
Well Known Member
Just installed a SureFly in place of the impulse mag and when running the engine to check everything out while the SureFly seems to be working fine, I have what looks like electrical noise on the D100 display (both horizontal and vertical lines) which is not noticeable when the engine is not running. Has anyone else had a noise issue with the SureFly, do I need a ferrite noise filter on the power wire, or is it just coincidence and the D100 needs to go to Dynon for repair (I have had screen noise issues on my spare D100 which Dynon fixed).
That document appears to be devoted to an issue different from what the OP is seeing on his Dynon. I fly one SureFly and haven't had any electrical anomalies pop up on the Dynon D10-A or the other digital devices in the RV-6.

Figs, do the display issues go away when doing a mag check with the SureFly turned off?
Sam, good question and a good test, I did not notice but will check that out this week.