Video and Photos from WCFC 2009

Here are the links to some photos and videos from the RaVen's West Coast Formation Clinic 2009.


I have seen some GROUP photos on the ground but they are not hosted on the web.

I was interested in going to an east coast FAST formation clinic but I was told that no one would train with me because I don't have a parachute and because it would be impossible to open the slider of my 7A in an emergency. I was wondering how the other RV owners deal with this.
I was interested in going to an east coast FAST formation clinic but I was told that no one would train with me because I don't have a parachute and because it would be impossible to open the slider of my 7A in an emergency. I was wondering how the other RV owners deal with this.

F.A.S.T. typically is a warbird formation organization.

F.F.I. is a General Aviation formation organization. F.F.I. follows the principles in the T-34 manual and the T-34 manual says that a parachute is OPTIONAL.

Most of the RV formation pilots fly airshows under F.F.I. but there are a few that are associated with F.A.S.T.

The formation clinic was put on by the West Coast RV pilots from and they all have F.F.I. formation waiver cards and follow all the F.F.I. standards.

For formation training, find an RV specific clinic that is geared to just RVs.
Texas Formation Clinic

We will be holding a Texas Formation Clinic at Brownwood (BWD) on 12-14 Jun. Formation seminar Friday afternoon, fly all day Sat, large formation on Sun. You can sign up here.

To be eligible for a formation clinic, participants should have excellent stick and rudder skills (we teach formation skills, not basic flying), NO VERNIER THROTTLE, dual controls for safety pilot in other cockpit, intercomm, aircraft in excellent mechanical shape.