Coffee in hand, reading the paper and waiting for the deluge to abate enough for a possible IFR jump into Tennessee before turning northeast in the better weather behind the mountains.

Attendance may still be possible. Got my fingers crossed.

EDIT. At the hangar. LIFR. Still lots of rain. My safety gland is kicking in. Sorry folks. Dangit.
We are going to go shopping for about an hr and then give it another look but I don't hold much hope.
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I've been waiting to depart but its still LIFR at KXSA. Odds are looking poor for me to make it.
RV-4 on the poster

Is that the RV-4 flown by Jack Savage in the 1998 Marion Jayne Race from Shreveport, LA as Race 71?

Bob Axsom
A good number of RV's made it. I had to wait for fog, then low clouds, then the crop duster blanketing the corn surrounding 53VG. The enroute pays from the south east were mixed. I finally took the on top route (both directions).

Sorry I couldn't stay for the group photo.
Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out! We had a great turnout, and I believe the official count was 46 RV's on deck.

We will be uploading photographs throughout the week which will be available on the Chapter 1384 Website. We'll also be sure to post photos and a summary here soon.

Nice turnout

With a little help with the weather the guys at Carroll County had a great fly-in . Not sure how many turned out but must have been 40 - 50 RVs. They had displayed every model that flew in today.

carroll county 2013-1.jpg

carroll county 2013-2.jpg

carroll county 2013-3.jpg

carroll county 2013-4.jpg

carroll county 2013-5.jpg

Look forward to the 2nd annual Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV's!
Good job 1384!

1st Mid Atlantic RV Gathering was absolute success! What EAA Chapter (Vans home field not counted) could brag bringing 46 RVs to their field? :)

Here is my trip. Left home early lost couple minutes on the way to airport.

Weather was perfect VFR everywhere. Here is Carrol County Airport the ramp is still empty but I hear PA Gang on the radio.

Spiraled down watching for anti RV missiles none detected.

Ramp filled up quickly.

I would like to ask event security chief to rewind CCTV tapes. I know who did this I just want the evidence.

I met so many people. Surprisingly some of them knew me.

For first time RV event everything was perfect. Well thought of. Food, show planes and models display, parking. Volunteers did great job. Keep it as it is guys don't change a thing. For airport this large it's the way to go.

Time to leave but we still have half a day. An hour and half later cousin and I were in Upstate NY.


Returned home via Hudson River Corridor. Will be back next year!