Looks like Aeroshell 5 is starting to become available again as well. Amazon has it in stock (much higher price now).

Just a reminder folks, Aeroshell 6 was reformulated not too long ago and many people have found separation issues with it. Use as your own risk.
Just to follow up here. You say it took something like 56 pumps of your gun to get one ounce, somebody else said 24 IIRC for them.

Are you guys measuring *fluid* ounces? I ask because I just checked my gun (I've always just used the "6 pumps" limit per Hartzell, but decided to verify it), and 6 pumps gave me an amount by volume that looks by my eye to be about 1 *fluid* ounce...two tablespoons. But by *weight* it was 0.1 ounces, which would mean IF I were to mistakenly use avoirdupois ounces (i.e., by weight), it would take 50-60 pumps of my gun...just as it did on yours.

I'm asking out of a safety concern...did you measure by weight, or volume? Because if you're using a measurement by weight, you are WAY overgreasing the hub.

To answer your question, I used fluid ounces. I used a shot glass with oz/ml graduated markings.

However, I’m not sure if I get your point. A tube of grease contains 429 milliliters, which converts to 14.5 ounces (fluid). And the tube weighs 14 ounces. Wet to dry is practically the same.
I only posted it because of the apparent discrepancy between the Hartzell instructions (6 pumps) and what some here say they're using (50-60 pumps). Maybe there are grease guns out there that need 60 pumps to put out 2 tablespoons, but mine sure didn't.

And as others have noted, OVER-filling the hub with grease has caused a lot of problems for a lot of people over the years.

My only concern was a possible safety issue. If you want or need to pump 50 or 60 times when servicing your hub, have at it...I could be way wrong.