Keep the photos coming !

In such a sad time these photos bring great joy.

Thank you all for posting them.

Yes pics

I agree some pics are a great way to see the lost friend enjoying the hobby they loved. Thanks for posting. Its a very respectful way to honor a lost aviator.

Condolences to Tony's family and friends. This is very sad news. I appreciated Tony sharing insights from his piloting and controlling experiences.

My sincerest condolences to Amy and his family, and to Tony's many many friends. He was always there to lend a hand, and he will be missed.

Tony recently posted this photo if anybody would like to send a card or flowers to his family.

We're all feeling pretty bad right now>

Tony came to visit us last spring.

He was an all around great person and friend. The RV community has taken a hard hit.
My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Tony was one of the `good guys' on VAF. This is a bad day for the RV community. I regularly followed his posts and am really shocked to hear this sad news.
So sorry...

I've followed Tony's posts over the years. I've never had the opportunity to meet or speak with him, but through his posts I feel like I have come to know him.

My wife of almost 35 years is losing her battle with cancer, and will be gone in less that two weeks. I thought I was hardened against anything else that might happen....

But when I read the post yesterday I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I felt like I had lost a friend. He touched many strangers though his kindness and generosity.

My deepest condolences to his wife, child, and family. And to all of us at VAF that have lost one of the good guys, one of our own, one of our family.
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Such a loss

It's amazing how I can feel such a loss for someone I haven't met. I guess that's the power of this great community. I know it will come back in time but this morning I don't feel like building and I don't feel like flying, I just feel like hanging out with my wife and son. So many have said it but what a kick to the gut.

My prayers and condolences to his family.

Very sad news. I met him a couple of years ago at Osh. Like so many, we don't really know them but we are all family.

This is one that is shocking in so many ways. We really need to know what happened to learn and prevent!!!

Thoughts are with the family.
I know the feeling

It's amazing how I can feel such a loss for someone I haven't met. I guess that's the power of this great community. I know it will come back in time but this morning I don't feel like building and I don't feel like flying, I just feel like hanging out with my wife and son. So many have said it but what a kick to the gut.

My prayers and condolences to his family.

That is what I have been doing all day so far then into work which is going to be pretty difficult.

Godspeed, Cousin-to-us-all. I learned so much from you, Tony. Thank you for making me a better pilot.

This "hobby" of ours can be awfully brutal, but the people I've met along the way make those risks worth it. Usually. Right now, I'm struggling as I weigh that balance. Remembering Tony as he lived is a large comfort in acknowledging the risk.

Blessings to your family, Amy.

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It is very hard to express the pain of loosing one from this family. Tony is the second RV8 builder this year that the VAF community has lost, and although I did not know Tony, I also feel it as though I did. I will continue to pray for his family and their healing. The Lords prayer.
I had to do a double take, when I saw this post.


Prayers and support for his family, they'll need it.:(
Sad, sad day.
I was really shocked when I first saw the post. I've never met Tony but read plenty of his posts.
My thoughts & prayers go out to his family.
Absolutely shocked. I've read so many of his posts. Our prayers go out to his family that they may find comfort and peace in this time of tragedy and sorrow...
Surely, this can't be true

I had the privilege of meeting Tony and Amy when they took a holiday in Ireland a while back. With a name like Kelly, you can guess his attraction to this country. He used VAF to make contact with the small community of RVers here and he brought Amy to visit my little workshop as a result. I drove them to have lunch with my pal Bryan and afterwards Tony flew with Bryan in EI-VII, taking off from his farm strip and landing about an hour later at EINC. It was a wonderful day.

Tony was a super-cool guy and I feel bereft of the chance to return the visit and get to know him better.

Amy, if you can ever bear to read this thread, you will see the esteem in which your husband was held by this community, who all regard him as a brother. When the present horror fades and the positive memories of Tony come to the fore, maybe the warmth and affection of his many RV friends and admirers will be one of the things that will help a little.

