Thank you Garmin G3X Team for addressing the user requests in the latest update!! Great job!

Update on the installation issue with 9.21.

The trim issue was a non issue. Auto trim will not work on ground without airspeed. I should have read the manual!

The trim indication is still reversed and is still an issue with the VPX communication

I’m back to 9.14 until the trim indication issue is resolved

Anyone else with VPX been able to update their G3X and not have a trim indication reversal ? Maybe Garmin expert could give a status update ?
Me too - trim indication reversed

G3X and VPX in my 14A.

Had to go out an fire up the system after seeing your post.

I did notice this though - when I turned on the G3X - the elevator trim indicator showed it was indicating same as it has always been. As soon as I activated the trim, the indication then reversed.

Makes me guess that the interface with the VPX has gotten confusdicated. Could be at either end of the electron discussion stream.

Computers, can't live with'em - can't live without'em.
GDU4XX Software

We just re-posted G3X Touch v9.14 to our Software Download Center. We will fix the display of VP-X Trim position and re-post the software once that is fixed.

In the meantime, if you have a Vertical Power unit and have already loaded software version 9.21, download v9.14 to an SD card, insert the card in the PFD, and press and hold the right knob while applying power to the display. This will initiate a backload of the system software. Repeat this procedure for each G3X Touch display in the system.


Transponder in STBY after 9.21 load

I just installed 9.21 software and upon first flight after the update, I found the transponder in the STBY mode rather than GND. I noticed this as it did not switch to ALT in flight as it normally does. I know that I had not used STBY on the previous flight as I can see by the ADS-B track on Flight Aware. This is just a heads up to check your transponder mode after loading 9.21. I did load 9.14 first and then 9.21 without a flight between the software loads, so if may have happened on 9.14 (not sure which software version caused the switch to STBY).
Switching back to GND solved the problem on next power up.
I just installed 9.21 software and upon first flight after the update, I found the transponder in the STBY mode rather than GND. I noticed this as it did not switch to ALT in flight as it normally does. I know that I had not used STBY on the previous flight as I can see by the ADS-B track on Flight Aware. This is just a heads up to check your transponder mode after loading 9.21. I did load 9.14 first and then 9.21 without a flight between the software loads, so if may have happened on 9.14 (not sure which software version caused the switch to STBY).
Switching back to GND solved the problem on next power up.

That happens every single time when installing new software on G3X's. At least that's been my experience. Just have to remember to switch to GND before taking off that first time after update.

In fact, IIRC, you have to switch to GND whenever you go into Configuration Mode and then reboot. That also puts the transponder into STBY.
Logic States

I found a few uses for it.
Firstly I labeled my Main and Aux Volts and Amps properly.
Before they had to have whatever the default name was.

Second I lowered the green on the oil pressure for below 1000rpm to stop it throwing a yellow at idle when everything is hot after flight.

Third I have the AUX volts some more green on the downside below 14.3V at below cruise RPM (below 2300).
I like to keep my green band nice and tight at 14.3-14.5. I have two B&Cs.
An LX60 and a vac pad 40A. The main is always rock steady but The Aux on the vac pad puts out less voltage below cruise RPM. Now I don’t get a yellow (or red) unless I’m over 2300 RPM.

I also lowered the redline to 2000 for when the oil is below 120f.
But that’s probably of little use here. It never gets that cold here unless way south or in the mountains.

I’ll give it some more thought. It would be nice to have no yellows or reds anywhere unless running/in flight with something out of range.
I would really like to see fuel level alerts added. Alert me when my setpoint such as 10 gals remaining is reached.

Yes I saw that and I have assumed that if one dosent have a VPX then there’s no need to revert. But I think it could be a little clearer.

I have been caught before on software updates and found it very frustrating.
In this case my excitement about some new features led me to update straight away - counter to my usual habit of waiting….

Now I’m sure it’s fine, just wanted to confirm :)
When will 9.21 be available again?

Yeah, I would think this would be a quick/easy fix. There must be something else in there, or they are working on something new and will release the fix along with the other things... ie: 9.22?

So, if I'm willing to live with the TRIM indicator indicating the wrong direction, is there any other reason to NOT leave 9.21 running and go back to 9.14??

