
Well Known Member

I'm suprised that this is the first report... Here are some of the pics from the WCFC 2013 last weekend in Madera CA (KMAE). We had over 60 RV's and 1 HRII show up from as far away as Oregon, Wasington, Colorado, Kansas City, and Calgary Alberta. Great organization by the WCFC management team and some great flying made this clinic one to remember.

Tim Cone hosted yet another great BBQ bash at Sierra Sky Park, and the All-Up flight consisted of a 27-ship formation. Here are some pics of the happenings...

Pics by Pat Dulaney, Dan Benua, and myself. Post your pics if you have more...







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Joe- thanks for posting photos. Looks like you had great weather for flying. Nice job.
That looks like a blast... I wonder how hard it would be for me to get time off and fly myself down there next year... :)
Attended the clinic over the weekend.

Well run & great fun!:)

Flying skills developed by all. :cool:

Nice to see folks from last year and make new friends this year.