Ar dheis D? go raibh a anam d?lis (on God's right may his sweet soul be)
I'm new around here and I didn't have a chance to interact with Tony, but it is obvious that he was very respected and loved by this aviation community, and no doubt tremendously loved (and now missed) by family and friends and coworkers. I pray that they somehow find peace and feel much love in the difficult upcoming days and weeks.

In my 27 years of flying, I have lost more friends than I care to recall, and each time it feels shocking ("how could that happen to him?), and then it feels so unfair ("WHY did it happen to him?"). I work with the terminally ill every day, and, especially when the person is younger, it feels very unfair.

In fact, life often is NOT fair.

One lesson for those of us left behind is that we usually don't know which day is our last, and, in the pilot world, we should realize that any particular flight could be our final one.

Plan for tomorrow, but live as though today just may be your last...
Very sad news. My heart goes out to Amy and the family.

I feel forunate to have met Tony and spend a little time with him.

What a nice out going guy Tony was.

He will be missed.
Everyone has said it so well. I cannot add anything more appropriate than what has already been said. Tony was one of those guys here that I wanted to meet someday.

In addition to Tony's family, I'm really hurting for Vlad right now.

That's all I can say.
When I saw the color of his HS and NJ in the video at 11:50 PM last night, I woke my wife when I said "Tony" without even reading the second post. I told her it was Vlad's friend. She knew who I was talking about even though we have never met in person. We hope to learn what caused this terrible accident someday. We won't forget the education that Tony has shared with us all on here.
I cannot put into words the shock of seeing this post. Tony was a customer. Like many of you, I got to know him through VAF, and his building a RV8. I'm stunned, and very saddened. Having flown today with a good friend, and then seeing this, its tough to make sense.
To Amy and Tony, my sincere condolences. Vlad, our brother, I and so sad for you. Your exploits with TK flying around in your RV's were a delight to read.

I'm just speechless.
My sincere condolences to Amy and Tony jr. I'm a local and had the pleasure of spending time with Tony on several occasions, most recently 2 weeks ago.

Godspeed Tony - you will be missed.
One more lesson...

Tony, I along with so many others enjoyed reading your posts. Following your journey has been inspiring to so many of us, and we feel like friends though never have we met. I'm glad you crossed over doing something that you love so passionately, and while we don't yet know what it is, something tells me you have one last lesson for us, and it may save the lives of others.

Our best to Amy, Tony Jr. and the rest of your family and friends. You have left a legacy in this community for which they can be very proud.

My thoughts and prayers go to the family. Like so many others, Tony was one of those whose posts I would always read. I am deeply saddened.

The saddest, yet the best, obits appear right here on VAF. We too, given enough time, will be featured. We should strive to live the life that brings condolences and remembrances as fine as these. RIP, Tony

Bob Kelly
Take care TKATC, I felt like I had met you through this website though I never had. Prayers for friends and family.
My thoughts and prayers go to the family. Like so many others, Tony was one of those whose posts I would always read. I am deeply saddened.

The saddest, yet the best, obits appear right here on VAF. We too, given enough time, will be featured. We should strive to live the life that brings condolences and remembrances as fine as these. RIP, Tony

Bob Kelly

VERY well-stated, Bob. My exact thoughts.
RV Down

Sad news indeed,

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

The picture below is the verticle stab. The top is to the right of the picture. The front mount area is on the left side of the picture. The top rudder hinge is seen on the right side of the picture. The vertical spar has been torn out of this part. The front mount of the vertical stab has also been torn out

Tony's track was straight up to the area of the crash site, then a sharp right turn.

I'm in the middle of my conditional inspection. I've already inspected the tail group, but, becasue of this accident, I'm going to re-visit this area and put some side loads on the vertical stab to see if I can find anything (cracks) around the front mount. Could the RV-7/8's have an issue like that found in the RV-9's?????? It's definately a prudent approach.

