We usually start planning the clinic in Jan after the Holidays. We have not started the planning for this year yet. The clinic is always the last week in April. You can look at this link from last year for info. http://rvformation.com/WCFC2014/index.htm

If you want to attend please get in touch with me via PM. I can put you in touch with folks around your area. The clinic fills up fast and it makes it much easier to get in if you have been evaluated prior.
Formation training

Does anyone know when this years Formation training is going to be in Madera, Ca.? I don't want to miss it I would like to participate.
Bob Wieczorek
RV6a N347RW What a plane 65 hours and smiling
We usually do it the last week of Apr. It is very difficult to get in. PM me your info so I can get you in touch with someone local to potentially help you.
Formation Training

Does anyone have the exact dates that the formation training is going to be held in Madera Ca. this year. :confused:
Axel is part of the "Planning Team" for the Madera RV Formation Clinic. Sounds like the Management Team does not wish to announce the date at this time. It is a lot of work getting everything ready to roll out. Please be patient and someone from the "Management Team" will post an announcement.
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Once we know, i will post. However, this is a few of us taking our own personal time a resources to help bring people in safely. It is a significant amount of work and we do it for FUN.

We can also choose not to do it if people want to be difficult.

So like i said on the previous post. Send me a pm with your info. I will try to help you in the mean time.