I need some help tracking down a heated pitot tube for my RV7 project.

It appears the only sources for new heated pitot tube that can readily be installed to RV's are the AN5812-12 (or CH502) manufactured by Aero Instrument. This unit is currently selling for anywhere between $950 and $1100 (it was selling for a couple of hundred $ 3-4 years ago-go figure)

A second source is an experimental use only unit sold by ACS that is supposed to be a clone of the AN5812-12 unit which they sell for a mere $398. I'm starting to feel like I'm buying parts for a Bonanza!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

This ACS Experimental unit is manufactured by an Aussie company "Fly More". This unit is advertised to mount in the Gretz Aero extension bracket for the AN 5812-12 pitot tube. This tube is not drilled for mounting, does not sell with any tube fittings and barely has enough of a wiring pigtail to extend beyond the Gretz extension.

I reluctantly purchased the Australian unit, and surprise, it will not mount to the Gretz Aero extension without major surgery to the extension. The holes for holding the tube in the extenstion are not in the correct location to hold the Aussie unit, so the Gretz extension would have to be shortened and new holes drilled to mount the Aussie unit.

I'm inclined to return the Aussie unit and go on a junkyard search for a real AN5812-12 tube. Anyone have any ideas?????

Ted If you don't mind used parts, I was over at Air Salvage of Dallas and they had a whole box of different types of heated pitot tubes. I'm sure with a little experimentation:rolleyes:!!! Most were off Cessna's and Pipers and were standard L shaped with all conections intact. Most were in the $100 to $150 range (some more some less)and were in good to very good shape.
Heated Pitot

What about using a Cessna 310 414 and Bell Helicopter pitot (heated)?
I saw them in Wag Aero.
It is a straight model, cost new is 760. But probably in a salvage yard cheaper.
Would a straight vs a angel model be harder to install?
Fly More heated pitot

For what it is worth, I have the 'Fly More' heated pitot on my RV-7. Yes, I did have to shorten the Gretz mount but it works fine. It was a minor issue compared to many others along the way building.

Jack Holland
springcanyon said:
I ordered the mount from Gretz Aero (208-834-2312) and plan to order his heated pitot as soon as it is available.
I emailed him last week to inquire about when the heated pitot would be available. No answer to date. Has anyone heard anything about an availability date for the heated Gretz Aero Pitot Tube?
I waited and waited and waited for the heated pitot from Dynon. After I gave up on them I waited and waited and waited on Gretz. I would have liked to have the pitot from either one of them but couldn't get one by them time I was ready to fly. I emailed Jon Johanson and had a heated pitot ( at a reasonable price) about a week later. I should have got it from Jon to start with. Making it fit the Gretz mount is a very minor detail. If you need one I wouldn't wait.

Jack Holland
Has anybody used the Dynon heated pitot? I looked at their web site and its $399. I'm building the wings on my 7 now and need to figure out what I should do. Any Advice?

Source For Heated Pitot

Hi Ryan,

I started this post. Here is the conclusion to my heated pitot tube adventure...

I ended up getting a used Cessna 12v pitot from Central Airparts for $75.00. This is the older style AN5812 type pitot (with a shoulder at the mounting surface). The price was right and this is the most common GA heated pitot around (used on Beech Mooneys and others also). You can get replacement elements for it also.

I won't pay $1100 for a new AN5812, that's serious extortion!!! I also won't pay $400 for the Dynon or the Flymore unit. That's also pricey. but their price is driven by the market (the $1100 unit). My apologies to my friends down under, but Flymore would do well to include some instructions for the mods required to install this on an AN5812 type mount as their unit is advertised as a AN5812 type pitot.

If you chooze to get a used "older style" AN5812, you will have to ask Wayne Gretz to sell you an extension that is not drilled for the pitot tube. He drills the tubes for the later style AN5812 that does not have a mounting collar. You will have to drill the extension to fit the tube (4holes).

Have fun!
The last time I talked to Dynon (a month ago), there was still no projected date for the heated pitot tubes to be available. I've had one on order for 11 months. Somehow they can make a great EFIS and a great engine monitor, but a heated pitot tube is beyond their reach. :confused:
Why A Heated Pitot TUBE? Do you really need it?

I know even some lowly C-152's have heated pitot tubes, but...........

For those convinced they need that expensive, heavy, high Amperage load device, Read no further. :eek:

Do you really need a heated pitot? I hear many put it on because they like the looks. RV?s with VFR panels and a heated tube don't jive. What?s the purpose of your RV? How does a heated pitot fit into the picture? Considering the cost it might be a good idea to consider not installing a heated pitot. :D

Advantage of leaving off the heated pitot: Less weight, less electrical system load requirements, less cost (probe/mount/switch), easier and faster to build per plans.

