Well Known Member
My fuse is lat. & long. level; the leading edges of the wing are <1/8" of a straight line; measurements from like points on wing tips to rear-center fuse is within 1/16". I'm satisfied with these two measurements.
I am setting the "very-important" wing incidence. With the level placed near the root end of the wing, and zeroed-out with the 3" riser positioned per instructions, I get a difference of 0.4 degree near the end of the wing. In other words, the trailing edge at the end of the wing needs to come up 0.4 degree to level-out. I have QB wings. It would "seem" that there is a very slight twist in the wing. (The other wing is out 0.2 degree.)
Is there a fix for this? Should I "split the difference"? What have others encountered in this measurement?
Am I being too nit-picky?

I have my drill in hand with finger on the trigger at the rear spar attach point.

Thanks for any advise on this.

I saw the same thing in my QB wings although mine were the same on both sides at (I think) .2 degrees. Vans said to set the incidence with the level/spacer at mid-span, essentially splitting the difference. I think we may be being a little nit-picky but hey, the QB's should be right on shouldn't they? I was a little bummed by the fact that the twist was a "wash-in" (greater angle of attack at the tip) direction instead of wash-out. Sounds like yours is the same but again, I don't think the magnitude is enough to worry about. As always, call Vans directly if you are unsure.

You're right Charlie...I did and....I did.
Here's Van's response FWIW;
"We don't have a tolerance on the wing incidence. I would split the
difference and get them as close to each other as I could. Average
all the readings out and go from there."

One additional note here: There is a PDF file on Van's website that explains setting wing incidence in more detail than the regular instructions. I suggest that you use it.

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