
Legacy Member
Go fly!

The following was filmed by RV-7 builder Tim Bolton on Saturday, September 20, 2008, on the way to 5NC3 for some good BBQ.

The RV-8 is owned and flown by Bill Crothers.

In Tim's words:
Tim Bolton said:
I just wanted to thank Repucci for letting me ride along last Saturday and Crothers for being nice and still so I could video him on the way. This was my first time flying in formation and all I can say is I'm hooked! What a motivational flight that was. I couldn't believe how many showed up just to eat some BBQ and talk about airplanes. I had a great time and cant wait to do it again.

I'm still trying to figure this video stuff out so don't expect too much too soon. Hope you enjoy!

High resolution: http://vimeo.com/1791691
Low resolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76VtERSZa4E

Tim Bolton
Denver, NC

RV-7 (#72696)
As a friend of mine once said, during our first formation flight, "There is no such thing as a fender bender in the air. Keep it safe!"
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