
Well Known Member
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I would like to get a current read. I sold a partially completed RV-8 kit a few months ago with the intention of buying a flying RV-8 or RV-8A. Well, I wound up buying a Glastar because of the asking prices of the then-for-sale RV-8(A)'s. The Glastar is a fun airplane, but I really want an RV. From what I can tell the situation hasn't improved (for the buyer anyway). There is an RV-8A on Trade-a-plane listed right now for 149K. The question is, what are these really selling for? I understand configuration has a big impact. I'm looking for a "middle-of-the-road" RV with an O-360 or IO-360, a CS prop and a modest instrument panel/avionics.

You can get an 8 for less than 100K. Just be patient and watch all the online for sale boards. Heck, for $135,000 you can buy a Super 8 with an IO-540.