Thanks in advance!
Yeah, I would think this would be a quick/easy fix. There must be something else in there, or they are working on something new and will release the fix along with the other things... ie: 9.22?

So, if I'm willing to live with the TRIM indicator indicating the wrong direction, is there any other reason to NOT leave 9.21 running and go back to 9.14??

Thanks in advance!

See my post number 16
Software Availability

Good Morning,

We will have software pushed later today or tomorrow. Will post here when our link is live.


GDU v9.22

Good Afternoon,

G3X Touch v9.22 is available for download here, and includes new GDL 51(R) software in addition to an improvement for the Vertical Power Trim Indication.


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If 9.21 is working fine is there any reason to update?

If you don't have a Vertical Power box or a GDL 5x receiver there are no changes listed that would affect you, but then again the update is so easy I would do it anyway.
I was looking for more information on the acknowledge function associated with the Master Warning/Master Caution. Also, I need power for the Master Warning as well and wondered if pin 50 on GEA 24 J244 was an option?

I was looking for more information on the acknowledge function associated with the Master Warning/Master Caution.

See sections and in the current installation manual (revision AS).

Also, I need power for the Master Warning as well and wondered if pin 50 on GEA 24 J244 was an option?

For various reasons, I would not do this. Better to get your annunciator power from a separate circuit, lighting bus, etc.
Good Afternoon,

G3X Touch v9.22 is available for download here, and includes new GDL 51(R) software in addition to an improvement for the Vertical Power Trim Indication.



Any details on what is in the GDL software? Does this include the GDL52?
GDL Software

Any details on what is in the GDL software? Does this include the GDL52?

The most recent release improves communication with GDL 51(R) units. There is no change included for the other variants.


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v9.22 bug

I already put in this issue with G3Xpert, but wonder if others have seen it: In v9.14 and before, my EIS electrical display had three bar graphs for volts, alternator amps, and battery amps. In v9.22 the voltmeter graph disappears.

See pictures:


  • 914.jpg
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  • 922.jpg
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I already put in this issue with G3Xpert, but wonder if others have seen it: In v9.14 and before, my EIS electrical display had three bar graphs for volts, alternator amps, and battery amps. In v9.22 the voltmeter graph disappears.

Not a "bug" at all, just a different behavior. You can see that the voltage gauge has moved to the EIS area. Depending on what you prefer, you can either hide it from the EIS display, or set the "EIS / Engine Page Layout" setting to "Combined".
Vans Program or this?

Canopy Closed - Used with a switch that activates the input when the aircraft canopy is closed and locked. A solid yellow CANOPY OPEN message will appear on the PFD if the Canopy Closed input is not active. If engine power is increased or the aircraft is airborne, the CANOPY OPEN message will flash red, and an alert tone will sound.

From ( Discrete Inputs)

This appears to be the same or similar to the alert Vans wrote for the RV-14 canopy open system? (Which I think is great) To those who understand both programs is one preferred over the other?
Not a "bug" at all, just a different behavior. You can see that the voltage gauge has moved to the EIS area. Depending on what you prefer, you can either hide it from the EIS display, or set the "EIS / Engine Page Layout" setting to "Combined".

Thanks! I'll try that setting change!
Not a "bug" at all, just a different behavior. You can see that the voltage gauge has moved to the EIS area. Depending on what you prefer, you can either hide it from the EIS display, or set the "EIS / Engine Page Layout" setting to "Combined".

Do you know where that setting is? I poked around in Configuration mode tonight and couldn’t find it. I am probably missing it right in front of my face. I, too, lost a few items from my Engine page after the latest update.
Do you know where that setting is? I poked around in Configuration mode tonight and couldn’t find it. I am probably missing it right in front of my face. I, too, lost a few items from my Engine page after the latest update.

Look under the Main Menu --> Settings --> Display.

If you don't see it there, you also need to change the corresponding item on the Display Configuration page in config mode to "User Selected".

Refer to section 29.4.18 in the current G3X installation manual (revision AS) for full details.
It is a bug

Not a "bug" at all, just a different behavior. You can see that the voltage gauge has moved to the EIS area. Depending on what you prefer, you can either hide it from the EIS display, or set the "EIS / Engine Page Layout" setting to "Combined".

