
I'm New Here
Welcome to our RV-10 build!

I say our as this aircraft is being built as a community project and then to be operated on a non-profit basis. Well we have to see if we will get there first I guess!

The build is being completed all live on . Where the entire build, every rivet and failure will be broadcast. Yup there will be over 2000 hours of video made easily. The main community over on twitch is gamers, but streaming is growing into something on its own. I very much doubt any one has ever tried live streaming building an entire aircraft.

I will however be putting the live streams over onto YouTube as well for future reference if required.

Its something new and different and I hope it will bring more people to general aviation and experimental aircraft specifically. We are working with Vans Aircraft on this and have their support!

Currently we have the tail kit and the wing kit. With the Vertical Stab just being completed.

For a taste here are some of the live streams that have been made so far! Also please note. I do use colorful language, so if you are sensitive to swear words you have been warned! Its not for everyone, but I try and make it fun for viewers!

There is a cool little impromptu look at types of rivets and a basic look at the difference of solid vs pop rivets that someone asked while watching.

Anyway dont expect many pictures here as its all documented with video!
I also believe this is the first plane built on twitch. Will be neat to see how it all works out.
I had a look at some of your saved videos. Looks great. I can tell you that I sure wouldn't want to broadcast my work sessions but nobody needs me to show them how to look for misplaced tools and parts for hours at a time. I applaud your openness and ambition.

I noticed that you closed up your vertical stabilizer (and it looks really nice). Since you're in Canada, you need the MD-RA pre-cover inspection before closing up anything. I hope you already know this and won't have to drill out a bunch of rivets for the inspection.

Good luck with the build and the streaming, I'll check it out along the way.
I had a look at some of your saved videos....

Hey Flying Canuck. Yup MD Ra, well yes I shouldn?t not have closed it up....there is two row of rivets that are no directly viewable. But I hope the MD person is forgiving and will just accept video footage of the offending rivets.

Personally I think the inspection required to see every single rivet perhaps a little over the top. Requiring every rivet to be perfect is outside the scope of even military applications.... That?s not an excuse for bad rivets, but just is it really worth having half finished jobs all over the workspace?

I don?t know but lesson learnt everything will be left open for inspection!

Thanks for checking out the videos. And yup showing everything can be a double edged sword. But what I really want to show is well...everything. The mess, the clean up. What is important and what isn?t. Planes are not just birthed and it takes 1000?s of hours for the plane, but the story of shop set up, and workspace maintenance is a thing as well!

Plus really it?s a cheeky way to have more eyes inspecting the work. I have viewers that have bought the plans from Vans. They will call out rivets that I need, or tell me to leave those rivets out. It?s great!