
Well Known Member
If you ever make it to Alaska put Talkeetna as one of your visiting spots. Nice airfield very easy to get in and out. Very touristy.

Grab a booklet with frequencies and routes from FSS and go fly. Ruth Glacier would be a great sightseeing.

Watch reporting points and traffic.

If you have a good videographer as your co-pilot you can get a really nice footage. Hi Wade.

Enjoy his short video clip.

Wow, this bring lots of good memory from my climbing days, if I am not mistaking there is pix of hunter in the second photo which we climbed years ago. K2 was a great company to take us to the glacier.

I am jealous :)
Betcha' didn't do this out of Talkeetna:

Seriously need a LIKE button!

I went up in 2015 to fly Don Lee's "Bush Wheel" course at Alaska Floats & Skis. Did a little glacier flying, plus a little float flying as well as landing on some kick-*** sand bars.

I highly recommend it!
I was just up there as part of a cruise/land trip. They just had a fly-in recently and they have a cool t-shirt from that that would be a great souvenir.

Are you thinking about residency in AK? It is easy to fall in love with the state...it is truly a gift that keeps giving. I was based in ANC for seven years. Although I commuted to the base, I enjoyed every layover and time spent there between trips.

Unlike NJ, AK will pay you to live there with a nice distribution from the oil revenues, although, I believe that annual distribution amount is significantly less than before. However, with new authority to expand oil drilling in Anwar, those dividends may return to their original glory and so will real estate prices!