If you are going to fly VFR, you can avoid icing conditions, negating any real need for a heated pitot. You *MUST* have visible moisture, meaning low low visibility, e.g., IMC in cloud or 1 mile vis or less and freezing temps, to get airframe icing, otherwise NO ICE. For those who insist you can just run into freezing rain in VFR conditions out of the blue, I only have to say, unlikely. Of course one guy said he got pitot ice when he was doing T&G's on a frozen runway in the Northern Yukon Territories. OK he got me. So if you plan on doing T&G's, on frozen runway in the "Hinter-land", you need a heated pitot.

If you are installing a heated pitot because you think it might be something you will need in the future or like the way it looks, consider just running two 18 gage wires from the panel out the wing and secure them for future use. Make room for a switch and fuse/CB in the panel. A future heated pitot installation would be easy, if you decide you need it. Once you start flying your RV, you won?t notice the pitot tube anyway, unless you are crawling on the ground under the wing. So the sex appeal of a heat pitot as a reason to install it escapes me.

For you hard core, got to get there IFR pilots, icing conditions be Damn, a heated pitot is a good idea, however there are back-up airspeed indicators, GPS (gnd speed but a good relative approx) and power/attitude (which equals airspeed). If you have a heated pitot, do you have heated tank vents or alternate static? If not, you might be in trouble if the tank vents ice over.

Sorry for the rant and rave :p , but a heated pitot on a VFR plane is a pet-peeve. I like the cheap, light, simple solution. Follow my recommendation and you will save $100's of dollars and several pounds from your plane. For those who install it, let me know how many times you actually use it.

Cheers George :D
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Well, I already cut the hole in the wing skin for the mast, so I'm committed (and not to a mental institution). ;)

Another factor in my decision is that I wanted to use the AOA feature on the Dynon EFIS-D10, which requires using either their non-heated pitot ($200) or their heated pitot (supposedly $400). What's $200 on a near 6 figure project?
Heated Pitot

I have just been through this extortion and finally got a used chromed pitot tube from Wentworth Aircraft Inc. They said in a reply to my email inquiry "we have one but it is not chromed." When I called the fellow I talked to sent me the chromed AN5812. The element works so I am happy at $95.00.
I was talking to Evan Johnson (makes a lot of RV fuel tanks) and he is working on a heated one. I think he is hoping to get it in the $250.00 range. It is in the "development" stage.

I think the used tube is the way to go on this until someone produces an "experimental" one that we can afford.
IFR heated pitot a must

George I agree with your post, that if your plane is VFR why put a heated pitot. If your plane is going to be used for any IFR flight it must have a heated pitot, along with other instruments. I live in So Cal and we often have days where the smog/haze or low clouds for that matter prevent you from getting off the ground VFR. You can get up IFR and cancel and be on your way. That is another thread all together.
Pitot heat not req for IFR rules

Ryan Slater said:
George, I agree with your post, that if your plane is VFR why put a heated pitot. If your plane is going to be used for any IFR flight it must have a heated pitot, along with other instruments. I live in So Cal and we often have days where the smog/haze or low clouds for that matter prevent you from getting off the ground VFR. You can get up IFR and cancel and be on your way. That is another thread all together.
Ryan, I agree IFR capability great, and a heated pitot is good to have for IFR flight. However, the heated pitot is not strictly required by the FAR's. You said you "MUST" have a heated pitot, but it is not required by the Regs. Part of the equation for airframe ice is visible moisture and freezing temps. In SoCal the typical average surface temp in January is 56F, so winter freezing levels is around 6-7 thousand feet. For "light IFR" departures in morning fog / smog in SoCal, it's likely you can fly all year (at lower altitudes) without ice, but it snows in Las Vegas sometimes. :eek: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas :cool:

IFR capability is a great thing to have. As you say you can't depart because the tower's beacon is on during the day, due to morning fog / smog / marine layer, but there is great VFR nearby. It's a real nice thing to have. I also found flying VFR enroute high over an under-cast, it is nice to know you can "pop-up" and get an IFR decent. Cheers George :D
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Replacement heater elements


Does any one know where you can get replacement heater elements for the old Aero Instuments AN5812 pitot tubes? Mine looks to be replaceable.

Replacement pitot heaters


Try a large Avionics shop. A friend had his Piper pitot mast heater element replaced by an Avionics shop.

replacing elements

I would also like to know if the elements can be replaced. I bought a burned out one on Ebay that looks good otherwise. I made a neat little tool to unscrew what I thought was the element but found that it was just a cap over the top of the element. It almost seems like the elements are potted in? If they are not potted in it might be they are soldered in? Anyway if anyone has done this I would like to know how to replace the elements in an AN5812
Hate to be a shameless advocate, but...

Just bought a new one from Steinair. $465, includes a stainless mast, mount, phenolic plug connector, screws, etc...

I already had a gretz chrome wount and it fits that as well. Plus, I was expecting a cheesey experimental peice, but it is really nice!
