
Well Known Member
I just ordered a TailbeaconX and a AV-20E that I will be installing on my 8A soon. I?ve been flying without ADS-B out and as I was looking for which solution to go with, my KT76A quit working. Perfect time to upgrade to a better transport der as well. Question for those that know, will I have to have power to the nav light for the TailbeaconX to work, or will the power through the AV-20E be all that is needed for the transponder and adsb to work?

I'm also going that route....

I'm doing the TailbeaconX and AV-30E on my RV-6A. I don't have a rear position light now, but since you need a TX and RX wire from the gauge to the tailbeaconX, I'm going to run a shielded 4-conductor wire to the tailbeaconX to supply PWR / GND / RXD / TXD. The regular tailbeacon uses the existing wiring from your rear position light, but the tailbeaconX requires additional wiring so will work whether or not you have power there now.
Still confused

I understand the differences between the tailbeacon and TailbeaconX. The wiring is straightforward, my question is does the Nav Lights power source have to be on for the transponder and adsb portion of the tailbeacon to work? Does the power source for the Nav Lights only illuminate the led in the tailbeacon?

There is only one power source to the tailbeaconX. If you currently have a rear position light, and use that power for the tailbeaconX, then when you switch off the "position light" switch, the tailbeaconX ads-b transponder AND white position light will both go off.

There is only one power source to the AV-20E/30E. If you currently have an avionics power source, and use that power for the AV-20E/30E, then when you switch off the "avionics" switch, the AV-20E/30E 12-in-1 gauge AND transponder controller inside the AV-20E/30E will go off.

One does not power the other. Both require a power source. You can use the same power source if you join the power wires together. You cannot have the traibeaconX transponder on without the white position light on, and vise-versa, you cannot have the white position light on without the transponder on.
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A couple of considerations:
1. As noted above, you must run the tail nav light all the time, even on the ground, as the FARs require ADSB - out to be run all the time. If I were doing this, I'd remove the tail nav light switch and replace it with a pullable breaker.

2. If you are planning on night flying, and you have the wingtip strobes that are imbedded in the tips (not visible from the rear), then you need to add another strobe or anti-collision light that can be seen from the back.

A couple of considerations:
1. As noted above, you must run the tail nav light all the time, even on the ground, as the FARs require ADSB - out to be run all the time. If I were doing this, I'd remove the tail nav light switch and replace it with a pullable breaker.

That?s why I was asking this question, my Nav lights are tied together on the same switch right now, but the rear light will soon be on its own source.

2. If you are planning on night flying, and you have the wingtip strobes that are imbedded in the tips (not visible from the rear), then you need to add another strobe or anti-collision light that can be seen from the back.

I?m all set for my strobe?s, but thanks
...You cannot have the traibeaconX transponder on without the white position light on...
This *may* not be true. uAvionix has supported the installation of the SkyBeacon within a fibreglass wingtip, and supplied the information necessary to turn the light off with a software/firmware setting. I know there are people installing the tailBeaconX in a wingtip (because they already have a strobe on the tail, for example) but haven't heard if they have been able to arrange for the light to be turned off.

In any case, it won't be something you can switch on-the-fly, it'll be a one-time setting.