Actually, it is a bug. As the pictures above showed, the disappearance of the voltmeter graph occurred entirely due to v9.22 without any configuration changes, either in the main configuration mode or at the user level of configuration. And yes, you can force the voltmeter graph to re-appear by setting to combined, but then all the previous numerical only engine data disappears from the EIS column on the left, and is accessible only by tabs.

The bug is that in v9.22 when you set EIS as separate, the voltmeter gets transferred to the numerical EIS column, where it doesn't belong - it should stay in the electrical tab, where it was with v9.14. (or the numerical could also be on the left, but don't delete the graph - it is an electrical parameter.
Actually, it is a bug. As the pictures above showed, the disappearance of the voltmeter graph occurred entirely due to v9.22 without any configuration changes, either in the main configuration mode or at the user level of configuration. And yes, you can force the voltmeter graph to re-appear by setting to combined, but then all the previous numerical only engine data disappears from the EIS column on the left, and is accessible only by tabs.

The bug is that in v9.22 when you set EIS as separate, the voltmeter gets transferred to the numerical EIS column, where it doesn't belong - it should stay in the electrical tab, where it was with v9.14. (or the numerical could also be on the left, but don't delete the graph - it is an electrical parameter.

I don't think you quite have the "EIS / Engine Page Layout" setting taken into account.

If this is set to "Separate", the EIS area will be populated with as many gauges as will fit, and any remaining gauges that won't fit will appear on the Engine page.

If this is set to "Combined", the Engine page will display all gauges and the EIS area will be repurposed to show a few large-format gauges (RPM, manifold pressure, etc) when the Engine page is present.

In version 9.22 they clearly have made some improvements to the EIS area that allows for one extra text-only gauge to appear on a GDU 450. Most people would consider this an improvement.

You have your EIS layout set to "Separate", and since your voltage gauge can now appear there, it is not displayed on the Engine page. If you don't want this, you can either hide that gauge from the EIS area, or change your layout setting. Either choice is easy to accomplish.
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Thanks Garmin!

I'm happy Garmin has updated the EIS options, as I've long considered that to be a weak part of an otherwise nicely done EFIS. I would still like to widen the region the EIS info is displayed on the PFD. I'd gladly consume some of the map function. But, this current update allows me to display ALL the engine info all the time on the PFD, which is a great improvement. Of course, the best solution is to add a second display!
In version 9.22 they clearly have made some improvements to the EIS area that allows for one extra text-only gauge to appear on a GDU 450. Most people would consider this an improvement.

You have your EIS layout set to "Separate", and since your voltage gauge can now appear there, it is not displayed on the Engine page. If you don't want this, you can either hide that gauge from the EIS area, or change your layout setting. Either choice is easy to accomplish.

Agree, an extra text-only item is nice. What I'd really like to see is an updated version of the 450 with higher resolution to support a presentation of all EIS functions more like the Txi series. I still think that volts belongs in the electrical tab, even if it is also in the EIS column - after all, that's what they did with EGT and CHT - in EIS AND in the main tab. The EIS text only is otherwise all direct engine related.

Time to go play with my setup some more, and in any case, happy to see all the new stuff Garmin keeps doing!
Marker Beacon

First off, this thread title should be changed to also mention 9.22

9.22 update notes say the g3X system now supports marker beacon receivers.
I would like to add a marker beacon to my plane. Any advice on a good one I can add?
Me and software

I dont know what it is with me and software but my 9.22 load just crashed.
G5 software update complete because i saw it on the screen, but gdu460 messages saying “do not remove power, software being updated” never went away. .

Update: i left the power applied while i worked on the wheel pants. When i went to leave, the message had gone away. Good thing the G3X team writes software that can tolerate idiots like me.
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I dont know what it is with me and software but my 9.22 load just crashed.
G5 software update complete because i saw it on the screen, but gdu460 messages saying “do not remove power, software being updated” never went away. .

Not sure I would call that "crashed". Perhaps it really was busy updating various remote devices. Some of them can take quite a while. The best thing to do is to look at the System Information page (in config mode, or from the main menu --> Diagnostics if you are not in config mode) to see.
Load time

After the G5 loaded took another 10 mins for the don’t turn off power message to go away.
Just got mine loaded.

