I just installed the Trio Auto Pilot on my RV6 and it has a Navaid servo out in the right wing per the Safeair install kit. I followed the instructions exactly and it is now working but has a rapid oscillation when turned on. I was told that it should not oscillate while flying due to aileron loading but it does oscillate even while flying. The oscillation stops if you damp it out but soon starts oscillating again. Anybody have a fix for this? :(
My install does oscillate on the ground, nothing sever. I can hold the stick and it will stop. In the air it works just fine. Are you saying is oscillate in the while flying also? Have you tried adjusted your gain settings?
Mine always does it for a few seconds on the ground, even after I set the gain. In the air it never oscillates. I would guess it is searching for some load feedback.

Bob Kelly
Contact Trio directly

They normally answer within 1-2 rings and also monitor their email. Their CS is outstanding!
I called Trio today regarding a calibration issue. Jerry was on the phone and they said he'd call me right back. Five minutes later, Jerry called me back. This is what I love about companies supporting the experimental community. You get great support, from the company president and don't have to go through an impersonal voicemail system.
I called Trio today regarding a calibration issue. Jerry was on the phone and they said he'd call me right back. Five minutes later, Jerry called me back. This is what I love about companies supporting the experimental community. You get great support, from the company president and don't have to go through an impersonal voicemail system.

Jup !
Exactly right.
This is why we support Trio fully and actively as matching autopilot for our EFIS systems. We get the same, incredibly attention from Jerry as you get. It's an outstanding example of a good company attitude and builds valuable confidence in both the company and the product (which, BTW, is great - but you know that...)

CEO MGL Avionics
Yes, I have contacted Jerry and Chuck at Trio and they are working with me on the problem. They have been great as everybody says and I have no complaints about their service response. I just thought maybe there was something I didn't do right when installing the hardware. I thought disconnecting the springs on the aileron trim might fix it but that didn't make any difference. It does stop if I put quite a bit of left spring trim in. Thanks for all the replys. This forum thing is great.

I too had the same problem. Trio tried to rebuild the Navaid as it was bad, still did not work. Bought the gold servo (they refunded the cost of the rebuild on the old Navaid servo) and it worked great. Good people.

Chris RV6-A