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Recent lead times on fuselage kits


Well Known Member
Anyone got any recent lead time info on fuselage kits? I am about 1/3 of the way through my wing kit and I am trying to figure out when I need to order the fuselage kit. I would order it now but I am a bit short on storage space.
I don't know how well it applies to the 9, but I ordered my 14A fuselage kit on Feb. 20th and it's shipping this week.
I have my RV-8 fuselage kit and was just checking lead times for the finishing kit on the website.

Copy / Paste and changed to I from Van's Aircraft website.

Lead Times

Our current backlog doesn’t allow us to display lead times for kits. We are working through production planning for kits already on order, as well as parts orders. The factory production of those orders will take some time. We will soon be working on future production planning, as well. At that time, we will post estimated lead times.

Last time I looked was about 6 to 9 months ago and at that time I was looking at 12-months. With everything that is presently going on, it would be a safe bet that 12 months or more will be the lead time for most kits.
I would order it right after starting the prior kit. There will be backordered parts with the next kit so the more time the better.