
Hi all,

In September I will be flying my -7A from Ottawa to St. Catharines (CYRP to CYSN). Anyone here have any advice on how best to transit through Toronto airspace, and thoughts on parking etc at CYSN for two nights?

Looks like I need to pass just south of CYTZ, without getting too far out over the water. Not sure how accomodating controllers in Toronto might be to GA aircraft. I have flown into CYTZ a few times, but never transited through.

Thanks for any help!


Ottawa (Carp)
Matt, I've flown through and into Toronto's airspace for 30+ years. Call Toronto centre prior to entry to the terminal area, they'll give you a mode c code, and just do what they ask. They will keep you low or vector you depending on what approaches are in use at Pearson. Gotta watch out for the traffic at YTZ, as it's quite busy with Porter. Your other option is to stay low and stay out of the Toronto terminal area and any controlled airspace around Oshawa, Toronto Is, Hamilton etc. Of course your last option is to fly completely around Toronto to the north, where you can maintain a higher altitude. I'd highly recommend having the terminal area chart too.

All in all it's not hard, just do as centre says and keep your eyes open.

Ask Kelvin Horton; he has just done the trip 2 weeks ago.


I did a somewhat similar trip two weeks ago, flying from Smiths Falls to St. Thomas and back. The direct route goes right by CYTZ, so that is what I did. I used flight following starting with Ottawa Terminal (127.7), and they handed me off to Montreal Centre, then Toronto Centre, then Toronto Terminal, then CYTZ Tower, then Toronto Terminal, etc. It was a very scenic trip.

As expected, Toronto Terminal gave me a series of descents so I was at 2500 ft when I passed through CYTZ's zone. It was a bit busy on the radio, but it was a non event.

I was mentally prepared for the possibility that they might want to vector me south over the lake. I was prepared to tell them that I could go as low as they needed if that helped, but that I would remain within gliding range of land the whole time. I was prepared to turn back and go around the north side of Toronto if that became the only option. But, they never asked me to go south, so the issue never came up.
Transitioning past Toronto

I did this trip a couple of years ago when I ferried an RV4 from a little grass strip outside Hamilton to Waterville NS. Before I climbed into Toronto's airspace I contacted Toronto approach, told them I was on a flight plan to Sherbrook PQ, and wanted to take the VFR corridor over the shoreline through Toronto. The controller asked me what altitude I wanted, told him 3500 for the view and was told to stay over the shore line and maintain 3500. Porter was taking off and arriving at the Island, but I never talked to them. I was handed off to Oshawa, then Trenton. Got Dropped after Trenton because of low ceilings but picked up by Montreal later. Piece of cake, and like Kevin, a beautiful day and great view of the city.

Joe Hine

Thanks guys -

I have done the trip to Toronto Island CYTZ several times so I am somewhat familiar with the area, but have never transitioned through. Sounds like as long as I have a friendly controller it should be pretty straightforward.

I guess I will need to do a few orbits over Niagara Falls while I am out there! Will try to return with some photos.


And if you want to do a couple of orbits around the tower, just ask the island (City Centre) and they will drop you around 1700 ft (or lower) to go a round a few times. You can also be at the main deck level without any issues.

As long as you stay north of the island runway, they are really good about it.

Stay low

I have flown it many times and have found that if you are 3-4000 or higher they will occassionaly fire you off into the middle of lake i mean out so far your gps is showing you are almost in US airspace. If you stay low...1500-2500 they almost always let you hug the shore...and its a much nicer, and safer flight.