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Best Propeller Diameter & Fuel Pump Removal


All -
Finally upgrading to a Performance propeller. Interested in folks' input on best diameter. My RV-4 has an O-360 and, like most RV'rs, I enjoy XC, sport aerobatics and short-field ops.
On another subject - does anyone know how to get a fuel pump off an RV-4 w/o having to pull the motor - I' out of ideas as the pump body is right up against the firewall (footwell) and I still don't quite have the gear out of the motor...
As always - greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts!
Cheers -
Hmm, I changed mine in my -4 recently and my Dad has changed his a while back, there?s not a gear on the fuel pump, more like a lever on every one I have seen, it?s a little tight but we didn?t have any problems getting either of ours off, now if you can?t get it off your in real trouble because putting it back on is by far the hardest part. Maybe there is some RV-4 combination out there that won?t let you change it on the airplane, if there is someone will chime in on it.
Thanks Russ - will keep at it; the gear arm is well exposed (probably 2.5" of throw showing) but still can't quite get it out of the motor.
Props and pumps


The fuel pump is a pain, it will be even more or a pain when you come to put it back in and lock wire it. It is doable.... I have just done mine but fun it is not.

As for the prop size. I am just doing a database of Props and ignitions fitted to RV's in the UK. 68 or 70 inches are the most used diameters. I am hoping eventually to get enough information for a realistic comparison of prop performance.

Its early days but the Catto 3 blade is reported to have given increased cruise speed and very smooth performance. My prop is a sensenich 70.
Many thanks Steve - concur w/ your observations on diameter thus far. I'll be pulling the motor - just cant get enough clearance for the fuel pump. No big thing. I'd be interested in your data-base though - sounds interesting. Couldn't help but notice your high-speed cowling - is that a Sam Jones?
Cheers -

Haven't tried this, but loosen the top two engine mount to engine bolts and let engine droop a little. Should be able to buy yourself at least an inch.



I decided to go to sealed plenum, and follow the Sam James look. The lower inlet rings are moulded straight into the cowl. So, its similar to an SJ but not the same.

Spending $50 and some time seemed a lot better than $1000 and having an unused cowl lying around.

It will take a few weeks to organise the spread sheet on props. I don't have many 4s listed at the moment.
Mr Barnes (got two Steve's on-thread) -
Thanks for the input - considered that approach; doesn't quite provide adequate clearance. Do appreciate the thought though!
Mr Arnold -
Concur entirely w/ your thoughts on the cowl/plenum - impressed w/ your ingenuity. Fully understand the time element on the spreadsheet - will keep you apprised of my prop ventures...
Cheers -st
Performance Prop

Hi Sstspin

I just saw your post. I have a RV-4 with an 0-320 and Performance Prop. it is a 1999 model with short gear but late model cowl, wheel pants and gear fairings.
I've had the same prop from day one and it is perfect combo. 2300 static, 2450 cruse at 155/160 kts , and 2750 wot.
The fuel pump will come off and go back on with out pulling the motor or loosening engine mount bolts. Just a little fiddley but doable.
Hmm, I changed mine in my -4 recently and my Dad has changed his a while back, there?s not a gear on the fuel pump, more like a lever on every one I have seen, it?s a little tight but we didn?t have any problems getting either of ours off, now if you can?t get it off your in real trouble because putting it back on is by far the hardest part. Maybe there is some RV-4 combination out there that won?t let you change it on the airplane, if there is someone will chime in on it.
Hi, I'm in the process of changing my fuel pump as well. Listening to others, I had to remove the 2 lower mount bolts and loosen the top ones to get enough clearance to finally remove the pump (via a lift of course). Take great care to loosen any connections that have been strapped to the mount and firewall before jostling the motor enough to create the clearance.
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