
Well Known Member
I have the Trio/AvMap combo. AvMap has been having problems talking to the Trio for some time, but it looks like the problems may be over! I was given a beta version of their new software to test, and it works great! The test was in moderate turbulence, so I plan another test in calmer air, just to double check. Even with all the bumps, I was holding track within .02 miles--pretty darn good.

I expect it will take a few days to get this software out there, but it shouldn't be long. I didn't find any bugs, but it will only work right when the NMEA output is set at 'Processed.' I have been using an older version since June, so I imagine some of you are waiting, also. The newer software looks good and has some nice features. Hope to get to test wx soon!

Bob Kelly
Thanks for that Bob, will the software be available as a download from their web site.

I assume it will be at the website. Just don't know exactly when. Give 'em a few days as they are working back and forth with the people in Italy who build the thing. I would expect it soon. I'll let everyone know if I hear anything.


I just talked to AvMap, and they plan on releasing the software once I have done another test flight. I hope to do that yet today. It will be on the website for those who have the 256 Mb card (which I think should be almost everyone.) It could be released as early as this evening.

The funny (and sad!) thing about the AvMap/Trio issue lies in the fact that previous version of the AvMap firmware, pre-TAWS, did not have any problem with the Trio, but when they added the terrain, they broke the NMEA stream and Trio APs did not like what they saw...

I tracked this down last summer, since a friend was having the issue, and spoke with the AvMap people here in Italy. They were fully aware of the issue in June, and were already working on fixing it, Dan Lyons at AvMap in the US was very helpful in digging out the right person here in Italy.

Now, a quick question to the AvMap IV fans here; how do you download the track data after a flight? I have a few friends that are totally jealous about me downloading tracks and generating nice KML files to display on Google Earth, right from my Garmin 496...

Ciao, Luca
The funny (and sad!) thing about the AvMap/Trio issue lies in the fact that previous version of the AvMap firmware, pre-TAWS, did not have any problem with the Trio, but when they added the terrain, they broke the NMEA stream and Trio APs did not like what they saw...

I tracked this down last summer, since a friend was having the issue, and spoke with the AvMap people here in Italy. They were fully aware of the issue in June, and were already working on fixing it, Dan Lyons at AvMap in the US was very helpful in digging out the right person here in Italy.

Now, a quick question to the AvMap IV fans here; how do you download the track data after a flight? I have a few friends that are totally jealous about me downloading tracks and generating nice KML files to display on Google Earth, right from my Garmin 496...

Ciao, Luca


I have never done this, but page 22 of the manual says that track data is available at the serial port (USB) by entering "Track Download" from the "Communications" menu. Sounds pretty easy but I couldn't swear to that!

BTW, thanks for helping get the problem resolved. Dan Lyons is very helpful but distance makes it more of a communication problem. Just the time difference adds days to the fix.

Fix is posted

Looks like the final fix for the TRIO/AvMap problem is on the website. Haven't had time to update yet, but will bring the GPS home from the airport today and do it.

Bob Kelly
new member looking to purchase avmap 4

Hello all,

I came across an AVMAP IV EKP serial 507 XXXX. According to the owner it does not have TAWS, which for a student pilot like myself is essential. I am not sure what the software version is, the owner never updated it. I saw that the new version is out on but it also indicates that the update won't work unless I have software V2.01.86R and later cartographies. What expense am I looking at to bring this GPS up to date including TAWS ? I don't know if it has Land Elevation in it or not. Thanks in advance for all the answers.
The new version has TAWS and I have tried it, although the need here in the flatter midwest is really normally not that great. It does work quite well. I believe you can find the cost of the update on the website. I will say I think the IV is a good GPS--I like mine.

Now, on TAWS being essential to a student pilot--really???? I would hope that you are flying in conditions that allow you to actually see things. I admit being a student before many of today's "essentials" had been invented, but I believe the student experience is a time to learn how to actually fly an airplane. Not well, but well enough. IMHO, you really don't need distractions to keep you from that incredibly important task. There will be plenty of time to learn how to rely on the "essentials" of modern flying. If I were instructing, a student would have to be very close to his or her check ride before there was a working GPS in the plane. I know some may disagree...

Now that I have that off my chest, welcome to VAF! I just read that this was your first post, and I hope I haven't in any way thrown cold water on your experience. Everyone here is very helpful. The problem is they are honest. Sometimes brutally so. Stick around. Fly (or at least ride in) all the RV's you can. Most of us are more than willing to share more than just our opinions.

Bob Kelly
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thanks :)

Hello Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I do a lot of solo flight uphere and I am very close to the Rockies. Montana's scenery can change very fast and you were right I don't need it that badly. The AVMAP sold right from underneath my nose ... someone bid on the buy it now price of $950.00
Sorry about that. $950 is a good price, or I would think so. There will be others. And I have to admit, you are in one of those areas where terrain is quite important.

Now, on TAWS being essential to a student pilot--really???? I would hope that you are flying in conditions that allow you to actually see things. I admit being a student before many of today's "essentials" had been invented, but I believe the student experience is a time to learn how to actually fly an airplane. Not well, but well enough. IMHO, you really don't need distractions to keep you from that incredibly important task. There will be plenty of time to learn how to rely on the "essentials" of modern flying. If I were instructing, a student would have to be very close to his or her check ride before there was a working GPS in the plane. I know some may disagree...

Yes, I strongly disagree.

Living in a mountainous area, I've kept track of probably every flight into terrain accident for many, many years. There have been far too many, and todays advanced technology can go along way in solving much of the problem.

These accidents involve everyone from low time to high time pilots; being GA, military, or commercial. Somewhere along the line, for one reason or another, the pilot has lost an actual awareness of just where he/she is in relation to rising terrain, even if for a few seconds.

So what it comes down too, is that "todays essentials", might just save someones rear end tomorrow! Just a few days ago, I mentioned two different flights (in our state), that both had CFI's aboard for instruction, in what were suppose to be VFR conditions. Both aircraft crashed into mountains without warning. A terrain warning GPS, will warn you, even if you or your instructor screws up!

I'm all for the future of glass panels and terrain warning GPS's. Synthetic 3d terrain will even be a bigger step forward in preventing flight into terrain, or instrument approaches that go wrong. Let's have todays students practice with this new technology from the beginning, as many now are. It's better for everybody!

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