
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Top story today (9/13/07 on the site), but I wanted a copy in here so people who just visit the forums will catch it.

Thanks to Ken Krueger who sent this this video to me.


New Video Showing RV-12 Wing Being Taken Off and Put Back On
...around 4 minutes with two people.

screenshot courtesy Van's Aircraft, Inc. video (used with permission)
screenshot courtesy Van's Aircraft, Inc. video (used with permission)
screenshot courtesy Van's Aircraft, Inc. video (used with permission)

Direct link:
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Practice makes perfect...


That was interesting. Looks like it will take a few times to get the routine down.

Good stuff! Thanks!

(this should keep the fourm poppin for a few weeks until the next update) :rolleyes:
:D OUTSTANDING - big thanks to Van for sticking to his guns and delivering the 'removable wing' feature. I am patiently waiting for the kit - thanks again, Van & staff.

Any news on a 'Vans trailer' kit for the 12? I'd like to be able to pick up my 12 kit at the factory and place it on the BED of my 'Vans RV-12 'trailer kit' and bring it home. The trailer kit would have to be built by the manufactured to the point of frame, wheels/axle/trailer hitch/lisence, etc. I could build the trailer superstructure and then the 12. How sweet that would be as skills are developed. Don't know if this is possible tho. Anybody now about this?
Wing Removal

Nice... It used to take me longer to rig/de-rig my catamaran before and after a race. :)

Neat... looks like rigging a 1-26 glider, but with far less parts... :)

I noticed there was not a lot of fiddling with control hook-ups for the ailerons and flaps... does anyone know if these are self-connecting, perhaps torque tube based?

gil A
az_gila said:
Neat... looks like rigging a 1-26 glider, but with far less parts... :)

I noticed there was not a lot of fiddling with control hook-ups for the ailerons and flaps... does anyone know if these are self-connecting, perhaps torque tube based?

gil A're right on. They self-connect and center (picture of area).

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Wow, that's pretty slick. Now we just need some clever person to come up with an easy way to do it without an assistant.

Rusty (in serious danger of building an RV12)
13brv3 said:
Wow, that's pretty slick. Now we just need some clever person to come up with an easy way to do it without an assistant.

Rusty (in serious danger of building an RV12)

Looks like all you'd need is a folding table with wheels on it.

Also... somebody is eventually going to forget one of those pins. Seems like it would be easy to rig an idiot light on the panel that would light up if both pins weren't in.

The other thing I noticed was that it looked like they snugged the wing right up to the fuse. Is there no wing root fairing?
Also... somebody is eventually going to forget one of those pins. Seems like it would be easy to rig an idiot light on the panel that would light up if both pins weren't in.
I believe that there is a spar pin light, its kind of hard to read the label.

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Any news on a 'Vans trailer' kit for the 12? I'd like to be able to pick up my 12 kit at the factory and place it on the BED of my 'Vans RV-12 'trailer kit' and bring it home. The trailer kit would have to be built by the manufactured to the point of frame, wheels/axle/trailer hitch/lisence, etc.

Yep, its under consideration at Vans, per a conversation with them at S-N-F.

InsideOut said:
Jon Baker wrote: "Is there no wing root fairing?"

Nope... here's a picture:

Since it can only do 120 kts., I doubt they'll be added.
If you look at DRs previous posting on the control hook-up, the picture shows the joint taped like a glider with yellow tape...

The video didn't show them getting on their hands and knees under the wing to add the tape.... :D

An easy alternative that I guess the final model will have is a rubber molding, again just like the 1-26 glider. It might have been left off for weight reasons though....

gil A
rea wing support?

Bravo! I think this is a very slick design!

Does anyone know if the control tube also supplies some support for the back of the wing or is there some other support back there? I wouldn't think the main spar could carry all the wing torque loading.


Now that's what I'm talking about!! I'm no engineer, nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night, BUT, That is Slick!!!! I have been waiting for that to be aired from day one! That seals the ticket if you will. I'm sure it will seal many other tickets as well.
