Stu McCurdy

Well Known Member
Okay, here's the muchly anticipated and long sought after info for
the Texas RV Formation Clinic held 20-22 Jun 08 at Brownwood Airport

20 Jun 08, Arrival NLT 1600 at BWD. Hangar planes. Transportation
to and check in at Days Inn ($51/night minus a discount coupon from
Cham of Comm). Classroom session at motel 1800-2100.

21 Jun, Breakfast at motel, 0700 transport to airport, 0800-1200
brief and fly two missions. Subway Lunch. 1300-1700 brief and fly
two missions. 1800 Texas BBQ at airport, transport to motel.

22 Jun, Breakfast at motel, 0700 transport to airport, 0800 brief and
all up mission, debrief, fly 4-ships as time allows before individual

Call Days Inn at 325-646-2551, ask for the "Formation Clinic" block
of rooms, specify king or double, smoking or non. Price is
$54/night. You will receive a coupon at the airport which will knock
of $15 from total price.

It is expected that participants have excellent stick and rudder skills and know the RV Supplement to the T-34 Formation Flight Manual well. The supplement can be downloaded from VAF Download section.

Sign up by emailing me with Name, Home Base, Plane, Tail #, Experience, Contact #, email.

Stu McCurdy (Falcon)
sturdy614 -at- yahoo -dot- com
Another Successful Texas Formation Clinic

Well, 17 formation pilots gathered at Brownwood Regional Airport (BWD) on Friday afternoon, 20 Jun. Attendees came from Georgia, Ohio, Southern California, Colorado, and Texas. We had a appropriate share of highly experienced, intermediate, and newbees. After a 3 hour classroom seminar to assure standardized procedures and techniques, we had a great get acquainted session at Humphry Pete's. To beat the heat we got going early Sat morning by rolling the planes out of the hangar and starting the first briefing at 0700. We flew 3 missions before lunch in fairly cool and smooth air, then had a great BBQ brisket prepared by the Airport Manager. We conducted one more training mission after lunch with hot temps and rough air, so we hangared the planes and headed to the motel and another war story session at Humphry Pete's. Sun morning, Falcon Flight practiced our Airshow Routine, and then we briefed an all up with 11 of the attendees participating in large formation flybys over town and the airport. After debrief we split in various directions toward home base with memories of another good formation training session for all involved. Newbees got initial training and went home with a good understanding of how to fly formation and practice. The other intermediates and experienced refreshed their skills as leads and wingmen after passing on the techniques to the newbees. And most importantly, the camaraderie within the formation community lives on.
Thanks and Photos!

Thanks again Stu (and others) for organizing and putting this on. From the hotel discounts, to the BBQ lunch on Saturday, thru the many "lead" flyers who attended to pass on their experience.

I've culled through the 570 (ish) pictures that me and the Mrs took that day and have posted the best 90 at

If anyone is interested in a specific one in its full resolution, just let me know.

Cheers !!!