I am not very familiar with the RV build but this was found a good distance from the main wreckage. I am leaning towards horizontal stab because I see an offset hinge and would think the vert stab would be inline. Also thinking it is the right side but have no idea. I do not see a spar. Maybe someone can ID this piece.
Awful news....

Condolences to the family. Makes you stop and take a look around to be grateful for what you've got and who you know. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
Brian and Audra
The picture below is the verticle stab.............becasue of this accident, I'm going to re-visit this area and put some side loads on the vertical stab to see if I can find anything (cracks) around the front mount.

Negative Fred, that is NOT the vertical stab. The vertical stab is in a tree clearly visible in the photos in this link:

Please don't speculate if you're not sure what you're talking about. The piece you're talking about is one side of the horizontal stab.
Not speculating.....

Parts don't just come off of aircraft without a reason. It doesn't matter which part it is. If it happens once, it can and will happen again. I'm in the middle of my conditional. I'm going to look this area over again just to be sure......

Negative Fred, that is NOT the vertical stab. The vertical stab is in a tree clearly visible in the photos in this link:

Please don't speculate if you're not sure what you're talking about. The piece you're talking about is one side of the horizontal stab.
Farewell Tony!

This is extremely sad news for the VAF community. My sincere condolences go out to Amy and the rest of Tony's family. I hope one day they are able to see how much influence Tony had on so many people, many of whom he had never met in person.

I was very fortunate to meet and fly with Tony and several occasions. The first was my visit to Salmon Farms, my first stop on the east coast.

Tony was one of the first RV'rs I met on the east coast.

(Tony is on the left)

I had the pleasure of flying with him during our trip to Nova Scotia. What a great individual, full of life and a lot of fun to be around.
(Tony is in the middle, white shirt & blue hat)

Finally, here is Tony doing what he loved, FLYING!!!

God speed Tony, you will be missed.

God speed Tony!

To your family, I wish you the very best. Your entire family is in my prayers.
TK answered several questions for me about ATC. And he was willing to share the fun as well as the hard lessons that those might help the rest of us. Tailwinds Tony.
Thank you

Thank you for all of your kind words and happy memories. Tony is the love of my life, my best friend, and my soul mate and I miss him terribly. I saw the crash site today and it is awful. I will tell you that whatever happened in my mind had to be catastrophic. Tony was a great pilot, a great man and a great husband and friend. Please feel free to reach out to me - ed. If you need to contact Amy I can give you the email/number. Removed here to better keep spammers/crooks out of the loop. dr]
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Please feel free to reach out

Amy, we have such respect for Tony, and we feel the smallest part of your pain, as great as it is. How can we help you? This community steps up when it's asked. Please tell us what you need from us, now and in the future.

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Thank you for all of your kind words and happy memories. Tony is the love of my life, my best friend, and my soul mate and I miss him terribly. I saw the crash site today and it is awful. I will tell you that whatever happened in my mind had to be catastrophic. Tony was a great pilot, a great man and a great husband and friend. Please feel free to reach out to me -

And thank you for the message at this very difficult time for you and your family. Many here are having a tough time dealing with what happened and this from you at this time is helpful.

We here share a passion. Flying is very intense in some persons, nothing will keep them from it. Tony was in that category. He would never give it up if it had been someone else. You could sense it in his messages, he was driven, he was intense, and he shared it with others who felt it also.

Some of us have been around a while and been through this before. It is never easy and always leaves unanswered the question, why the other guy and not me?

I believe we live in this physical world governed by the laws of physics (and other laws), have the freedom to make choices, and beyond that are on a journey returning to where we came from and there is no guarantee the ride will be easy. Aviation happens to be an advocation appropriate to that end - when we fly we feel it, a sense of personal freedom, we are going somewhere. It is a risky ride but we would not miss it for anything. Not everyone senses this but some do.

Again, thank you for taking the time to say what you said. Tony is OK. The spirit, the soul, does not die. You will meet your soul mate again.
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Thank you, Amy.

