There is a post on the Facebook RV-14 page stating that a builder recently received j-channel that had laser-cut holes and was then covered with blue plastic film.
Van's responded: "Van’s Aircraft is aware of this report. The fact that a laser-cut part remained in our inventory, despite our attempts to clear all laser-cut parts from our warehouses, necessitates prioritizing this issue and giving it the highest level of attention. Our team is conducting an exhaustive inventory inspection to ensure no laser-cut parts remain in our inventory. Additionally, we are investigating how the laser-cut part ended up in a customer shipment. As a precautionary measure we have halted all packing and shipping until our inspection has been completed. We will provide daily updates until the completion of our inspection."
Van's responded: "Van’s Aircraft is aware of this report. The fact that a laser-cut part remained in our inventory, despite our attempts to clear all laser-cut parts from our warehouses, necessitates prioritizing this issue and giving it the highest level of attention. Our team is conducting an exhaustive inventory inspection to ensure no laser-cut parts remain in our inventory. Additionally, we are investigating how the laser-cut part ended up in a customer shipment. As a precautionary measure we have halted all packing and shipping until our inspection has been completed. We will provide daily updates until the completion of our inspection."