
OK RV formation pilots. Who is going to be the frst to try this? :eek:


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That is COOL.. I've done that in a Cub. But I am sure we didn't look that cool. It cleans the tires real good. Nothing like a 80kt water blast to the tires.
If anyone out there thinks they'd like to try this, please don't attempt it without locking the brakes first. :eek:

James Jennings
RV9 N94JJ reserved
We didn't use brakes. The tires spun. In fact at those speeds it's just a hydroplaning. We actually had a bounce or two on the surface H2O is hard at 80kts. :D
This looks incredibly dangerous, but apparently it is not. I assume the tires want to skip off the surface?

I readily admit that I don't have the kahuna's to try it. I get the creeps just looking at the pictures.
f1rocket said:
This looks incredibly dangerous, but apparently it is not. I assume the tires want to skip off the surface?

I readily admit that I don't have the kahuna's to try it. I get the creeps just looking at the pictures.

Randy Im completely with you. Gives me the whillies looking at those pictures. I want to meet the guy that tried this first decades ago. How on earth did he manage to push the stick fwd that last 2 feet to touchdown and not pass out from fear and sweat. Good grief.
I had a buddy try to get his J3 to do a complete circle with both tires in the water and he stuck the inside wheel in too deep at almost stall speed. But he also had to do the circle in a skid to keep both wheels on the surface. At "high" speeds it is really no big deal. But I am older now. I don't want to try to explain this to my insurance agent how I sunk my perfectly good airplane in a lake jacking around. I have seen many tail wheel airplanes use part water and part shore to land. Water for the first part and shore for last. It's kind of self critiquing.

f1rocket said:
This looks incredibly dangerous, but apparently it is not. I assume the tires want to skip off the surface?

I readily admit that I don't have the kahuna's to try it. I get the creeps just looking at the pictures.
I was sure the picture was a photoshop job, cuz no one would be crazy enough to try that... but after scrolling down. Wow. Those guys are insane. You've gotta do that very early in the morning on a completely calm day. Slight engine hiccup or muscle twitch and you're bait.
Hi Guys,
I am fortunate enough to know these pilots - some of them for over 20 years now. They perform at all the airshows here in South Africa. They CAN fly and this is NOT a photo trick! Proudly South African! :p
OK, I'll say it if nobody else will....

...4 is sucked by several feet.

Braver than me, though.

I knew a guy who used to do that in a Cessna 140. He went to Alaska and flew an Aztec into cumulus granite with a load of passengers.

I'd heard of that being done in Stearmans. An airshow pilot friend said, the harder you push the stick forward, the higher rooster tail behind you. These pictures are neat to see.

Bob Severns

Back in 1971 I started ag work in a backpack PA-18 without the door. I read about this and was told by an old-timer to get the sun on your side so your shadow is next to the open door. When you look out at the wheel, you can see your wheel's shadow get closer and closer to the wheel and the two will meet as the wheel touches the water. I was doing around 80 MPH then and yes. the water is very hard at that speed!
Smarter now,
Does size matter?

How does the size of tire factor into the ease with which this insane stunt is accomplished? Just curious (not about to try it!).
have you noticed though, when you get down that close to the water, the ground effects push you up hard.
mark manda said:
have you noticed though, when you get down that close to the water, the ground effects push you up hard.

No differently than when doing a wheel landing. You guys with those nosewheels that stick out lower than the mains have to be REAAAAAALLY careful when you go waterskiing!
Here's another one...

This is one of my favorite photos. Sure looks like that could be Jay Pratt (in Shooter) in the #2 position? :D

Cub pics are neat.
Somehow I feel I could bring myself to do it in a supercub(someone elses) with tundra wheels in 2" of water.

But my RV with them tiny wheels and wheelpants. Oh my, here come the whillies again.

And in formation.. Christ I feel sick to my stomach. :(

Bryan Wood sent me this video of a Super Cub landing in the river and sliding into shore. I have to try this one day. Damn cool.

Man I bet you guys make my cable modem keel over today. No wining if its slow.

Those are amazing stunts. I wonder how much one needs to increase the power to compensate for the large drag the tires in the water create?

Alex Peterson
You think that's crazy

Yesterday, I was talking to an elderly gentleman who has a long history in aviation. He worked for North American before and during WWII. He joined the Army Air Corps and was a B-29 flight engineer and gunner. After the war he worked on everything from P-51's to F-117 until retirement.
He said that for gunnery training they flew AT-6's. I told him about the pictures of the water skiing AT-6's and he told me they never tried that in training. Instead they would touch their WING TIP to the water while making a low skidding turn - yikes!
He also told me that on several occasions flying as flight engineer on the B-29, they would fly in a three ship formation with the two outside planes' wingtips touching the underside of the lead plane's wingtips. I asked him why they did that and he said it was a rite of passage for new pilots (gulp).
He also told me about a B-29 crew that attempted to do a roll. The plane did a split-S once it was inverted, oversped, and did a high G pull-out with significant damage to several systems. The pilot and co-pilot were demoted to non-flying status and transferred.
Janekom said:
Hi Guys,
I am fortunate enough to know these pilots - some of them for over 20 years now. They perform at all the airshows here in South Africa. They CAN fly and this is NOT a photo trick! Proudly South African! :p
Ditto, Proudly South African:D:):p