Amy, thank you for your kind words.

May I suggest that you stay in touch on here for some great company, compassion, remembrance and as a continuing RV family who loves you.

Just too sad...

I'm sad to say I'd heard about a plane crash in NJ on Friday, and it never occurred to me it would be anyone I "knew". Devastating to come back to the computer to catch up and discover this news.

I only met Tony once, at the RV-1 visit to Pottstown Limerick Airport, and only exchanged a few words with him and with Vlad, but have followed his adventures since he first bought his RV and flew it across the country to its new home. He always impressed me as a great guy, a professional at his job, very giving of his knowledge and expertise, and a genuinely fun person. God Bless his wife Amy and their families as they deal with this tragedy.

PS - Has anyone reached out to Vlad? I know he must be hurting even more than any of us this weekend.

David Kilmer
Amy, I'm so sad for your loss. Tony and Vlad would come to our airport Sky Manor quite often. I have a RV-8, Tony and I would talk about the building of his new 8. I am the Fly In chairman in our EAA 643 Chapter and I was so happy to give him an award for such a beautiful plane at our event, this was Sept 07, 2013, he was a great guy and we will all miss him.
Sucker punched.

I never met Tony. Never even talked to him directly that I know of. But I followed his -8 build, and the "Ask a Controller" thread was always a must-read. You didn't have to talk to him directly to see his passion bleed through every word.

I feel a great loss and my only contact was through the electrons in this laptop screen. I can't begin to imagine the loss felt by those close to him.
Like everyone else here, I was stunned to read of the news on Friday. I never met Tony but I got a picture of the kind of guy he was through his posts. As a low time pilot, I always felt there was something I can learn from him and I was never wrong. He was insightful, thoughtful and always respected others and their views. And he always took the time to contribute. A class act all the way.

To Amy, his family and friends, I offer my condolences. Like I said, I never met him but I truly wish I had.

Take care,
Tony will be missed. He was always listening and learning and served us well.

Tony was there for me last summer when I was down. He knew the remedy was to tell the good stories and share the fun memories.

So here is one of my favorite "Tony" pictures - captured by Vlad ...

I never met TK but like most on the forum enjoyed his posts and how much he loved the community and the RV. Any accident is disturbing however I think this accident has hit close to home for many VAF members. It also suggests and that is all at this point that there could have been a inflight breakup of the aircraft on what appears to be a routine flight. Hopefully regardless of the final cause there will be lessons to be learned and the accident can improve RV safety for all of us. I don't think TK would have wanted it any other way.
One thing I might add for the moderators. Amy's post was great to see and I know it took a lot of courage to write anything at this point. I would however ask that the moderators remove her phone number and perhaps the email address. Sadly we live in a world where there are a lot of bad people and some may choose to use this information in ways that are not right. Perhaps the mods could retain the information and give it out to a member who wants to contact her. [[ed. Done. I have the contact info if anyone needs it. dr]

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To all of you, and especially Amy, my sincere condolences. This one hurts a lot because of the circumstances of the crash. But also, to even people like me who did not know Tony, it's very hard to see this happen to someone clearly so passionate about life and who are in their prime. I've read many of his posts in the past and always thought he had so much to share and add to the sport aviation community. Like many here, I know from my earliest memories I was born to fly and that's why I've made it my life's work and even my life's favorite past time when I'm not working in aviation. It's in our blood, souls, and it is a critical part of our life. I think Tony exemplified this same passion, and especially to many of us aviation "lifer's" out there, his passion will be sorely missed. To all of you who were his family and close friends, be strong...
Too sad

I can only echo the incredible, heart-felt sentiments already expressed.

It hurt when I read the words. I thought "what can I do to help?" I decided that saying a solemn prayer for Amy, Tony Jr and all of those who loved and knew him was first. Then I went for a flight for the friend that I had never met.

Amy, if there is anything that you need, someone here can likely help.
