Full Circle

This is a great summery of the last decades. This also brings me full circle with the RVs.

I actually emailed VAN`s when I first reached out to them before I ordered the kit.. I naively asked them if they would help putting in the Astro into the RV-7A. I spend days doing weight and balance and fuel calculations and what not...

Vans came back with the usual spiel that they have on their website. Tried and true... Buy a Lycoming. It will cost you tons of money and take so much time if you get off the beaten path and do an off plan powerplant mod...Also they wont help...

Also contacted Astro at the time. They pretty much used nice words to tell me to get lost. Engine alone was close to 100K back then and they said they wouldn't just sell me one. They would have to make sure all the engineering is right and done by their people...of course that would cost money as well.

I accepted that that was not going to happen but if I had known how the priced for engines were going to evolve I would have bought an IO-360 back then and dropped it into a giant bucket of oil and watch my investment grow!
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