
Well Known Member
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.



Looks great..

Never mind... I suppose it helps to read the entire post:)

Question, how would you have these in the plane? Are they 4 separate sheets front and back or half pages on a binder?

I prefer to fold them in half and laminate using 5 mil sheets. That makes them stiff but not rigid and easily stored in the netting or pocket near your calves.
Checklists are GREAT !

That is exactly what I have been searching for :cool: Those are easy to follow and to customize. Perfect ! I have already PM'd you. Thanks again :D! Ed
Nice work! I have similar. On this topic, has anyone created the ACE files for the G3X checklist window? I am also the laminated paper type, but I have recently put my checklists into Foreflight and that is pretty nice... For completeness sake I was going to put them into the G3X as well, but I find having to use a Windows machine too frustrating (and I am being lazy) to create the files for the G3X checklists.
Love the formatting with shadow boxes. Thanks for doing all the work. I've PM'd for a copy

Looks nice. I have some suggestions, though:
1. Add ‘mixture forward after engine start’ to the bottom of the start list. In case it’s not obvious.
2. Change ‘transponder standby’ to ‘transponder on ALT’ on pre-taxi list. This is a relatively new change from the faa.

Sent to everone who PM'ed except raab. Need an email address to send these out.

Thanks for the suggestions, I continue to update as things change.
Looks good. Only suggestions i have: consider turning the boost pump on for pattern ops/initial takeoff; I like to check flight controls before engine start - lids are still open so easier to see (and chance to catch something earlier); Are you sure you want to step on the opposite rudder with an unlatched door? As this takes a good bit of thought and time, I still consider my checklist in draft form (which you should be able to download from the VAF home page, POH section), and we all have things we do or address differently.

I also programmed all checklists and some other aids into the G3X (pirep format, filing in flight (does anyone do that anymore?) etc) but find that the handheld checklist is easier quicker to use. I printed mine out on 5 x 8 card stock and laminated it, put binder rings in like a dash one checklist or IFG....

This looks very good. A couple of suggestions... during climb out you might want to consider turning off the boost pump and putting the flaps in the reflex position.

On landing as part of my gumps check I like to press both brakes to make sure they are firm...helps prevent any surprises on the roll out. :)

Starting question

Nice checklist....a lot of info readily available!

I have a stupid question on the start procedure...first you prime the fuel then move the mixture to cutoff? Throttle, I can see, but Ive always left the mixture rich. Technique? Procedure? Or am I just out to lunch?

Nice checklist....a lot of info readily available!

I have a stupid question on the start procedure...first you prime the fuel then move the mixture to cutoff? Throttle, I can see, but Ive always left the mixture rich. Technique? Procedure? Or am I just out to lunch?


The technique described is straight from the Lycoming manual. Of course, everyone has their own idea of the best way to start.
This looks very good. A couple of suggestions... during climb out you might want to consider turning off the boost pump and putting the flaps in the reflex position.


The most recent Vans (and Vans employees/consultants) information (much posted here on vaf) for the -10 is: (1) flaps may be left in trail at all speeds, and (2) flaps in trail should produce slightly better climb performance
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.




I am almost ready for my RV-10's first flight. I would greatly appreciate your sending along the checklists word document to me at [email protected] .
-- Thanks. -- Harry Dawson. Rome GA
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.



I just bought an RV-10 and would love a Word copy of your checklists if they are still available. Thanks!
[email protected]
Jon's been my CFI for the past few years and I was an early adopter of his checklists. I modified them slightly for my own RV-10 and procedures and I printed out full size laminated copies for use in my plane. I uploaded the PDF versions here last year: Jon is not as active here on VAF as I am so you can hit me up for a Word copy if you don't hear anything from Jon--just need an email.
Jon's been my CFI for the past few years and I was an early adopter of his checklists. I modified them slightly for my own RV-10 and procedures and I printed out full size laminated copies for use in my plane. I uploaded the PDF versions here last year: Jon is not as active here on VAF as I am so you can hit me up for a Word copy if you don't hear anything from Jon--just need an email.
Thank you! Jon was kind enough to reply and send me Word documents of his checklists.
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.



