
I'm New Here
Since they are not going to bring it up I have had to join the Van's Airforce and announce this. The members of Team RV accomplished something really special on sat aug 13. 4 members are now level one waiver holders, one more earned his level 2 card, and 3 others are now the worlds newest airshow pilots with level 4 cards. They are members of a very small club the includes less than 400 members in the USA. These are people that are licensed to perform at airshows. These guys have worked hard and really looked good. They also screwed me up good by letting me fly one of their RV-8's. Never will get over that.
Well Done and Fly Safe
Well Buck, your right we would not have tooted our horn on this here. But since you did let me add a few things that I think will help explain some of this to the un-initiated.

The Buck here is Buck Roetman, ACE (aerobatic competency evaluator), think check pilot. The ACE program is administered through ICAS, to evaluate pilots who want to fly aerobatics in public air show events.

Getting a surface level waiver is no small task. It takes years to do. A waiver card here, is what is referred to as a SAC (statement of aerobatic competency) FAA Form 8710-7. This card is issued by the FAA that permits a pilot to perform under public air show waivers. Its not to be confused with other cards that are also issued by other organizations authorized by the FAA to issue air show waiver cards. You have probably heard of FAST and FFI who issue non-aerobatic formation cards. I am an FFI formation check pilot and have been for years. There are different standards and requirements for these various cards issued for air shows.

Starting out, SAC cards are issued with hard decks for safety and experience reasons. As an example. Typically a new card is issued at Level 4, 800'. Means you cant be aerobatic below that. You have to fly a number of shows, and and even greater number of performances, in order to meet the qualifications to take another evaluation to get to level 3, 500'. More venues and flying at level 3 500' and you get to try for Level 2, 250', and so on until you get to the surface, Level 1.

The SAC cards are essentially solo aerobatic cards first and foremost. Then you can add on other things like formation, circle the jumpers, dog fighting, inverted ribbons cuts, blah blah blah. Although the rules for the add ons have changed over the past year or so, the main thing is you must be proficient in solo aerobatics first, and demonstrate that, before you can add on formation or the other ad-ons. Our check rides consist of a solo aerobatic routine with required elements, then, and only then, you go get up in formation and do it again with another set of required elements to meet that standard.

For Team RV, since we are essentially an only formation act, level 1 is strictly for marketing. We do not intentionally take any of our formation aerobatics below 200' for safety reasons. We need the extra 200' below us to account for botched maneuvers, high density altitudes, and safety outs. However, having the surface level waiver is to the air show community, a demonstration that you have been in the business for quite some time, and have worked your way to surface safely. Many venues will not hire ANY act if not holding a surface level waiver. Just the way the business works for a variety of reasons.

So for Team RV, its a long, hard, expensive road of time, lots of money, and practice, to reach the surface level waiver. It was a goal we set several years ago and its the reason its a big deal.

Hopefully this explains what Buck was talking about in a little more detail. If you can believe it, with all of Bucks time in all kinds of planes over the years, he had neither ridden in, nor flown in an RV. Well we could not let that stand and he took Subobs fine example of a light weight RV and blasted off into the box to play. We watched him play around, carb engine dieing, oil spewing all over. A sign of a fun ride for sure. He came back with the RV grin we all know and love. I think he went home to his Christen Eagle and appologized for looking at another woman with envy, drooling, and dripping with sweat. He loved the RV. We enjoyed watching another pilot converted.
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Congratulations to the Team RV Guys - I always salute professionalism, especially in aviation pursuits, and you guys are doing great!

And thanks to Mike for that excellent post - I think most folks who aren't involved in the air show world (which is most of us) haven't seen the process and requirements for air show and exhibition flying laid out so clearly. many get confused over what it means to be a "Formation Team" that can go and do air shows versus a local group that flies formation together. It's nice to see the details spelled out.

That is an outstanding achievement. If I had started flying earlier I might have pursued something like this as well. Also thanks for taking the time to explain what the achievement was.
That is an outstanding achievement. If I had started flying earlier I might have pursued something like this as well. Also thanks for taking the time to explain what the achievement was.

It may interest you to know that average age of the four level-1 SAC card holders in Team RV is 59! I can't imagine where we might be if we all started in our mid-40's; your age. I'm 65.
Way to go!

I want to add my congratulations. You guys are setting a high bar for the RV community in both your skill levels and, more importantly, your professional/disciplined approach to showing the world what RVs can do. As F1Boss would say, "Carry On!"
Thanks Kahuna, for the explanation.

You know I love you guys anyway, but in this case, a well deserved new height you guys have reached.

I?m honored to call some of the Team RV members my friends and doubly so to know that some of them helped me build my -9.

The amount of time and dedication these pilots have put in to get that proficient is beyond comprehension. Team RV is flying almost every weekend to practice and when not practicing they are heading off to an airshow. I don?t know the numbers but I?m not sure the pay they receive from the airshow covers the fuel they burn practicing. They do this because they LOVE it.

What is even more impressive is that most (all?) of them are married and their spouses are fully supportive of the crazy schedule. I guess they like being married to rock stars.

Keep up the good work Team RV!

If only I had built a -7?
I?m honored to call some of the Team RV members my friends and doubly so to know that some of them helped me build my -9.

The amount of time and dedication these pilots have put in to get that proficient is beyond comprehension. Team RV is flying almost every weekend to practice and when not practicing they are heading off to an airshow. I don?t know the numbers but I?m not sure the pay they receive from the airshow covers the fuel they burn practicing. They do this because they LOVE it.

What is even more impressive is that most (all?) of them are married and their spouses are fully supportive of the crazy schedule. I guess they like being married to rock stars.

Keep up the good work Team RV!

If only I had built a -7?

