
I'm New Here
Hey all,

New member to these forums, what a great community to be welcomed into! I have recently joined the EAA and visited the Vans tent at Airventure this year. I am an avid 'tinkerer' (cars, snowmobiles, appliances, etc), and in due course I have started looking at building my own plane! I love the look and performance potential of the RV8, but I have wide shoulders and I'm not sure I would be comfortable in one :mad:

Is there anyone in the greater Milwaukee/Green Bay/Chicago area with an RV8 that would be willing to show me around, and possibly take me up?

Lunch/dinner would be my treat in exchange for your time (and nothing but your time ;) )

Thanks in advance!

Kyle Schober
Menomonee Falls, WI
I'm in the Falls and am based at KUES. I have a 7 that I built but there's an 8 under construction in my hangar. I'd take you up in my 7 and I'm sure you could sit in the 8...
I have an -8 in Oconto, WI. KOCQ. I'd be happy to show you around the plane. If you are under 200 we can go flying, but if you are worried about fitting in the front you probably won't like the back.

We are having a flyin this Saturday at KOCQ. It's as good as an excuse as any to come up.

Dennis Martin
@upperdeck, that would be awesome, I'll shoot you a message!

@Rallylancer122, I really appreciate the offer, unfortunately my wife and I are busy on Saturday. And as a former collegiate offensive lineman, I do believe your assessment on my ability (or lack thereof) to fit in the back seat is accurate, even if I could somehow make it under your weight requirement :p
Excellent, see you on the 27th. A couple of our RV-8 guys are pretty burly and can give you some insight into how you'll fit in one.