Only issue I had is my 6 CHT/EGT bumped my two Turbo Inlet Temps off to an AUX page instead of living right next to the CHT/EGT. Still playing to see if I can get that back.

Excited for Conditional Formatting.
Potentially reformat the Fuel Flow to have a narrower green band for Takeoff.
And a lower scale for correct ROP or LOP operation at reduced settings.

I've printed a bunch of manual pages but there looks like a lot of play time in the hangar coming up.

Appreciate the update!!

Just curious if anyone has configured the Master Annunciator Reset in the new version. I was reading the manual and it indicates that it will acknowledges all warning and caution CAS messages but I am not clear how to trigger this. Do we need a to have to connect it to a switch?
Just curious if anyone has configured the Master Annunciator Reset in the new version. I was reading the manual and it indicates that it will acknowledges all warning and caution CAS messages but I am not clear how to trigger this. Do we need a to have to connect it to a switch?

Yes, this requires the use of a discrete input and would typically be accomplished with a combination lamp/pushbutton. I have used EAO series 31 switch/indicators for similar applications. These are the same basic products sold by Aircraft Spruce as "legend lights", but you can buy them with integral pushbuttons and various other features.

For wiring and configuration guidance, refer to sections and in the current G3X installation manual (revision AS).
Yes, this requires the use of a discrete input and would typically be accomplished with a combination lamp/pushbutton. I have used EAO series 31 switch/indicators for similar applications. These are the same basic products sold by Aircraft Spruce as "legend lights", but you can buy them with integral pushbuttons and various other features.

For wiring and configuration guidance, refer to sections and in the current G3X installation manual (revision AS).

Thank you Matt, I was predicting you to be the first to respond as you seem to be the most knowledgeable*on the Garmin stuff.
I already have a LED light for caution and warning but based on the spacing, I am not sure if I can go to that size of the "legend light" and I am not sure what would be the benefit.* My desire is to be able to acknowledge*the CAS and by that to turn it off.* It is too bad that Garmin has not provided a touchable button such as "switch tank" for this.
My desire is to be able to acknowledge*the CAS and by that to turn it off.* It is too bad that Garmin has not provided a touchable button such as "switch tank" for this.

When a flashing CAS message is present on the PFD you can simply touch it to acknowledge it. Beyond that, refer to section in the current G3X installation manual (revision AS) for additional annunciator output configuration options that have recently been added.

So the question is, if you have a master caution/warning and cancel it, does the system reset to indicate another master caution/warning?

Or does it just disable the master caution/warning indicator?

"...The Alert Persist item determines whether the Master Warning annunciator will remain illuminated after a warning alert (red) has been acknowledged. Selecting Disabled will cause the Master Warning annunciator to extinguish when there are no un-acknowledged warning (flashing red) alerts. Note that setting Alert Persist to Disabled will effectively inhibit the operation of the Master Caution annunciator, as caution- level alerts do not flash..."
So the question is, if you have a master caution/warning and cancel it, does the system reset to indicate another master caution/warning?

Or does it just disable the master caution/warning indicator?

"...The Alert Persist item determines whether the Master Warning annunciator will remain illuminated after a warning alert (red) has been acknowledged. Selecting Disabled will cause the Master Warning annunciator to extinguish when there are no un-acknowledged warning (flashing red) alerts. Note that setting Alert Persist to Disabled will effectively inhibit the operation of the Master Caution annunciator, as caution- level alerts do not flash..."

In my experience using this software, if you connect pushbuttons to acknowledge the external annunciator lamps, it works like you would think: the associated on-screen alerts are acknowledged, and the lamp is extinguished until such time that a new alert is generated. It can be assumed that this feature was intended for people who want an airline-style cockpit with "press to clear" annunciator behavior.

The additional annunciator output configuration settings are more for people who don't have those pushbuttons, and want to customize the behavior of their lamps. Everybody seems to have a different preference for how they want their annunciator lamps to behave, often very different from the next user, and now there are additional tools to achieve that.

That is what you would think it would do but wanted to see if anyone has actually done it, and what the result was.
