
Well Known Member
Trio Alt. Hold - install question

Question is ...
Is it easier to install the servo while building the fuse or just as easy later?
Money goes fast when adding components! Sure would like to add later.
81604 - fuse del. 3/31?
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Steve, you could install the Trio later fairly easily. It would require you to remove the rear baggage bulkhead and crawl back there. That is, back and forth and back and well you get the idea. If you can, it is MUCH easier to install it now, through the side wall. You likely know, you can purchase the servo separate from the control module.
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Steve, like Lorne said it would be easier to install pre finish over post but lets look at where you would be in the construction process when you install the servo. You will have to have the baggage/fuselage vertical installed, with the elevator bellcrank installed/pushrod/horizontal stab/elevator, in other words pretty much completed aft/center section fuselage. The only advantage I can see is you would be able to get away with the forward fuselage skin unclecoed along with the dang slider (if that is you insall) rail that kept poking me in the head:eek:. Long story short, either way it is an easy install. You will like the Trio!!!
Thanks Lorne & Dana,
Great insight!
I can justify buying the servo to save my back and a few "words" :eek:.
Looks like I can recoup $ for a while till I build enough of the fuse to install just the servo ($700).
I guess I need to have most of the aft fuse done as Dana says,... but,can I leave the aft top skin off to be able to reach in and install the servo ?
(I'm probably getting ahead of my self as I haven't seen the plans yet.)

I've researched the system quite a bit and it's the one for me!
Thanks again,
Steve 81604
"Waiting on fuse delivery"
Thanks Lorne & Dana,

I guess I need to have most of the aft fuse done as Dana says,... but,can I leave the aft top skin off to be able to reach in and install the servo ?
(I'm probably getting ahead of my self as I haven't seen the plans yet.)

I've researched the system quite a bit and it's the one for me!
Thanks again,
Steve 81604
"Waiting on fuse delivery"

Steve, you could install the servo prior to having the emp on and such, you would just not be able to install the pushrod to elevator bellcrank yet. The servo mounts just aft of the baggage compartment aft bulkhead so the forward aft fuselage top skin is the one we are referencing....lots of afts there;) No biggie.
Thanks ... I think I've got the picture now.
Anything to save the back & forth described :D
Less crawling = less back problems !!