Ron B.

Well Known Member
I had my wings with wire runs complete before Van's published revisions and am wandering if I should remove the harnesses and install larger snap bushings as per the revisions. My thoughts are I'm about to install the bottom skins and all the wiring is done with the original snap bushings with no problems. If additional wires have to be added later it's going to be fun reaching all the middle snap bushings to pass the wire thru.
What do you think?
how do you figure out when the revisions were made? Do I have to go through page by page to check the revisions on the new document? Or do people print out the new plans. It seems sort of tedious.

How often to people check for revisions?

Are any of the revisions critical? I have been using the plans I received. I guess I missed the fact that I needed to check for plan revisions regularly.
or do I go through page by page and can check to see it the "revision #" is the same on my plans versus the revisions? then only print out the ones with updated revision numbers
There are a few pages at the beginning of the revisions that tell you what pages were changed and what was changed. I've just got my pre cover inspection done on the weekend and getting back to the finishing of the wings. Today I spent a few hrs going over the revisions and the only thing I found that I hadn't covered already was the snap bushing callout changes.