Thanks for the kind words Bill..

And, we are extremely fortunate to have some behind the scenes support that does massive amounts of work to support our busy show schedule.

Tony "Sleepy" Spicer is our crew chief this year and he bust's his butt at every show keeping the planes ready to fly. Fuel, oil, smoke oil, maintenance and a myriad of other things are never ending.

Kari "Slinky" Morris, my wonderful bride, is the teams Public Affairs Officer. She works with organizers, media and sponsors before every show to arrange the publicity and to help the organizers better understand what we bring to every show. I know for a fact that not a day goes by that she isn't doing some Team RV work.

We have spouses that take video, still shots and are just plain gophers at every show also. All in the name of love..

We all strive to make this Team the safest, best trained and highest regarded act in the industry and I'm proud to say that we are attaining these goals. Like every other successful team, it's all the players both on and off the stage that create a class act.

Thanks again for the kind words. They really mean a lot to all of us.

To Team RV and all you guys, Jerry...you just don't know how many "OOooohs and Aaaaahs" are heard when you guys fly. other comments like, "Now THAT was what I came here for", from pilots!

All of your efforts are greatly appreciated and the new uniforms only carry that commitment further.

Best of everything,
What Widget said.
We absolutely love to see and shake hands with the VAF team at air shows. We share your passion for these wonderful machines and it means alot to us that you all enjoy and appreciate what we do. We try and set a high bar of professionalism, skill, and not last nor least, always safety is paramount.

We have a dedicated training & safety officer(Charlie 'Bones" Plunkett), focused training material and programs, always looking out for each other. When pilots are not measuring up, we stand them down. When the team has safety of flight issues, the team stands down until we solve the problem. We apply risk management everywhere and having a team of this size helps in that every pilot is a safety officer. Every pilot has a 'BS flag' that they can and do throw at anytime. And BTW, each of you VAF members also have a 'BS flag' you can throw too. We are not premadana's. Any pilot that gets close to that on this team will get the ax. We take input from many sources in the air show business, including the spectators, women and children alike. Its full of very smart experienced folks whom we know, see what we dont. We never have all the answers or experience. Our safety record speaks for it self. And we never forget that we are 1 simple mental error from trouble. Ill bet you all would be surprised to know that our highest risk of incident time is on the ground! Yep. I know. Your scratching your head. But its true.

We practice as a team weekly, and individuals practice during the week in smaller groups. We fly our brains out. This is not a hobby for us. Its a business that we love doing. The Team RV brand is one that we take very seriously, and proudly so.

This goup also shares of themselves with others in training of formation as most of you know. FOR FREE! Many years of formation clinics and pilot training around the country. I have personally trained over 500 pilots in formation over the years. Its our time to give back and share what we love.

2012 is a special year for us. 10 years in the air show business. We are looking forward to continue to improve and seek new levels of dedication, skill, professionalism, and entertainment.

Once again, to our VAF friends, we love you guys and gals. Thanks so much for your encouragement and support. It means more to us than you know.
To Team RV and all you guys, Jerry...you just don't know how many "OOooohs and Aaaaahs" are heard when you guys fly. other comments like, "Now THAT was what I came here for", from pilots!

All of your efforts are greatly appreciated and the new uniforms only carry that commitment further.

Best of everything,

Those are not uniforms or flight suits, they are 'Superman Suits.' Ill tell you a little secret. We got these for branding and safety last year. They accomplished that.
What we did not expect to have happen is that when the Team RV pilots put them on, they turn into special men and pilots with focus, skill and determination that they do not have when the superman suit is off. I know you think Im kidding. But Im not. And remember, even when superman has his suit on, he is NOT invinsible. He still has vulnerablilities. We do too. But somehow when the suits go on, the men are in a whole different world and realize that they are special.
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Those are not uniforms or flight suits, they are 'Superman Suits.' Ill tell you a little secret. We got these for branding and safety last year. They accomplished that.
What we did not expect to have happen is that when the Team RV pilots put them on, they turn into special men and pilots with focus, skill and determination that they do not have when the superman suit is off. I know you think Im kidding. But Im not. And remember, even when superman has his suit on, he is NOT invinsible. He still has vulnerablilities. We do too. But somehow when the suits go on, the men are in a whole different world and realize that they are special.

Kahuna, what have you been smoking this morning? :D
Buck's name is spelled 'Buck Roetman'

Buck Roetman's hangar is at Falcon Field and he is a craftsman as well as a great pilot. The Falcon RV gang gets to watch him practice frequently. Buck is an IA, a great welder, engine man, and a dope & fabric master. I've known him over 25 years.
Congratulations, guys!! I can't wait til the next time we can see you all perform. Which, according to our new pleasantly-revised schedule, might be the West Tennessee show! :D Keep up the inspiration for us rivet pounders...
Great Show!!

Myself and a few RV friends watched Team RV perform at Jackson, MS on Saturday. What a show they put on !! Amazing !!. If you have the opportunity and have not seen them, GO!!

We were standing behind the security barricades and Mike Stewart (from quite a distance) noticed Ray Skates wearing a VAF shirt. That was all it took!
He came over and moments later we were on the "other side" hanging out with Team RV! All of these guys are super as were their wives and girlfriends!

This is a class act all the way!
Thanks Kahuna and all the team for spending time with us.

Our group consisted of David Bray, Ray Skates, Jimmy Risher and his girlfriend Marie and myself.

Link to some attempts at photos below.


Hi Mark,
Thanks so much for your kind words. We love to see our RV friends at the shows. If you had not crawled over the baracades, we would have dragged you over. The team very much enjoyed swapping lies about our RV's and yours. Thanks for coming out and seeing your RV brothers tear up the skies. Its an honor for us to perform in front of you all.