise my hat to all you Quick Build builders out there who will have to twist and turn themselves inside the fuselage to measure and bend fuel lines :p

That's my little update for now. Please come again soon. I shall try to update you more regularly.

Have fun bucking and squeezing all those rivets !
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Your picture links aren't working friend. Just thought I would let you know in case you didn't already.
I was glad we got a chance to chat at OSH. I'm back to work on my 8, and just updated my kitlog posts. I'll have to revisit your site now!
Thank you for the regular updates Martin. I know it's probably laborious to keep updating the thread but for those of us teetering on the edge of ordering a tail kit, it's inspirational!

Ottawa, Canada
Thank you for the regular updates Martin. I know it's probably laborious to keep updating the thread but for those of us teetering on the edge of ordering a tail kit, it's inspirational!

I understand completely. During the 13 years between buying my pre-plans kit and my empennage, the websites and YouTube videos shared by other builders (Mat Dralle, Bryan Raley, Scott Thompson and many others, especially Joe Schumacher in From The Ground Up) did a great deal to keep my dream alive, and I will be forever grateful for that.
I was glad we got a chance to chat at OSH. I'm back to work on my 8, and just updated my kitlog posts. I'll have to revisit your site now!

Hello Martin ! Yes indeed it was nice to meet you, and all other RV-8 drivers and builder at OSH. I got a lot of motivation for meeting you all. Looking forward to show you all my -8 in a few years from now.
Thank you for the regular updates Martin. I know it's probably laborious to keep updating the thread but for those of us teetering on the edge of ordering a tail kit, it's inspirational!

Ottawa, Canada

Hello Mike,

I am glad I can inspire you to build your own RV. If you want more inspiration, come to my shop ! Ottawa to Terrebonne, Quebec is about a 2 hours drive. Your welcome ! Soon, I will start building the wings.

Do you mean the pictures links from my earlier post are not working ? Yes, I am aware of those. These are due to the high jacking done by Photobucket. That's a lot of work to reload all my pics. I will eventually do that.

On the latest post, I used Google pics. That should work. Does it ?

Thank you for letting me know.

The pictures in an above post Aug. 5th are not showing up either, all I see is a dash inside a circle. Hope this helps.
Project update for November 2017

Hello all RVer's out there, builders and flyers !

I just want to take a few minutes to share with you a project update for my RV-8 s/n 80414 progress. Yes, I admit that when choosing wisely where to spend my time between posting news or making progress on building my -8, building has the priority ! There will be no pictures with this update, because I haven't had the time to sort out the mess Photobucket did to my build thread. Building comes first !

Here in Eastern Canada, days have become shorter and getting colder. No snow yet, but we all know it is coming our way. At the same time, my part-time flight instructor activities are slowing down due to the shorter daytime. Winter in Canada is the perfect....building season !

Surprisingly, from the time we came back from Oshkosh until today, I was able to achieve major milestones on my project. Final riveting the fuselage to reach Canoe 2.0 stage initially appeared as a daunting task. It turned out actually to be much faster than I expected. All those clecos making the fuselage looking like a porcupine are disappearing back in the bucket very quickly when you get the twist riveting rivets at "production speed". I've had great regular support from my bucking helpers Yves, Fred and Jeremi. I admit I had to give away a few bottle of good wine to get their help, but what is a bottle of wine compared to a RV-8 project !? Without them, it would have been impossible to get where I am today. We riveted most of the fuselage "sunny side up". About 3 weeks ago, we flipped the canoe upside down. My Dad came up with one of his genius idea for a contraption using a trailer hitch attached to an engine hoist, which allowed us to lift the fuselage and rotate it at the same time. Thumbs up to you Dad !

We are currently in the process to finalize the remaining riveting with the fuselage upside down. I'd guess that at this time, there are no more than 100 rivets to buck to say "mission accomplished" I have a fully riveted aluminum canoe ! Next upcoming step is main landing gear legs pre-fit on fuselage.

Prior to flipping the fuselage upside down, I took out my empennage from the storage crates I made 3 years ago. For motivation purpose, I installed the empennage temporarily on the fuselage canoe. Boy, that make a huge change. For the first time, It looked like an airplane ! The great thing is that I am not that far away to fitting the empennage on the fuselage according to Van's instructions.

Today, I got e-mail from Van's saying that there are just about to start packing my wing kit (yes, I built the fuselage before the wings !). Likely, I will get a huge box dropping at my door beginning of December, right in time for my Birthday. Biggest Birthday gift I have done to myself in my entire life !!! :):):D Great project timing because the fuselage will be completed, and I shall be able to start working on the wings during the Holidays !

Overall, With a little less than two months to go before 2018, it looks like I am all set to achieve my 2017 RV building objectives. At the same time, I was able to balance between regular work, part-time flight instructing and RV building.

More updates soon !


Bonjour Martin

I was revisiting your build site and was wondering if you had an update on your project as it has been about 10 months since the last one..??

Hoping you are still working on it...

Bonjour Martin

I was revisiting your build site and was wondering if you had an update on your project as it has been about 10 months since the last one..??

Hoping you are still working on it...


Hello Bruno, and all others following my build thread here on VAF !

No, the project is not dead. It is still very much on-going ! Actually, you'd be surprized to see what was achieved since last posting on VAF in November 2017. Up to recently with a full time office job and part time flight instructing, I had to set my priorities. Sadly, updating the project on VAF has gone down the priority list. Priority goes to building the RV whenever free time is available !

Winter is coming, and so is the perfect building season in Canada. I will resume "full speed building RV" as soon as the weather prohibits regular VFR flight instructing, just like the previous winter when I did not update you all with my progress !

As a scoop, my empennage still await MD-RA inspection, my fuselage primary structure is complete, and also awaits MD-RA inspection, and the wings, yes the wings, are maybe 50% done. I am building both wings at the same time, in a parallel manner to speed things up. Soon starting to apply everyone's favorite stuff, the Proseal hummm :D

Anyhow, thanks for inquiring about my project. I shall try to upload pictures soon, in between two instructing flights :)
As a scoop, my empennage still await MD-RA inspection, my fuselage primary structure is complete, and also awaits MD-RA inspection, and the wings, yes the wings, are maybe 50% done. I am building both wings at the same time, in a parallel manner to speed things up. Soon starting to apply everyone's favorite stuff, the Proseal hummm :D

Anyhow, thanks for inquiring about my project. I shall try to upload pictures soon, in between two instructing flights :)

I can attest to that! Met Martin outside of RV building context and at one point I mentioned "oh, btw, I used to be building a kit plane".. and when asked the usual "what kind of plane?" question, I replied "oh, a RV-9A, they are super popular but you probably don't know what I'm talking about" and then he said he was building a RV-8!

Visited his shop - the fuselage was mostly complete and he was about to start working on pro-seal! So I gave him a box a cleco and ran away as quickly as possible to avoid getting pro-sealed :p :p

@Martin - let me know when you start pro-sealing - I'll give you a hand!