
Well Known Member
I just pulled into the airport to catch our flight at CAB and I saw a guy walking to a 172 with a RV14 shirt on. Our Hawker was leaving so I couldn't run over and say hi, but wanted him to know I saw his shirt!

The Ford Tri Motor was giving rides too. We got to wait at the end of runway and watch him land. Boy does that plane look cool. This looks like a nice airport.
Ford Tri Motor at CAB

I finally got a chance to post a couple pictures of the Ford Tri Motor at CAB I saw Thursday. They were giving rides for $75. What a deal! Wish I had time to take them up on a flight.

I never did hear from whoever was at the airport with their RV 14 shirt on!



My ride for the week!
That would be KCUB

The tri motor is at KCUB. I have watched them flying since Thursday. Then I saw you take off after them. As you taxied out, you passed my hangar building our RV7. I fly corporate as well, but wasn't flying this week. Lots of RVs here. I know a guy here that has a 172 and I think has ordered the 14 tail. Not sure if he is on the forums or not. Next time you are here look me up. We are hoping to finish our plane in the next few months.

Thanks for the response. That Tri Motor was very cool. Is it the same one that goes to the air shows? I really would have enjoyed a ride.

I didn't see your RV-7 but it looked like a nice airport. I think that is great the guy in the 172 ordered a RV 14 shirt. Maybe he will join you and the other RV owners there. If you run into him tell him someone saw him and think he needs to get started!
I understand there is only 8 of them still flying and when this one leaves here, it is going to a museum and will not be flown any more. :mad: we have about a dozen RVs on the field.
Rockwood, I talked with the man I thought it may be and it was him. He was impressed that you noticed and how small the world has become because of RVs.
I just pulled into the airport to catch our flight at CAB and I saw a guy walking to a 172 with a RV14 shirt on. Our Hawker was leaving so I couldn't run over and say hi, but wanted him to know I saw his shirt!

The Ford Tri Motor was giving rides too. We got to wait at the end of runway and watch him land. Boy does that plane look cool. This looks like a nice airport.

Rockwood, I think you saw me at KCUB. I'm sorry I missed you. We had a great week with the Tri-motor flights. You wouldn't believe how many people showed up to take a ride after seeing the Tri-motor fly over Columbia. It was pretty impressive to watch the EAA crew squeeze a plane with a 78 foot wing span into a hangar that is 68' x 68'!

I really liked the KCAB airport. It looks like a good place to be based.

78' wingspan in a 68' hangar! Holy cow, that is impressive. I thought it was funny that they had the people they were giving rides to pushing it out to the taxiway.

Best of luck to you when you start your build.