This is likely a good reference but the problem is, no two inspections are the same. Sometimes it is very in depth and other times they just look at the paperwork.
The best plan is to ask your DAR what they want to see, in advance.
Ask your DAR. Mine was very helpful, I called him several times to see what I needed and what he expected before he showed up. Made it less painful for both of us.
There is a check list at the end of the AC_90-89C document. It is a very comprehensive check list of almost every part of the airplane. Even after I went through this checklist, the DAR still found things that were not completed satisfactory. This is also a good check list for the annual condition inspection too.
In my case, the DAR wanted to do a pre-inspection inspection since he only saw the airplane completion in various stages. If you DAR is willing to do this then take the offer so that you correct all the discrepancies before the actual formal inspection. In my case, there were 2 additional FAA ASI inspectors tagging along so failure was not an option.