
Well Known Member
Okay Guys and Gals...

I had the privilege of flying with Marc Ausman, co-founder of Vertical Power this morning. We were going to fly to Brenham for Blue Bell ice cream yesterday but the weather was marginal. Anyway...

When I first heard of his product my first thought was... I want to manage my flying plane. Well, there is Good News! You can fly his system and still manage your airplane.

Marc took me on a demo flight this morning and Wow...ed me for sure. How would you like to have (1)... yes one switch to deal with in your panel? Well, that's all it could take and that was for back-up just in case there was an issue. There is also one bypass panel included in the VP200 that we were flying.

From pre-flight, taxi, takeoff, cruise, landing etc... this system worked flawlessly. And, you program the system to do ONLY what YOU want it to do.

Also the emergency detection and response system was quick and accurate. Marc was able to simulate an alternator out situation and the system detected the problem and went to single buss in an instant.

I'll take two! This is the by far the most advanced system flying in the experimental world... and it will move on to other arenas hands down!

Thanks Marc for your time and company this week.
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Great product but...

If you're thinking of using it in conjunction with Blue Mountain EFIS/One you need to know that it cannot take the engine data from the engine pod that comes standard with it. Marc's advice was to use an alternate EIS to get the data from for the VP-200 and use the EFIS/ONE for everything else. Vertical Power has no plans to support the BMA products in the near future. Since I am committed to the BMA EFIS/One I am not likely to purchase the VP-200 and waste the engine pod and have to invest in another EIS. Kind of bummed about that...