
We get asked this often by RV'ers. This weekend during media rides for the Ocean City Air Show, NPR's Bryan Russo did a real nice job getting to the heart of the matter while interviewing several of our pilots. Its not often a journalists does such a good job capturing the essence of what its like. He does a much better job than us communicating to John Q public what its like to spend some time with us. You will get to hear directly from the pilots why they do what they do, their history, and what motivates them with these planes and pilots.
Audio interview can be found here.
Enjoy and comment here if you like. We particularly like to hear from our fellow RV'ers.
Great job guys! Very nice interview and only makes me more bummed that I can't make the Ocean City show this weekend :-(
Great show, Team RV. Glad I made the 13 hour drive to watch. :)

Best show of the weekend, only the sound of the P-51 was better.