
Well Known Member
The rivets called out in the plans for attaching the forward flange of the ribs to the spar are too long by quite a bit (see attached picture). Is this the same for all the wing kits? The last three ribs call for AN-470AD-4-5 and all the other ribs call for 4-7. The next size down is way too short.

I was told to never have a rivet too long because they could fold over. It is better to be short.

You can buy the AN470AD4-5.5 from aircraft spruce, but 4-6.5.

Any thoughts? Or am I just over thinking things again. I do have a rivet cutter, so I can cut them down.
6.5 length rivets

I purchased 6.5 length rivets from Sierra Pacific. If you only need a few it would probably be easier to cut some to the correct length.
You can buy all sorts of odd sized rivets. I had success with a rivet cutter for the occasional one that was obviously too long where I did not have an appropriate rivet in stock. Works just fine.