Well Known Member
I see in the manual that it calls for some 3M tape for the trailing edge. What width tape and how much length is required? I cannot tell from the instructions if you are supposed to tape the entire length or just some of it. I can get some tape locally but need to know these numbers as they have many dimensions of it!
I purchased 1/2" wide , but that my guess. On the RV-10 trailing edges we were to use Proseal on both sides the full length, so I purchased enough to do both sides of all trailing edges including for the empenage.
I would not think you would want the tape to extend past the trailing edge extrusion both inside the structure and at the point. With proseal , if it squishes out past the skins you could wash it off. The shins stop short of the point (tip) of the extrusion and I would not want tape there for painting reasons.