
Well Known Member
Have any of you been having difficulty accessing the pictures from Van's website on the RV-12 pages? For me, the links to the videos work but none of the picture links are active.
Do you mean these:



I have no problems.

Link to my construction pictures

Several people have asked me to post pictures of my RV12 construction. Here is the link again: http://profile.imageshack.us/user/Jim_Cone/ Copy the link to your favorites list so you can follow along as I go. I will try to post pictures as I build so you can see what it looks like. There are a couple of pictures of the manual. It is really good and easy to follow. Just make sure that when you take the plastic off of the parts, you label them immediately so you don't get them mixed up like I did.

I have completed both wing structures and am installing the stall warning vane in the left wing. Next comes skinning of the wing and it will be done.
Priming the RV-12


What are you doing, if anything, for priming the inside of the wing? I also saw a separate post asking if the spar is anodized and based on your pictures as well as what I saw at Sun N Fun, it does not look to be. Does the manual address priming?


Thanks for responding. They could be --- my browser is not even showing the small pictures the text alludes to on the first page of the RV-12. I'll try to find out what's going on via the webmaster.
Priming the RV-12


What are you doing, if anything, for priming the inside of the wing? I also saw a separate post asking if the spar is anodized and based on your pictures as well as what I saw at Sun N Fun, it does not look to be. Does the manual address priming?


Tom Green told me that the spar as it comes from the factory is primed with a clear primer. I plan to use SW acid wash primer like Van's uses on the rib flanges only. Don't get me started on the need for primers. I am 66 years old and my 12 will not corrode in my life time. I want a light airplane, because I am not light! Besides, I have seen the inside fuselage of a 1950's Cessna that had no primer on it all and it looked like it was new. I will now put on my Nomex flying suit for the flames.

..he's going to fall out of the sky.....
Tom Green told me that the spar as it comes from the factory is primed with a clear primer. I plan to use SW acid wash primer like Van's uses on the rib flanges only. Don't get me started on the need for primers. I am 66 years old and my 12 will not corrode in my life time. I want a light airplane, because I am not light! Besides, I have seen the inside fuselage of a 1950's Cessna that had no primer on it all and it looked like it was new. I will now put on my Nomex flying suit for the flames.

Ditto Jim,
If I build a RV12, it will be a quick build and simple build with very little primer if any at all!
Ditto on Amazing keep them coming, can you up the resolution of the pix?
RV-12 Priming


What are you doing, if anything, for priming the inside of the wing? I also saw a separate post asking if the spar is anodized and based on your pictures as well as what I saw at Sun N Fun, it does not look to be. Does the manual address priming?


Jim aka jte65,

I see from your number of posts and your "join date" that you are a relative newcomer to these forums. Hey, that's a good thing! Doug runs a good set of forums, and we need fresh blood all the time. So if you didn't catch Jim Cone's comment about the Nomex suit or AntiGravity's comment about falling from the sky it's understandable.

There has been a GREAT DEBATE (sometimes called the "Primer Wars") in these and other forums about the need to prime the internal surfaces of the RV series of airplanes. If you're interested just SEARCH on "prime," "primer," "priming," etc. and you'll read plenty of valid points on both sides of the debate topic.

You asked a good question, and Jim answered it, hopefully to your satisfaction.

I just wanted you to know some background.

Best wishes,

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HEY Doug!

Me thinks its time fer a new thread for people to show the status of their RV-12's.. Then jim can be the first to post there!