
I am a proud new RV7A owner and plan to fly from the UP of Michigan to Chicago on October 17th. I'd love to get some transition training along the way if there is anyone that can help me out.

Possible Help Right There at KSAW

If you haven't already run into him, look up Roger Bentlage at KSAW. He has an RV7 on the field as well as a Pitts S2 and might be coaxed into helping you a bit. While not a flight instructor, Roger is a retired USN Captain, and commanded a P3 Orion group while in the service. Lots of flight time in many different aircraft. Don't know if he's still doing much aerobatic work, but he's the one responsible for getting an aerobatic airspace box designated near Sawyer.
If you see him tell him hello from me. It's been a while since I've visited. Too late this year as we've already closed the camp at Calumet.
Terry, CFI
Hi Terry, and thank you for the reply. Yes, I do know Roger. I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me to ask him for some instruction. That probably makes the most sense if he's willing to do it. It sure is a small world!