This is good stuff. Anyway I can get a
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.




I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.



I would like to have a copy of this. Nice work

[email protected]
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage9
Jon's been my CFI for the past few years and I was an early adopter of his checklists. I modified them slightly for my own RV-10 and procedures and I printed out full size laminated copies for use in my plane. I uploaded the PDF versions here last year: Jon is not as active here on VAF as I am so you can hit me up for a Word copy if you don't hear anything from Jon--just need an email.

any chance I can still get a copy of the checklist? This is good stuff. Thanks.

[email protected]
in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.



This is good stuff. Anyway I can get a
A lot of work into these checklists. Well done. The following is my opinion that drives how I fly. It is worth exactly what you perceive it to be. I have a concern checklists in the GA world have become more "how to fly" or "DO" lists than proper checklists. The reason checklists were developed and their most important function is to prevent pilots from making critical mistakes. For me, flying is a series of learned and practiced flows and procedures that are backed up by a short checklist. If the entire normal checklist for a modern airliner can be printed on one side of a page there is no reason it needs to be more in depth for any GA type.

A lot of work into these checklists. Well done. The following is my opinion that drives how I fly. It is worth exactly what you perceive it to be. I have a concern checklists in the GA world have become more "how to fly" or "DO" lists than proper checklists. The reason checklists were developed and their most important function is to prevent pilots from making critical mistakes. For me, flying is a series of learned and practiced flows and procedures that are backed up by a short checklist. If the entire normal checklist for a modern airliner can be printed on one side of a page there is no reason it needs to be more in depth for any GA type.
Agreed! I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer or a nitpicker, but, that Normal Procedures checklist is waaaaay too long and cluttered with basic pilot stuff that has no need to be on a checklist... it’s not really a checklist but more of an overly complicated do-list. On the Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, Approach lists I see ”throttle - full forward”, “trim - adjust” and “engine gauges - monitor”… really? That’s Student Pilot 101 stuff, no need for it to be on a checklist.

As Steve noted above, develop and learn a flow that works with your ship, then follow up with a simple checklist that gets the killer items. To me, that Normal Procedures list is just too long and not usable. For comparison, the checklist on the 737 at my day job is half that size, but it works. Go with the flow…
Agreed! I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer or a nitpicker, but, that Normal Procedures checklist is waaaaay too long and cluttered with basic pilot stuff that has no need to be on a checklist... it’s not really a checklist but more of an overly complicated do-list. On the Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, Approach lists I see ”throttle - full forward”, “trim - adjust” and “engine gauges - monitor”… really? That’s Student Pilot 101 stuff, no need for it to be on a checklist.

As Steve noted above, develop and learn a flow that works with your ship, then follow up with a simple checklist that gets the killer items. To me, that Normal Procedures list is just too long and not usable. For comparison, the checklist on the 737 at my day job is half that size, but it works. Go with the flow…
When I created these I did so from my old set of Checklists at Western Michigan University's Aviation Program. The checklist were designed for everyone from first flight to completing your CFI in their fleet of aircraft. When building this checklist I took the same approach to really get me thinking about all the little details and things that would need to be accomplished throughout the flight and place it in an easy to find and easy to read format.

The best part about a checklist like this is that the delete button on one's computer works great and stuff can be changed to say / read whatever you would like and the format will still hold and fit onto one card. If you are a 100 hour pilot or plan to allow a low time pilot who is unfamiliar with the aircraft to fly it, then maybe leave the simple stuff on the card. If your a 10,000 hour 777 captain, then maybe use that delete button for the simple stuff. Up to you, but originally designed to meet the needs of as many people as possible.
I am in between build projects so I decided to build out some checklists for a future RV-10. I made Normal, Emergency, Preflight, and a VFR/IFR cheat sheet for common reference items in the aircraft. These are designed to be folded in half and laminated for ease of storage in the side pockets. I attached pictures, but will gladly send the word document for anyone that would like to modify them for their specific aircraft (I left speeds off since I don't have an aircraft to determine those yet). These could likely also be easily adapted to other single engine aircraft so feel free to share. If you would like the word document just PM me with your email address and I will send them over. Hope this helps.



Nice work
[email protected]