
Well Known Member
Hello All!

I'm not going with an flop tube, but I want to hold as much fuel as possible in the first bay, just to prevent it from sloshing around during rolls and so, I mount the trap door.

Now, do I must close the aprox. 2" hole in the center of the rib :confused:

Thanks alot

Tank Rib Holes

Hi Dominik,

Do not close the holes in the ribs. They are already sized to keep fuel from rushing out of the first bay when performing aerobatics. Van's engineers know what they are doing and RV's have been doing aerobatics for 30 years with that size hole.

Martin Sutter
aufgewachsen in Solothurn

RV6, RV8, RV7A
Sal? Martin

Han i scho denkt, dass Martin Sutter e kein Amerikaner sie chan :D !

Thanks for the information, I'll leave it open.

near Zurich